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Slava Palestini! Glory to the Heroes!
  • Oh. You misunderstand. I'm not trying to moralize anything. As a matter of fact it's you guys who try to justify crimes of war and crimes against civilians as justified. I'm one hundred percent in agreement that what Israel as a country does against the Palestinians is horrible and should be stopped. Even though the general sentiment in my country is pro Israel. Especially in the older generations.

    However, my point is that the Hamas' reaction is wrong and a war crime. I did not say I didn't understand why they could be doing it. However, just because someone else is horrible doesn't mean you have the right to do the same. As I said in another comment: Hamas attacking government, military or police buildings would have been a whole different story and I would have considered that a justified reaction.

  • Slava Palestini! Glory to the Heroes!
  • Same as all blacks the US could just leave if the feel discriminated against? Same like all Germans could have left Nazi Germany?

    Do you honestly suggest that people born there or others who moved there after being persecuted and discriminated against in other countries should just leave? Where should the build a new life? Where would they take the money from?

    It's almost childlike to think that a whole group of people could just move, even if they wanted to.

    Also, it's more than pathetic that you imply that those visitors of the music festival who got slaughtered for no reason whatsoever, participated in genocide and deserved to die.

    That would mean that if someone in your country committed a crime, you'd deserve the same punishment as they do. What are you? Ten?

    Before you misunderstand: I'm not saying Israel good Palestine bad. In the real world there situations where there is no simple solution. This is one of these situations. Israel should have never been carved out of these countries to begin with. But it was. And the situation now is complicated.

  • Slava Palestini! Glory to the Heroes!
  • You seem to be rather angry and irrational. Which seemed obvious, when you replied to my post. But I'll happily explain why:

    Your childish narrative of good and bad just doesn't apply in real life. Israel ist not all good and bad and "Israel" also consists of people committing crimes against Palestinians and people who just live their lives and were born there.

    Your argument that I am a "shill" because I don't paint the world in black and white and don't condone Hamas' war crimes as heroic because "the other side (whoever that may be) started it" is amusing, to say the least.

    If Hamas had gone for military targets or at least governmental buildings it would have been a whole different story. But them slaughtering and abusing civilians is the same as Israel's genocide against innocent Palestinians.

    It's very sad that people like you fail to see even basic distinctions like this and simply are just able to be for one side without having the ability to distinguish more than that is rather sad.

    An example that even someone like you could understand the situation better: Imagine you are living in a country whose government mistreats, abuses and kills a minority. That minority decides to take revenge and randomly kill your family and your friends because your government and the police decide to be criminals. Following your own argument you would cheer them on because they have the right to do so to fight back. Ridiculous.

  • it's almost like it's on purpose
  • I hate reading this kind of shit. Schools are meant to provide background knowledge on how the world works. Some responsibility in educating children actually is the parents' job. Pushing everything towards schools and pretending kids would listen for even 5 minutes when talking about insurance, taxes or job applications is mind bogglingly naive to me and completely leaves out parents and their part of education their OWN fucking kids.

    But yeah, it's all part of the "system" that parents are too fucking lazy to spend even 10 minutes a day with their kids and prepare them for life.

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  • I bought the original silicon case for my SE 2020 and it was falling apart rather quickly. Cheaper Amazon alternatives lasted much longer for me. I won't ever by original apple cases again with the experience I had.

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