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RiV-mesh v0.4.7.8
  • Yggdrasil-jumper v0.3.1 []

    This project aims to transparently reduce latency of a connection over Yggdrasil network for such applications as online gaming, VoIP and others.

    By default, yggdrasil-go routes data only through explicitly connected peers and doesn't attempt to reach other nodes accessible over the internet. Therefore, path usually contains 1-2 intermediary nodes, namely public peers of both sides. If both you and your peer use internet, you can send traffic directly (aka peer-to-peer), thus reducing latency.

    • Jumper connects to Admin API of the running router. And monitors active sessions (peers you have data exchange over Yggdrasil network with).
    • Once any such session appears, jumper tries to connect to associated peer, assuming it has another jumper running on the same listen_port.
    • Both jumpers exchange their external internet addresses and use NAT traversal technique to instantiate direct bridge over the internet.
    • If previous step was successful, jumper will relay all data passing the bridge to the router until session is closed or other error occurs.

    Changelog: []


  • RiV-mesh v0.4.7.8


    IoT end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. First self arranging mesh network running links aggregation!

    RiV-mesh is an implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network, created in the scope to produce the Transport Layer for RiV Chain Blockchain, also to facilitate secure conectivity between a wide spectrum of endpoint devices like IoT devices, desktop computers or even routers. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other RiV-mesh nodes. RiV-mesh does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4.

    Changelog: []

    #RiVmesh #Yggdrasil

    Movim v0.25.1 "Nagata"


    Movim is a social and chat platform that act as a frontend for the XMPP network.

    Once deployed Movim offers a complete social and chat experience for the decentralized XMPP network users. It can easily connect to several XMPP servers at the same time.

    With a simple configuration it can also be restricted to one XMPP server and will then act as a powerful frontend for it. Movim is fully compatible with the most used XMPP servers such as ejabberd or Prosody.

    Changelog: [] []


    Стейкинг стал популярным способом пассивного дохода для держателей криптовалют.
  • Диверсификация заработка со стейкинга и синергия активов

    Диверсификация заработка со стейкинга

    Стейкинг – это процесс блокировки криптовалюты на определенный срок для поддержки работы блокчейна и получения вознаграждений. Однако для минимизации рисков и увеличения доходов важно диверсифицировать источники заработка со стейкинга:

    1. Разные криптовалюты: Вместо того чтобы стейкать только одну криптовалюту, распределите свои активы между несколькими проектами. Это снижает риск потерь, если одна из криптовалют значительно упадет в цене.

    2. Разные платформы: Использование разных стейкинг-платформ снижает риск потерь из-за проблем на одной из них, таких как взлом или технические неполадки.

    3. Гибридный подход: Совмещайте стейкинг с другими формами заработка, такими как участие в DeFi (децентрализованных финансах), фермерство ликвидности или предоставление криптовалют в кредит.

    Синергия активов

    Синергия активов предполагает использование различных криптоактивов для взаимного усиления их эффективности и получения максимальной выгоды. Это может быть достигнуто следующими способами:

    1. Фермерство ликвидности: Вложение пары активов в пул ликвидности на DeFi платформах позволяет зарабатывать на комиссиях за обмен и дополнительных наградах в токенах платформы.

    2. Комбинация стейкинга и DeFi: Использование стейкинг-активов в качестве залога для получения кредитов на DeFi платформах. Таким образом, вы можете одновременно получать доход от стейкинга и использовать средства для дополнительных инвестиций или заработка.

    3. Реинвестирование доходов: Доходы, полученные от стейкинга, можно реинвестировать в покупку новых активов для дальнейшего стейкинга или участия в других прибыльных проектах.

    Примеры платформ и проектов

    • Ethereum 2.0: Один из самых популярных вариантов стейкинга, предлагающий стабильные вознаграждения.
    • Cardano (ADA): Предлагает стейкинг с высоким уровнем безопасности и низкими комиссиями.
    • Binance Smart Chain: Обширная экосистема для стейкинга и DeFi проектов, таких как PancakeSwap.


