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2 yr. ago

  • I shared a link to my google drive with free and available to everyone PDF's of tabletop roleplaying game supplements and got banned for piracy lmao

  • Im sorry but Star Wars. Some stuff is freaking cool, like the whole smuggler side, but it's something about mixing magic and scifi that rubs me the wrong way. Also, lightsabers are so.. toylike.

  • I could not even be in the same room when using the stock cooler on my 3900x that I have now.
    Had to use a radiator with silentwing fans to get it acceptable.

  • You have almost the same setup as I do right now.
    3900x and a 3080.
    Took me four cpu fan switches until I could stand being in the same room. Stock fan, sounded like a drying cabinet. BeQuiet, loud. Noctua, less loud but still loud. Im using a radiator now with silentwing fans and it's still slightly too loud for my taste (and louder than any Intel I've ever had).
    Temps seem to be in normal range though.

  • Have I just had bad luck with my AMD products?
    I've had four Nvidia GPU/Intel CPU computers with no issues.
    I've had three AMD GPU/AMD CPU computers and they all have been loud and hot and slightly unstable. A bit cheaper sure, but I rather have a silent and stable experience.
    This has made me see amd as the inferior lowbudget crap. But maybe I have just bought from the wrong manufacturer or something.

  • Tabletop Roleplaying Games.
    I bought Mutant Year Zero in 2015 thinking "Ah, this will give me countless hours of play! I can make my own adventures and stuff!"
    Now, my shelf is buckling after trying a hundred different games and supplements, and getting addicted to pretty books.
    Currently, my favorite game of all time is Delta Green. Investigative horror mystery. Amazingly horrific scenarios (adventures) with True Detective season one level of masterful writing.

    Check out Glass Cannon Podcast playing it on Spotify if you want!