Mojo @ totallymojo Posts 1Comments 68Joined 2 yr. ago

Did they pay you to write this?
Are you forcing yourself to enjoy the game because you paid so much?
Or am I insane?
I feel like im in Truman Show, noticing the facade crumble and all the streamers and reviewers acts like the game is fine.
I see streamers encounter serveral game breaking bugs and then instantly praise the game again.
The game is basically Bethesda trying to mask the limitations of their game engine.
I mean good for you that you like it but I spent 10hrs and then refunded (Thank god for Steam). Im not paying 100 bucks for Fallout 4 with space skin. I can not fathom how people accept this quality in 2023.
And for that price.
If someone is interested in my "shallow complaints":
- It's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is. It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to run those 800m.
- The ships are cool but you don't need it. You just fast travel with a loadingscreen everywhere anyway. I saw the inside of my ship twice in 10hrs (not counting the cockpit view).
- Navigating the menus are a nightmare. Inventory management is difficult.
- Laziest intro I've ever seen. "Hello stranger, take my ship. No reason. Ok cool. Bye."
- Very little improvement graphics-wise. The explosions are 2D sprites lmao. In 2023. For real. New Atlantis looks horrible.
- Performance is shit. I get 40fps in towns with a "UFO rated" computer on userbenchmark. Nvidia card.
- NPC's teleporting around, getting stuck everywhere halfway through floor, corpses flopping around, ships clipping through stations.
The last drop was when I realized that it's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is. It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you click on your mission marker and click travel, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to go back and run those 800m.
You really don't even need a ship honestly, you just fast travel everywhere.
I'll probably get it once the price goes down to 30-40 bucks or so.
100 was waaaay too much for this shallow game.
I played 10hrs and refunded. (Thank god for Steam)
I feel like im in Truman Show. I see how shallow the game is. Everything is a facade. They try to mask the issues of their old game engine and people (streamers and reviewers) just eat it up. Im watching streams where they run into game breaking bugs several times but still praise the game like they have a script to follow.
I keep doing breaching-plans in Doorkickers 2 and building bases in Stranded Alien Dawn.
I also fell back into Valheim with a new friend gang.
Yes. There is no limit with pre-purchase early access offers I think. Thank god for Steams refund policy. Saved me 100 bucks.
Steam are usually nicer with games that is not officially released yet.
At least I thought so. Refunded after 10 hours on Steam.
Did not feel like a game from 2023. Did not want to pay that much for that quality.
I played 10hrs on Steam then refunded.
I was expecting a 2023 game with 12 years of development and 6 months delay for polish.
I got Fallout 4 (2015) with scifi-skin.
The thing that pissed me off the most:
It's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is. It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense. You cannot get into your ship and fly 800m east to your mission. If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there. You have to run that 800m.
Diablo 4. Played it for 10hrs then I got bored of running 30m, fighting a group of demons, running 30m, fight demons, repeat. Haven't touched it since.
Oh, cool!
Yeah. People have vastly different combinations of hardware and software. Different manufacturers and drivers. So it can be really different.
If they play on pc, I mean.
I seem to unknowingly have built myself a real shit-magnet of a computer. Basically no new game has worked well for me since I built that one.
I had like 20 bad bugs per hour with Cyberpunk on release while my buddy had like one mildly annoying per 5h.
Darktide just didn't work at all. Kept crashing six months after release, then I gave up.
Etc etc..
Oh shit, you are right. This is how Starfield works. I forgot that Mass Effect had the same thing!
I love that train track or horse gallop chugging rhythm some songs have.
Gives me feelings of movement forward, travel or progression.
Great car songs!
Muse - Knights of Cydonia, Roy Orbison - I Drove All Night is probably a good examples of this.
It's not as open and "huge scale" as people seem to think it is.
It's kind of "fake open" if that makes sense.
You cannot get into your ship and fly 500m east to your mission.
If you do that, a new instance is loaded and your mission is not there.
Made me disappointed.
I walk by a shelf and it randomly explodes from some physics glitch.
Things forever rolling that should not be rolling, like books.
NPCs just keep sprinting into a wall.
NPCs stuck halfway through the floor, both alive and dead.
Enemies teleporting into mountain, and can shoot me from there.
Creatures not attacking when they should.
Ships clipping into stations.
My character stuck in a pose.
Guns floating.
Nothing game breaking though!
Just immersion-breaking.
Im more concerned about other stuff. Performance. Design choices.
I get 37fps in towns with an "UFO rated" computer on userbenchmark.
The menus are horrible.
And what good does the spaceship do? I just fast travel everywhere. I think I've seen the inside of my ship twice i 10hrs.
Story is the most lazily written, generic scifi tropey stuff I've seen.
No maps. No clue where shops are.
The game is marketed as huge and open, but in reality it's all just setpieces with empty planet surfaces. You cannot get into your ship and fly 500m east to your mission marker. If you do that, a new map is loaded and none of your missions are there.
Ah. What I like to call the "tiefling left on stairs background story".
I shit you not. I've had three different players do that background lmao.
One was left at a monastery (cleric), one at a tavern (rogue) and one at the friendly baker (fighter).
Spoiler: It's still really buggy.
I feel like I've burned myself out a little bit on story heavy games after Baldurs Gate 3, so I cannot concentrate on the story lol
But otherwise..
Fps jumps between 30 and 90 and I feel the slowdowns (rtx3080, Ryzen 3900x here).
The graphics and animations are kind of shit. Standard Bethesda.
The menus are super fiddly.
The aesthetic is cool. I love the retro futuristic bulky style.
Music is great!
Voice acting thus far, is good.
Starship is cool but basically unnecessary. You just fast travel anyway.
Combat is pretty cool but stiff.
I haven't played super far yet so im hoping it gets a bit better soon.
Finished the first season of Silo.
Pretty good!
Rebecca Ferguson is really good.