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Climate change protesters arrested after painting Stonehenge monument orange
  • my thought exactly; this is just wack. there are so many better things to vandalize

  • A heat wave currently roasting the southeastern US is expected to spread into the country’s Midwest and northeast, potentially affecting nearly 250 million people, with temperatures up to 40C.
  • I remember as a kid during the summer in my area we would have maybe like a few days or a week of heat and that would be the heat wave for the year. Then it became 1-2 weeks of heat, then multiple heatwaves per year, and now it's just common for the heat to hang around all summer and then a solid 2ish months of high temps from like October to mid/late November. Last year I was wearing my summer clothes through early December. very cool and not concerning at all

  • lmao Ansarallah hit some ukrainian cargo ships
  • can we take a moment to appreciate that Yemen started doing this, got bombed by the U.S. (again), continued doing it, the U.S. begged them to stop with promises of treats and pats on the head, and Yemen was just like nah (with that baller line "We are not within the circle of those you dictate to”) and kept doing it? All while being one of the poorest countries in the world. Absolute king shit

  • Americans have depleted their excess savings and are now depleting their credit lines as well. The percentage with delinquent credit card debt is approaching the peak at the end of the dotcom bubble.
  • this was always so weird to me. My parents at least have an excuse that they're as broke as I am so I don't expect it from them lol but I have a friend whose parents are retired and have like, literally millions spread across different accounts and they refuse to help him out with anything. it's not like they have a bad relationship either, it's just a "pull yourself up by the bootstraps, kiddo" kinda thing.

  • Soldiers in Ukraine say US-supplied tanks have made them targets for Russian strikes
  • We had a case when we fired 17 rounds into a house and it was still standing

    salute to the anti-NATO house 🫡

  • At least 45 killed in Israeli airstrike on displaced persons camp in Rafah, health ministry says, hours after Hamas fired rockets into Israel
  • you know things are bad when even the mostly pro-Israel libs on social media are going like "uhh... Israel what are you doing, this is actually horrifying"

  • Biden's EV tariffs may not be enough to stave off the threat of Chinese vehicles in the U.S.
  • God please let China flood the US with cheap EVs I want one so bad

  • A Ukrainian recon commander in Kharkiv said its first line of defense was missing, in a 'betrayal' that allowed Russian troops to just walk in
  • a lot of their current soldiers were likely press ganged into fighting anyway I don't blame them being like "fuck this shit"

  • General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 20
  • was speaking to a family member who mentioned her coworker talking about "standing with Israel" which sent me into a full blown rant about how fucking evil Zionists are and how Palestinians are 100% justified in their attacks on Israel and I think my indignant rage kinda shook her a bit lol.

    I feel like I've had this anger boiling just under the surface for so long and I finally opened a release valve and just went off about how Israel and the US are unequivocally evil. I ended up apologizing to her because once I cooled down I felt bad about blowing up on her but man it felt good to finally just release all that anger. I need a better way to channel it though

  • UN votes to back Palestinian membership, prompting Israeli envoy to shred charter
  • lmfao everyone please watch the video in the linked article, it's hilarious. When he pulls out the super tiny paper shredder I laughed out loud. It legit feels like a scene from an Austin Powers movie or something.

  • Pro-Palestine protesters and UW-Madison administration agree on deal to end encampment
  • this and that other school that ended their encampment on a promise for a divestment vote in like November or whatever are exactly why you don't let liberals lead your protest movements. It's fucking embarrassing

  • F-22 Raptor involved in ‘mishap’ during Georgia training exercise
  • obviously it would suck for pretty much everyone but it's funny imagining the war popping off and the US having a bunch of looney tunes accidents like jets trying to take off from an aircraft carrier and dropping into the ocean or ICBMs launching straight up, doing a u-turn and then just obliterating the launch site, etc.

  • Always amazing to watch people realizing how they're being brainwashed about China by western propaganda.
  • My friend's girlfriend is Chinese and when I first met her we talked about China for a bit and she later told him that she wasn't used to people talking positively about China. He told me she sometimes lies about her ethnicity to avoid people being racist. made me want to punch a wall

  • Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • it's so ridiculous how that's even possible; baffling how anyone can think this country is a democracy

  • Now do NDAs.
  • I always thought non-compete agreements were so bizarre. like why would a company get to have any say where I can work after I stop working for them lol. Same vibes as an HOA telling you what color you're allowed to paint your house or how long your grass can be

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • lol I haven't worked there in years but I believe the actual degree I put down was psychology. I think they were just desperate to fill the position because at the time their IT dept was like 2 people

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • just said I had an unrelated degree because the position required a degree of any kind

  • People be spending 300k in an undergrad degree???!!
  • my friend's wife went to school to be a veterinarian and she's still paying off her loan. She graduated ~15 years ago.

    I dropped out of college back then and just lied on my resume to get an IT job lol sicko yes

  • A man set himself on fire outside Trump's NYC courthouse. He was badly burned and taken away from the scene on a stretcher. It's not known if this was related to the trial.
  • I liked Brace from his pisspiggranddad days but ever since I learned that his co-host hates cats I can no longer listen to it in good conscience angery

  • toilet_wolf Yiazmat
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