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Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • Huh, wasn't aware of that. Well, after a bit more research, excluding that one species in that one study, there are no exclusively homosexual animals.

  • Animal homosexual behaviour under-reported by scientists, survey shows
  • The issue with finding homosexual behaviour in animals is that it's never exclusive. Homosexual animals tend to be bisexual at best, and can often be chalked up to erroneous mating.

    A lot of these studies are used to validate human homosexuality and harm the "it's unnatural!" argument touted by conservatives. However using a Call to Nature is fallacious, and could be used to validate all number of animal behaviour.

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • Couldn't that logic be used against literally any good action? Like giving $100,000 to a malaria charity isn't going to stop malaria. If everyone thought like vegans, the world would be vegan, the climate crisis would almost entirely be averted, rivers swimmable, billions of animal lives saved each year.

    If during your supermarket shop, you use vegan recipes instead, you'll be one of those dominos. You could be the systemic change!

  • The parsnip will rule
  • Added a parsnip to my vege soup this week, absolutely added a whole bunch of flavour, can recommend.

  • YouTube is dedicated to making itself worse; destroys SponsorBlock with ad injection changes
  • Maybe it's like those Facebook posts where you tell Mark Zuckerberg that he's not allowed to profit off your photos.

  • lemmy user(ule)s: "this sign won't stop me because i can't read"
  • Good on you for moral consistency. If someone said that eating meat was hurtful to animals (not to mention destroying the planet), you'd have a little empathy and stop, right?

  • What demos are you playing for this edition of Steam Next Fest?
  • My games on Next Fest! It's called Game Over, it's a rhythm-combat RPG and the demo is basically a stand alone free game with its own story. Please try it!

  • What makes you stand out?
  • Are you vegan?

  • New trick for getting my picky kiddo to eat her veggies:
  • I'm not a parent, but wouldn't you just wait your kid's hunger out? Like, they'll get hungry enough to eat vegetables eventually, they're not going to starve themselves to death. Once they've had a serving of vegetables, it's back to the regular diet.

  • eSafety drops case against Elon Musk's X over church stabbing videos
  • Good news in my opinion, Australia was overreaching with this. Would have set a stupid precedent.

  • Dinosaurs rule
  • MechaGameZilla did an excellent video on the topic.

  • What's your favourite fruit(s) ?
  • Tamarillos! They're pretty rare now, tart and sweet, looks a feijoa and a tomato crossed. Love em!

  • What's the most popular activity you could never get into?
  • I don't understand how you pick a team if you werent born in an area with a team. Like, as a New Zealander, how can I get excited for a premiere league team that I essentially pick at random?

  • What's the most popular activity you could never get into?
  • It really was excellent in its infancy, once you'd honed your algorithm. Some of the funniest, sharpest content on the internet at the time, with a really tight knit in-joke machine - reminiscent of early internet communities. It boomered up and burnt out, but there was certainly a spark there.

  • Chinese scientists develop cure for diabetes, insulin patient becomes medicine-free in just 3 months
  • But why wouldn't a rival company just start up and sell the cures? Not all pharma companies sell insulin.

  • List of Unrulesual Deaths
  • In the list there's "unknown Iraqi male" who died by meteor shower, 19th century, not too far in.

  • Game Over - PC trailer

    "Lemmy at em!" says some wisecracking character in my video game maybe, in a referential nod to a relatively niche community in an attempt to appeal.

    For the past six years I've been working on Game Over, a Comedy Rhythm RPG, and maybe you'll like it?

    There's a little demo on Steam and also one on which you can play free of charge! What a deal! What a sweet treat for yourself and friends!

    Also I don't have a complaints form, so if you have any, please comment below and I will angrily defend myself and take potshots at you.

    Call now!

    threeduck threeduck
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