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The Supreme Court rules that state officials can engage in a little corruption, as a treat
  • Their formatting was dog dukey, but I was still able to parse what they were saying fairly easily. They're saying "good job judge Jackson. Too bad you won't be able to get a free house from insert evil billionaire here (/s)". While I agree with your sentiment, the way you go about pointing these things out can backfire, if done with a rude tone, such as the way you chose to do it. There you go; an unsolicited constructive criticism for an unsolicited constructive criticism. :)

  • Venue cancels anti-LGBTQ+ antisemitic conference at last minute, upsetting bigots
  • Oh, gotcha. That's an interesting thought, but I would still be worried about the possibility of bullets and molotovs flying around my venue and people dying, when all of that is avoidable by just saying no to having the event in the first place.

    People are fantasizing about sticking it to the fascists (which, believe me, I'm 1000% for), but this just isn't the way to do it, IMHO.

  • Venue cancels anti-LGBTQ+ antisemitic conference at last minute, upsetting bigots
  • That's pretty risky.. As someone who works in many venues (touring live production), I wouldn't want to throw venue security into the line of fire like that. No venue security crew is equipped to deal with mobs with molotovs...

  • YSK: is managed by tankies, and lead lemmy developer is a tankie
  • Both of y'all are talking a lot about evidence without posting any sources. I don't have a side in this debate, but I would like to see some of this evidence you guys keep referencing, just to further my own understanding of these historical events.

    Edit: grammar.

  • Joe Biden suddenly leads convicted felon Donald Trump in multiple battleground states
  • Crazy how, in a country with 255 million (in 2020) citizens of voting age, more people will come out to vote against a wannabe dictator. What could possibly possess people to want to protect their rights, right!? Must be fake.

  • Tesla Cybertruck Dominated by F-150 Lightning In Sand Drag Race
  • Well, it's very meaningful to continue to support your emotional support corporations. They need us as much as we need them. That's why you need to buy the product, and the "continued use" package. They're not charging extra for standard things just to charge extra. It's about the continued closeness in your relationship with daddy Tesla.

  • Newsmax Host Ominously Warns ‘You People in Your Cities’ Who Are ‘Pushing the Party That Owns 90% of the Guns’
  • We don't sentence people based on our feelings about them because it's impossible to do so in an objective, fair way across all courts. This man has enjoyed an absurd level of luxury/freedoms throughout his life, relative to just about everyone else. Let him rot in prison for the rest of his life. I hope he lives to 100 in there.

  • Trying to buy a house is 'playing a game you can't win'
  • I don't get how you don't get it. I mean that with no animosity of any kind. I'm genuinely curious when people talk about buying a house like it's a common sense option.

    As a millennial in my early 30's, the only people I know my age that own a house are people with parents that essentially handed them a fully built life when they came of age. As in, paid for college, bought their first (or first few) cars, floated them after college, paid for their weddings, then paid half or the full deposit on their "starter" home. And that's not a specific person I have in mind. That's every friend I have who owns a house. Their parents had that kind of money. Every other person I know that doesn't have rich parents (I'm in this camp) is working themselves to the bone just to scrape by. After 16 years in the workforce, 14 of those years being in a highly niche (but terribly paid) tech role, I can barely afford to keep a car running doing all of the work myself, let alone scrape together an extra $200 to get a secured card so I can finally start building credit. My pay checks are already consumed by the time they hit my account, and there's a seemingly endless backlog of debt from decades of poverty. My parents are finally at a point were they can help their kids at times, but it's in small amounts and they can only help one or two of us at a time. But, they're boomers who might never retire, so even taking small loans from them feels bad. It's an incredibly disparaging state of existence. I'm leaving out a lot of details for the sake of not writing a novel, but, I'm not financially illiterate, and I'm not giving up. I've just accepted the bleakness of my reality while I slowly grind myself (hopefully) out of it over the next 2 to 3 decades.

    I'm not trying to whine, or point out your privilege. What I'm saying is; this is my reality. One in which the concept of "extra money" you can put aside for smart investments is a nice delusion to entertain. The fact that people like you are out there wondering why someone our age wouldn't buy a house boggles my mind, but also shows a very stark contrast in the lives of working/povery-class people and middle class and up. That is a huge problem.

    But that's just my perspective. As I said, I'm genuinely curious to hear yours. How are you in a position where buying a house is the obvious option when statistics show that is very much not the case for most people under 40?

    Edit: spelling.

  • 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances
  • Nope! I have hypertension, so I'm extremely sodium conscious, out of necessity. The king Oscar tins we buy have 350mg of sodium in them, which is around 15% DV. That's not much compared to pretty much all red meats..

  • 54% of young Americans say food costs are the biggest strain on their finances
  • Sardines are a great (and cheap!) source of protein and they're super nutrient dense. Tons of vitamin d, b, fish oils. This has little to do with the topic at hand, I just got turned onto sardines as someone that wrote them off my entire adult life and they're awesome!

    On topic though, I love threads like these because we get to see all of the middle/upper middle class nepo-babies come out with their advice on how to manage living with a level of poverty they have clearly never experienced. Always such a special time.

  • Americans have now spent all $2.1 trillion of their pandemic savings, San Francisco Fed says
  • You're making assumptions about who you're talking to and expecting us to make assumptions based off of that, as if the world can read your mind? You are responsible for making sure your arguments are intelligible, not the people reading said arguments.

  • Americans have now spent all $2.1 trillion of their pandemic savings, San Francisco Fed says
  • I think you hang out with losers that derive their sense of self-worth from their personal (or mommy and daddy's) spending power. Maybe instead of extrapolating big picture conclusions from your anecdotal evidence, you should expand your horizons, get out there, and experience more life.

    Also, saying "this generation" on the internet is a bit like saying "look over there" without pointing in a direction.. We can infer that you're talking about one of the younger three generations, but without context, your whole argument is muddied and pointless. It's pedantic, I know, but if you're gonna dole out criticisms on a whole generation universally, it's only fair you get some in return.

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