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Favourite controllers
  • The Wii U Pro controller in general was great. Best battery life I have ever seen on a controller. Great dpad thats clicky but still uses membranes so it's still a bit softer than the one in the DSi or New 3DS systems. The sticks were incredibly smooth too for some reason. I would use it more today if it wasn't for the lack of gyro, which is a dealbreaker for many games for me.

  • The PlayStation 2
  • Were you a dev back in the day that's still mad at sony for not telling you by any chance? Just curious, because you seem like you have quite the problem with Sony not telling devs about the differences of a devkit.

  • The PlayStation 2
  • That dev kits were more powerful? I looked it up and wasn't able to find anything about that. Besides that, things like having more RAM is not uncommon on devkits if you mean that.

  • The PlayStation 2
  • I love the PS2. Many great games, played a lot of Lego Star Wars II on it. I still play on mine every few days, it's a great system. Games today aren't like this anymore.

  • The PlayStation 2
  • It wasn't as underpowered as many people think. I know it's easy to go like "yeah the cpus clockspeed is like 50% lower than the gamecubes and half as slow as the one in the xbox", but really that's just half of the story. The Emotion Engine was quite powerful in the right hands, you just needed to know how to fully use it, including the 2 vector units. There are enough games out there that show the PS2s full potential. The problem is that a lot of the earlier games didn't really fully utilize the EE.

  • The PlayStation 2
  • Man, TimeSplitters 2 is the goat. Still play it every now and then. Some levels weren't that great, but the characters, multiplayer aspect and just the overall "goofyness" of the game really make it stand out

  • My Pixel 5a just died after 5 months of use. Looking for a new phone I can deGoogle.
  • Hm, that would probably be a challenge, might not be worth it.

    I'm using an S10e with the Exynos chip since recently, and I think it runs great. The problem is that I was coming from a 5 and a half year old Huawei phone, and most phones offer a better experience than that so I'm not sure if I can really give a good performance estimate.

  • What platform are you playing Minecraft on?
  • Only playing java on PC these days. I used to play the legacy edition a lot, but yk, there's a reason its called the legacy edition now. I also have the bedrock edition on Switch since 2018, but I wasn't prepared for the shitshow the it is. Haven't played it for years though.

  • The Sega Dreamcast
  • Maybe if it played the Nintendo way, deciding to be really different and not focus on power but on simple games.

    Well back then, Nintendo wasn't like this, at least not on the home console market. The Gamecube was pretty powerful for its time, more so than the PS2 some would say.

  • Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • Neither the Wii nor the Wii U use emulation. Both have the hardware to play GC games natively.

    But keep in mind that the Wii U's upscale of SD content is not that great. It wont necessarily look better than using a Wii over component cables.

    You could get an upscaler, but you know, 480p or 480i is never gonna look good on a 1080p or 4k display. You have the choice between very blurry, kinda blurry, or really sharp and pixelated. Most prefer the latter, but none look truly great I'd say.

  • Play GB games
  • Might also be a broken contrast wheel. Could be fixable with IPA if it doesn't work right.

    If it's really the display, I guess there are at least many replacement options available.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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