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Real-Time Strategy is incredible and you should play it
  • Love this idea. But being as shit as I am, I think I'll just lose 1 minute after no rush ends.

  • What web services do you subscribe to?
  • How do you all use ChatGPT API? Any tools that interface well with it?

  • Should I quit engineering?
  • It seems like you are stuck in a bad environment at the moment and that does not help with your own progression.

    Having a good team culture makes a lot of difference. When you get support and help from your lead and other devs, it makes life a lot better, and you learn much more from one another.

    Go. Go see what else is out there and find a better place for you.

  • How do I convince my company to add tests for FE?
  • There's a VS Code extension that records the steps you took and creates the test for you. But more often than not, you would have to make some changes too.

  • A comprehensive guide to the dangers of Regular Expressions in JavaScript
  • That was a good read. Didn't know this is how DOS can be caused by Regex.

  • Advice needed, son wants to learn how to program
  • Shit. My reading sucks.

  • Advice needed, son wants to learn how to program
  • Google Scratch! Could be a good way to get started.

  • timdrake Robin

    I'm Tim, Stephanie is my SO and Newcastle is the third party that refuses to go away.

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