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SimpleX Server Payments: Will XMR be a default?
  • Agree. I also fell for it for about 3 months. The reason I hammer so hard on the communist deception is because a very large number of people have been duped by it. It has also been very destructive in recent history.

    This poison was injected into state owned indoctrination camps known as modern universities, any critical thinker would ask themselves "why would the system be teaching me an ideology designed to overthrow the system".

    Their main trick was duping ideological youth for fighting to increase state power under the guise of helping the working class. What the students did not realize was that the international banks own the state. So basically they were duped into fighting for the ones raping the working class.

  • SimpleX Server Payments: Will XMR be a default?
  • nice, I hope they realize their whole ideology was founded by bankers and everything they fight for actually strengthens banker owned state centralized power and oppresses every individual

    it is usually the young and naive that fall for communism, then after 5 or so years they realize they have been duped and enter the real world of no "free stuff"

  • SimpleX Server Payments: Will XMR be a default?
  • for sure, I hope commies start using Monero, but reasoning with them is not possible

  • SimpleX Server Payments: Will XMR be a default?
  • good luck getting reasons from communists, they are guided by emotions and feelings

  • Crypto Under Seige
  • The system actually likes data breaches because the criminal intel agencies can use all data then just blame the data breach if they get accused of something.

  • Julian Assange is free!
  • Intelligence Asset Julian Assange Has Completed His Mission...

  • Monero for DDoS protection
  • Use their i2p gateway, works with no JS.

  • Monero as a Digital Offshore Bank Account
  • This is what happens when the market can innovate without the state mafia being able to stifle it, like they do with almost everything else.

  • Why UTXO Matters: Security, Privacy, and Scalability in BTC Ecosystem
  • Dumped my BTC a long time ago.

  • Account with 200k+ frozen by Coinbase (r/CoinBase repost)
  • The state is too incompetent and lazy for that. That is only on TV shows. In reality they just wait until someone snitches or moves $10 million then they swoop in claiming they were "investigating" all along..

  • Deleted
    This is unfortunate. We can do better.
  • What?

  • Monero Stressnet: Run a Stressnet Node to Improve Monero
  • Great to see this effort being started. Hopefully we can test up to 1 million tx per day.

  • Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare
  • The dev was definitely ahead of their time with RS. The platform is pretty fun and engaging, as well as truly decentralized.

  • Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare
  • Looks like there already are thousands of people on retroshare one step removed from my connections, it appears to be a good audience to bring Monero to.

    You should try it out, it is truly decentralized and anonymous unlike any so called "decentralized" platform you would access through a web browser. You actually participate in hosting the content.

  • Did startup Flow Computing just make CPUs 100x faster?
  • It's about time, feels like there has been no significant improvement in speed in the last 10 years.

  • Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare
  • Created a monero town chatroom, try to join it.

  • Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare
  • That is odd, the RS node is online. Can you post your RS ID so I can try to connect to you?

  • Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare
  • Monero and Tor are really old tech as well, but like Retroshare there is nothing like them around.

  • Let's start a decentralized Monero community on RetroShare

    Retroshare allows you to establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail... Retroshare is fully decentralized, and designed to provide maximum security and anonymity to its users beyond direct friends. Retroshare is entirely free and open-source software. It is available on Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows. There are no hidden costs, no ads and no terms of service.

    Get the software @

    The RetroShare ID to connect with is: ABBoJ5fsnoFayyBIJYYlRaXLAxQ3CbybJPUM1BTbdmcS+IjL8xLcXwEFZ2VrdXSQRAAAAAImlmh5Z3psemwyaHh6bnhmeGd6bDNzZ2hvdm51YjVwamY1NTVvcDcyZXZxYWdpaHN6a2h0bnoyYmFkLm9uaW9uBAMK/p4= Make sure to select "Hidden node (over tor)" when creating your node. See screenshot, otherwise your incoming connections may not work.


    Large botnet taken down, Monero hashrate drops 'World's largest botnet' taken down as alleged Chinese mastermind arrested and $29m in cryptocurrency seized

    Cars including a Rolls-Royce, two BMWs and a Ferrari - as well as luxury watches - are among assets that could also be confiscated.

    'World's largest botnet' taken down as alleged Chinese mastermind arrested and $29m in cryptocurrency seized

    Looks like the botnet was mining on the two largest pools.


