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Mastering rust with basic data structures and algorithms
  • I took some cpp examples as guidance. As for geek for geeks agree, one shouldn't blindly trust it and better use several sources. Adding more reliable sources is definitely point of improvement. I also used introduction to algorithms paperback book, but was lazy to add it as a source _

  • Mastering rust with basic data structures and algorithms

    Rust is beautiful and at the same time pretty hard language to learn. While mastering it and digging deeper, I decided to play around basic data structures and algorithms. I put a repo with some theory, implementations and examples on github mainly for myself, but maybe someone will find it helpful, or share more effective solutions. For now, just a few topics are covered, and I'm going to update it from time to time.


    My minimalistic habit tracker CLI app written in rust. Great way to spend weekends and a good cause to play with ratatui

    I made it for myself as the simplest way to keep track of positive routines. The concept is simple: Track the activities that make up your perfect day and monitor your daily progress effortlessly. Here is also a github link for those who interested :

    GitHub - TheAlgorithms/Rust: All Algorithms implemented in Rust GitHub - TheAlgorithms/Rust: All Algorithms implemented in Rust

    All Algorithms implemented in Rust . Contribute to TheAlgorithms/Rust development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - TheAlgorithms/Rust: All Algorithms implemented in Rust
    Found this wonderful children's book by Anita Croy on sale.

    A remarkable quote from the book:
"Darwin wrote that it was arrogant for humans to think they were so special they could only have been created by a god. He said it was more humble and more accurate to believe humans were created from animals."

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals tracyspcy
    Finally, met the Quokkas at Rottnest Island!
    Saw a group of silvery lutungs in Kuala Lumpur. (hope it fits here)
  • They didn't interact with people at all. They are wild species and just did their migration through the city to another place, as far as I understood :)

  • cute dogs, cats, and other animals tracyspcy
    Saw a group of silvery lutungs in Kuala Lumpur. (hope it fits here)

    cross-posted from:

    > 2 more photos on mastodon

    That very day 106 years ago The Great October Revolution took place.
  • 25th October old style , 7th November new style :)

  • The Anti-Capitalist Chronicles by David Harvey

    The name speaks for itself. Definitely worth to read, interesting coverage of neoliberalism.

    CIA 1983: American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious.
  • just calm down and control yourself I was talking about your Bordiga nonsense.

  • CIA 1983: American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious.
  • something that looks like Trotskyism, sounds like Trotskyism, smells like Trotskyism...

    Anyway answering your question, the reason behind such post is just defense against misleading info about ussr that is still actively spreading despite ussr is dead for 30 years.

  • Remember me comrades!
  • one thing amazes me for sure: there is still bunch of people loudly protecting their masters' right to exploit and rob them.

    And they are doing this while are already living in the world destroyed and robbed by capital, where COVID showed how vulnerable and under-financed our healthcare system is, where due to the global competition and sinking profits of corporations countries are building alliances, and preparing a new big imperialistic war for us, where crisis goes after crisis together with high inflation globally, and where quality of life is sinking monthly.

  • CIA 1983: American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious.

    The answer to misleading information about USSR had issues feeding its population. source :

    Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • You’d just swap profit for influence instead. Look at the USSR, they had issues feeding their population, yet the people in power largely got whatever they wanted. See the famous trip Boris Yeltsin took to a Texas grocery store. At least in those days, capitalism handily beat communism in providing a variety of foods to the average person.

    I cannot accept your argument since variety of brands for similar product in the store doesn't mean society can feed itself. It is wrong angle to see on the object. Since there is various of factors which could easily destroy such logic from quality of food to affordability (simple a lot of product in store, but people cannot buy it). Much better metric is satisfying the need, in our case in food. So in our case we should look at calories consumption and nutritional value. Look at cia document where conclusion is "American and Soviet citizens eat about the same amount of food each day but the Soviet diet may be more nutritious".

  • Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • Countries which prevent markets from operating efficiently tend to do really poorly over time. The more authoritarian, the worse they perform.

