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Inkscape Flatpak is looking for a maintainer!
  • 😱 so I guess install via appimage?? Package manager? 🤷 🤯 brain malfunction. Im thinking don't download or install until you verify the download with a hash and hopefully signature if they exist 🤷 use fedora? Which has better security? 🤷🤯

  • Current 2024 command to automatically transcribe subtitles for a video?
  • Ask all the different ai's out there and see if you get any good stuff. Report back. Duckduckgo chat, brave search and bing have it for free as well, hugging face meta llama 3 also free, Gemini google etc etc

  • (SOLVED) How to get RCS working on GrapheneOS
  • I enabled network permission, still nothing. Tried step 8 and search for debug setting nothing came up. So I uninstalled carrier services app. From memory when I got RCS working some time ago, I think I disabled some permissions I had enabled. But can't remember where. I will dig through GOS instructions, I assume they're somewhere. When I get a chance. Thanks for assist.

  • (SOLVED) How to get RCS working on GrapheneOS
  • Installed now carrier services w no network permission 🤣 now its telling me 'maximum number of retry attempts reached, try tomorrow' 🤷 will play w it tomorrow. Appreciate the replies. 👍

  • (SOLVED) How to get RCS working on GrapheneOS
  • I remember it working some time a go. And recently checked the settings to see if all is well and yep same as you. So I assume something had changed. Maybe GOS code or android code 🤷

  • SRT (subtitle) file to ai voice?

    Hi folks, I have an SRT file from a mediation mp3, and I wanted to convert that SRT to an ai voice mp3 with the right timings, not just reading out the text. How can i accomplish this? Free if possible. Its only like 5min. Thanks for reading

    best hastle free speed download- ddl free vs torrent vs usenet

    hi, so I got somewhat decent speed on my plan atm.

    mega is usually what I go for, that gives me max speed dl, but recently got myself a 4k tv and now I wanna dl 4k only content lol. mega have 5gb limit and I gotta switch servers(vpn) every 5gb which is annoying. I think gdrive has put limits also. I love ddl but I think as a free user we are screwed.

    torrents, free, I think is wishy washy with speed. I have some experience but if I go this route its best to leave overnight on a laptop and hope for the best the next day that it has been dl'd.

    Usenet I got block account sitting there for ages. probably the best speed and no limits from memory. but gotta use my block account which is paid :(

    any1 have better ideas? tx 4 reading. feel free to msg me if you don't want to share ur super duper secret 😛

    (solved)openai whisper - any websites where we can upload our audio file then download/emailed the transcription? GitHub - openai/whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision

    Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision - GitHub - openai/whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision

    GitHub - openai/whisper: Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision

    hi as above, tx 4 reading.

    (solved)dl or watch twitch sub only videos?

    Hi every1, someone I follow has decided to flip the switch on their videos to only subscribers, lame, so is there anyway i can download them? Tx pirates arghhh! 🏴‍☠️

    android 14 to only support 64 bit apps.... so are we f'd?

    As above, so i assume most fdroid apps are 32bit 🤷 how does one figure out the apps on their phone if 32 bit or 64bit? Tx 4 reading.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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