Mojo @ totallymojo Posts 1Comments 68Joined 2 yr. ago

It's what you see like 70% of the game.
But not 800m in atmosphere to skip a uneventful hike.
Why would it have to take hours?
You already spend hours jogging on the empty planet surface in Starfield, because you cannot use your ship to fly 800m east to your mission marker.
God forbid we hope for technical improvements in 2023, for 80€.
The gunplay is really good
Is it really though...?
To me it was a disaster because I expected it to be way more next gen after all these years. And it was very expensive compared to the quality I got.
Meanwhile my friend was all like "Eh, it's fine. Pretty much what I expected."
So I think people had very different expectations.
What I absolutely cannot comprehend is those who say "10/10, game of the century!"
Come on.. No way. If you really think that, you have really low standards or haven't played a new game in 8 years.
Im getting old. Feels like the first Avatar movie came out a couple of years ago to me.
"fine" is subjective, I guess.
To me fine means above 60fps at all times.
I have an "UFO rated" computer on userbenchmark and it's rarely above 40fps. And the game is not even pretty. Not fine by my standards.
I tried Firefox in like 2016 but it was very slow for some reason.
Is it fast now? Been thinking about securing my privacy lately so I might give it another try.
Im going for as much privacy I can while still maintaining as much functionality as possible.
Anyone having any pointers?
There is a point where you go "Why did I pay for a book and then just change all the rules? Should just have made my own game."
Alright. In text maybe you are right.
Im a firm believer that if we like, sat in a bar discussing over a beer, and you could hear the tone of my voice and read my face, no-one would be offended.
It's kind of difficult to explain this without telling you the whole thing.
Here goes...
Build outpost randomly.
Meet Bounty Hunter in close-by container.
Bounty Hunter asks for help with bandits, and to meet 1km east.
I get a marker on my map and on HUD.
I think "fuck, im not running 1km."
I go back to my ship and open map.
I put my landing marker close to mission marker.
Click to fast travel.
Loading Screen.
Ship lands.
Get out of ship.
Look around. It's a whole different map.
No marker on HUD.
Think "wtf".
Fast travel back to my outpost.
My mission is there again.
Why did you think that was an insult?
Well, I guess everything can be insulting you try hard enough.
People seem sensitive here.
Getting their panties in a bunch because I asked myself if I was insane.
Never heard of that before.
Dude, just let me question my own sanity if I want to.
What you can do for 90% of quests is go to the planet map, click a new landing zone and land closer, skipping any exploration the game is trying to encourage.
This didn't work for me. If you do this, a new instance is loaded and my mission does not show up.