    In general it means less government control over the markets. And less means libertarian concept (see article again). If you mean something in between , there is need in very detailed scale to find difference between current regulated markets, non regulated markets (libertarian nonsense) and balance that you want.

  • Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • hehe considering market propaganda in education, on every media it is hard for me to not challenge my "belief" on a daily basis.

    unfortunately in your comment you repeating neoliberal propaganda, please check guardian article on "free market zone libertarian experiment" tldr it led to low wage sweatshops and workers repression (and spoiler even this libertarian experiment relied on governmental support)

  • Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • for sure, there are many essential needs beyond housing and food. I cannot agree that it works well with food either, starving still exist even in "developed" countries. It looks you are trying to a patch something that really flawed. Unfortunately it is not a way. We should move away from profit oriented society and away from human exploitation.

  • Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • depends on problem you are going to solve, if you want to provide people with affordable housing, then challenge your beliefs in almighty market.

  • Materialism and the Dialectical Method by Maurice Cornforth
  • if this topic is among your interests, this book allows you to dive deep with relative ease

  • Landlords should have to pay income tax on their rental properties regardless of whether they're rented out or not.
  • Landlords do not build houses, they just rent them out. Housing, shelter call it whatever you like is human right and essential need, so it should not be a part of speculations for profits. Now you can see overpriced real estate because of investors who buy it and never live there. All this "helpers" who rent out their apartments bring more harm than benefit for society (they at least contribute to a price growth in real estate). Buildings could be constructed by government owned organizations in order to provide society with housing, no need in speculators to solve problems.

  • Bought these from a book fair, thoughts?
  • Sapiens is basically a simplification of a great book: The Outline of History, written by Herbert George Wells. So I highly recommend to read this as well, or if you havent read Sapiens yet, rather read The Outline of History.

  • Materialism and the Dialectical Method by Maurice Cornforth

    A friend recommended me this book, pretty satisfying reading since book is written in an easy and understandable language. Also found online version

    PS still reading

    Don't be fooled by libertarians / an-caps, they are not going to bring you a democracy! Their real world experiment brought only low-wage sweatshops and repressions.
  • yeah, obviously all this neoliberal and libertarian ideology is completely serving interests of capitalists and the only goal of it is just to have more power to exploit workers. The interesting thing here is what oligarchs managed to spread both neoliberal and libertarian nonsense among working people. D. Harvey has an interesting take on this.

  • Don't be fooled by libertarians / an-caps, they are not going to bring you a democracy! Their real world experiment brought only low-wage sweatshops and repressions.
  • this bot is unsolicited, and provides misleading information. It should work either on request, or be blocked

  • Don't be fooled by libertarians / an-caps, they are not going to bring you a democracy! Their real world experiment brought only low-wage sweatshops and repressions. The Ciskei experiment: a libertarian fantasy in apartheid South Africa

    The long read: In the 1980s, South African libertarians set up a deregulated zone that they sold to the world as ‘Africa’s Switzerland’. It was a sham, but with its clusters of sweatshops, it was very modern – and in some ways it anticipated the world we live in today

    The Ciskei experiment: a libertarian fantasy in apartheid South Africa
    Don't be fooled by libertarians / an-caps, they are not going to bring you a democracy! Their real world experiment brought only low-wage sweatshops and repressions. The Ciskei experiment: a libertarian fantasy in apartheid South Africa

    The long read: In the 1980s, South African libertarians set up a deregulated zone that they sold to the world as ‘Africa’s Switzerland’. It was a sham, but with its clusters of sweatshops, it was very modern – and in some ways it anticipated the world we live in today

    The Ciskei experiment: a libertarian fantasy in apartheid South Africa
    Futurama’s latest reboot takes aim at Bitcoin miners Futurama’s latest reboot takes aim at Bitcoin miners

    The characters in Futurama travel to “Crypto Country” to mine thallium for Bitcoin mining chips in the third episode of the animated series’ most recent reboot.

    Futurama’s latest reboot takes aim at Bitcoin miners
    Non fungible token in a nutshell

    cross-posted from:

    > If you buy this, you are scammed.

    tracyspcy tracyspcy

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