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Living animals/creatures Tier List (open for opinions)
  • apes in god tier

    Everything you say is beautiful and true.

  • Commander Biden cannot stop biting Secret Service agents
  • i keep seeing this news and thinking "commander" is used as a title for joe biden. brandon off the shits

  • Western doublespeak compilation
  • Fascism and neoliberalism aren't mutually exclusive, though I see what you're getting at.

  • "Research" by US university says lemmygrad is the 4th most popular "tankie" website
  • i'm thinking about their claim that "the predominant topic of discussion" among tankies is the uyghur "genocide." like bro there's 99 more percentiles of non-uyghur related topics. i see a post about xinjiang on here like once a month.

  • South Korean National Intelligence Service raids the offices of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions over suspected ties to the DPRK

    A shameless attack on labour rights - the Red Scare is real. If there're any Korean comrades reading this, stay strong.
