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77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds
  • This study failed to take into consideration the need to feed information to AI. Companies now prioritize feeding information to AI over actually making it usable for humans. Who cares about analyzing the data? Just give it to AI to figure out. Now data cannot be analyzed by humans? Just ask AI. It can't figure out? Give it more so it can figure it out. Rinse, repeat. This is a race to the bottom where information is useless to humans.

  • Using ad blockers is theft
  • Another translation of OP's opinion: walking on the street without looking at storefronts is unfair. Stores pay a substantial rent to be there and a lot of money to renovate and pay people to put up stuff for you to look at. Anyone not looking at these store fronts are robbing people of their money. There should be traffic stops where people have to describe exactly the location, size and content of every ads on the street. Failing to do so should be punished by law.

  • Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week
  • It depends I think. I found Chrome to be a tiny bit faster but then ads bogged the page down so most of the time, Firefox is faster for me.

    In some very rare cases when I need to disable ads blocking, Chrome is indeed faster but I'd rather abandon websites rather than disable ads blocking.

    So if you love ads, Chrome is better. If you hate ads like I do, Firefox is miles ahead.

  • I'm giving up — on open source - Blog
  • My experience with maintaining open source projects (though mine are very much smaller) is that it's quite similar to a business: you just have to deal with stakeholders and people who think they are stakeholders.

    I had all the same experience at work:

    • Some unknown person from an unrelated team contacted me because something that my team does not manage broke. I tried to help a few times and I suddenly became their personal IT support team.

    • Another time someone not even working at my company demanded that I drop everything and fix their problem, because my name appeared in 3rd parties libraries.

    It's sad that open source authors don't always receive the recognition that they deserve.

  • KB, MB, GB, and TB are all part of the metric system. What empirical measurements should we Free™️ Americans use for computer memory?
  • I would suggest:

    • 1KB = storage capacity of 1 kg of 1.44 floppy disks.
    • 1MB = storage capacity of 0.0106 mile of CD drives.
    • 1GB = storage capacity of 1 good computer in the 2000s.
    • 1TB = storage capacity of 1 truck of GB (see above)

    PS: just to be clear, I meant CD drives, not CD discs.

  • Every language has its niche
  • RoR is too much magic for me. Getting started with any new code base is such a pain that I never want to do again. As a manager, I'll avoid any job post that mentions Ruby. I have maintained projects written in Delphi, Centura, Java, C#, PHP and none of them even come close to the pain of RoR. Java and C# are notorious for ceremonial interfaces but that's nothing compared to trying to figure out RoR automagics.

  • stop the government from ruling you
  • See the white, metal looking thing in the image? That's another tracking device from the government to track people wherever they do. They even put it in all 4 of your wheels so they will know when to issue you a traffic ticket. Remove them. /s

  • Don't delete your Reddit account

    Reddit is actively restoring deleted comments and posts. Deleting your account won't make any useful difference. Instead:

    • Keep the account around but use some tool to delete all comments and posts everyday. I use Redact app on Android but there're many others. Reddit would not be restoring comments and posts if they are not useful to them. By keeping your profile and keep deleting everything, you are denying Reddit any chance from making use of your data.
    • Monitor when subreddit opens poll for re-opening and vote the "best" option.
    Reddit CEO Triples Down, Insults Protesters, Whines About Not Making Enough Money From Reddit Users Reddit CEO Triples Down, Insults Protesters, Whines About Not Making Enough Money From Reddit Users

    Steve Huffman, the CEO of Reddit, has decided to just keep on talking. After his disastrous AMA helped inspire more subreddits to join a 48 hour blackout, and his dismissal of the protesting subred…

    Reddit CEO Triples Down, Insults Protesters, Whines About Not Making Enough Money From Reddit Users
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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