    This may be a historical moment, Monero TX fee is higher than BTC

    This may be a new attack tactic. By flooding the TX pool with large transactions they are trying to artificially jack up TX costs since the spam attack did not work.

    As usual Monero will learn from this and improve. 👍 It is best to go through all this while Monero is still not a top world currency.

    Help Anhdres get to Prague to present at Monerokon!

    Donate XMR @

    P2Pool is currently #3 Monero block producer! - Decentralization is GROWING!

    cross-posted from:

    > Head on over to and start mining Monero like a champ. TODAY!

    Helping a school in Venezuela Project is Fully Funded - Monero community the Top donor! Helping a school in Venezuela Project is Fully Funded | PeakD

    Web3 Hub Project Updates We are thrilled to share with you that we have successfully secured 100% of the necessary fun... by cbrsphilanthropy

    Helping a school in Venezuela Project is Fully Funded | PeakD
    Can we shave 60% off of wallet sync times by compressing blocks from remote nodes?

    I noticed that the Monero chain compresses about 60%, would it be possible to compress blocks before sending them from a remote node to a syncing wallet thus saving a big chunk of bandwidth and time?

    Does anyone know if this is already happening during sync, or if not why?

    edit: this can be done using ssh tunnels, if you have ssh access to your remote server. The "-C" option enables compression. ssh -C -NL 18089:localhost:18089 server_username@server_address Now you can set your wallet to and now your wallet syncing should be faster, enjoy!

    How to set a custom TX fee in Feather wallet?

    cross-posted from:

    > With the recent spike in activity on the chain transactions with default fee are being delayed. > > Is there a way to set the tx fee manually? Is the wallet capable of selecting an appropriate fee automatically? > > *Edit: Apparently dynamic fees are completely broken in Monero. 🤦 > > Reddit 🤮 Link:

    The case for dropping old blocks to keep Monero blockchain size under control and future proof

    Monero is striving to be a currency that everyone can use, the growth of the blockchain is starting to hamper this goal IMO.

    I think we should consider dropping blocks off of the chain tail once we reach block height of 4000000. This will give us 10 years of storage capacity, more than enough IMO.

    Similar to how you have to exchange bills of cash once they get worn, you would simply churn your coins to get your outputs into younger blocks.

    We are trying to be digital cash not an inheritance vault. If we had this feature from the start 99% of the community would agree with it.

    Please consider this.🙂

    *Edit: @4KB/tx * 100,000tx/day we are looking at ~400MB chain growth daily, this is not sustainable, let's take care of this now before it becomes a big problem

    **Edit: A possible solution could be that nodes would have the option to set chain retention duration. So when syncing a new node you can select that you would like to retain 5 years of chain data, with a minimum boundary enforced that retains sufficient security. This way the network decides in a fair way how much chain data is useful to store.

    bet.i2p - Monero based lottery and betting service on I2P

    Found this site a while ago played it and won once. I am not affiliated with this site, play at your own risk!


    If you do not know how to use I2P yet you can get started @

    I2P is shaping up to be the future of the free internet. ✌️

    I wonder if these two charts are correlated? BTC TX fees are helping Monero grow?

    The failure of the BTC network is a great on-boarding opportunity for Monero.

    privacy tusker
    Retroshare - P2P private, secure, and decentralized communication platform - forums, channels, chat, mail....

    Retroshare establish encrypted connections between you and your friends to create a network of computers, and provides various distributed services on top of it: forums, channels, chat, mail... Retroshare is fully decentralized, and designed to provide maximum security and anonymity to its users beyond direct friends. Retroshare is entirely free and open-source software. It is available on Android, Linux, MacOS and Windows. There are no hidden costs, no ads and no terms of service.

    Kuno XMR Fundraising Platform is Down - We need a fundraiser to get this on a proper hosting provider ASAP

    This should really be a high priority service with dedicated admins.

    If hosting fund raisers we need near 100% uptime.

    Also using cloudflare is a bad idea as it centralizes web traffic.

    Monero already the #1 coin used for Hurricane Otis Recovery Fund

    On October 25th, at 1am, Acapulco was hit by a massive hurricane that erupted into a Category 5 from a tropical storm in a matter of hours and hit Acapulco with a population of nearly 1 million people in the middle of the night with no warning from the media.

    tusker tusker
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