    Диверсификация заработка со стейкинга и синергия активов позволяют минимизировать риски и увеличить потенциальные доходы. Используя различные криптовалюты, платформы и комбинируя стейкинг с другими финансовыми инструментами, вы можете создать устойчивую и прибыльную стратегию инвестирования в криптоактивы.


  • _Nord Stream explosions were planned 10 years ago

    DW3 min View Original 06.07.2024July 6, 2024 The "Ukrainian group" was already developing plans to blow up gas pipelines in 2014, after Russia's annexation of Crimea, Welt am Sonntag writes, citing intelligence data.

    The destruction of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines was planned much earlier than the start of the full-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine , namely back in 2014, after Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea. This was reported on Saturday, July 6, by the newspaper Welt am Sonntag, citing data from German and international investigations, as well as intelligence services, which the editorial board obtained.

    It is indicated that the corresponding plans could have been developed at that time by a certain "Ukrainian group". "If the existence of long-term plans (to destroy the SP and SP-2 gas pipelines - Ed. ) on the part of the Ukrainian state is proven, this could have the most serious impact on the Germans' desire to support the Ukrainians," the publication says.

    By 2014, the Nord Stream gas pipeline had already been in operation for two years, and the construction of Nord Stream 2 was at the planning stage, the authors recall.

    Explosions at Nord Stream On September 26, 2022, the SP and SP-2 pipes were damaged as a result of underwater explosions recorded near the Danish island of Bornholm. The motive for this crime, as well as its perpetrator, are still unknown. Denmark and Sweden have closed their national investigations into the explosions. However, in Germany, the Federal Police and the Federal Criminal Office, on behalf of the Federal Prosecutor's Office, continue to work on this case , which is regarded as an act of sabotage . "The investigation is ongoing," the Welt am Sonntag newspaper quotes the Federal Prosecutor's Office of Germany as saying in this regard.

    The central focus of the German investigation is the sailing yacht Andromeda, which was rented in the federal state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern at the time of the explosions. As a German official familiar with the investigation told journalists on condition of anonymity, new indications have recently emerged that six people on board the yacht may have been involved in the gas pipeline explosions.

    Doubts about Ukraine's involvement However, the intelligence services have doubts about this. Thus, Gerhard Schindler, who headed the German intelligence service BND from 2011 to 2016, said in an interview with Welt am Sonntag: "The results of the investigation may lead to a Ukrainian group. But this does not mean that Ukraine was the customer . From the point of view of the intelligence services, many things indicate that this could have been a Russian operation under a false flag. They have such capabilities." As for the traces that lead to Ukraine, according to Schindler, they could have been left intentionally.

    Immediately after the version about Andromeda's involvement in the Nord Stream explosions appeared in March 2023, the German tabloid Bild wrote about experts' serious doubts about its plausibility.

    Journalists found out, in particular, that Andromeda, apparently, is too small to be used for such a large-scale sabotage. In addition, it is not equipped with special diving equipment that would allow explosives to be planted at a depth of 80 meters.

    "To carry out three explosions underwater would require at least 600 to 900 kg of special military explosives. The yacht Andromeda does not have a crane to safely lower such a volume underwater," the publication emphasized.

    Data from Polish intelligence services As Welt am Sonntag writes, Polish politicians and intelligence services also have doubts about Ukraine's involvement in the explosions at Nord Stream. In the summer of 2023, Polish intelligence services handed over to the BND a list of people who, according to their information, were connected to the terrorist attack on the pipelines and, as is assumed, had contacts with Moscow.

    Polish intelligence services also claimed that the "Ukrainians" who rented the yacht "Andromeda" using fake passports were in fact Russian citizens. They deliberately left a false trail to discredit Ukraine, they believe in Poland.

    (2) ✙ Alterego (Midshipman) ✙ в X: «✙ Alterego (Midshipman) ✙ в Elk: "" | Elk» / X

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