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I have been informed that there were no left-wing participants in WWII.
  • "You have two cows"-ass political education

  • Critical support for rookie Mike
  • The cam would have needed to be on for them to release it 😔

  • Boeing does it again.
  • Think of how much worse it will be for those astronauts if Trump is elected

  • Clown to Clown Communication
  • There are no leftists in this image

  • Pope told by student to stop using anti-LGBTQ language
  • I know you probably don't actually care, but things that the Pope says are only infallible when they're made ex cathedra, which is like a special phrase that indicates "this stuff came straight from God". Most of the things the Pope says don't have that authority

  • Doug Lain (formerly of Zero Books) is courting the PatSoc audience
  • There are a few valid ideas in there; I just think it could have been an essay instead

  • Doug Lain (formerly of Zero Books) is courting the PatSoc audience
  • I'm not actually sure if Lain was around for Capitalist Realism; I just think it's hilarious that Zero Books had one single hit with that book and they've tried to coast on it ever since

  • Doug Lain (formerly of Zero Books) is courting the PatSoc audience
  • Lain was always a dogshit editor; almost every book put out by Zero under his tenure was full of typos, poorly sourced claims, and drivel. And a hot take, while I'm at it: Capitalist Realism isn't very good

  • Day 2 of postin' Garfield minus Garfield
  • He just like me fr

  • Rare Electoralism W
  • Signora... thank you for your service fidel-salute

  • Why Are US Military Bases so Dangerous?
  • Here's the Trueanon one. They talk specifically about Fort Bragg but then zoom out to talk about US special forces in general.

  • Killdozer guy died 20 years ago today
  • Check it out

    Freedom of Speech depicts a scene of a 1942 Arlington town meeting in which Jim Edgerton, the lone dissenter to the town selectmen's announced plans to build a new school, as the old one had burned down, was accorded the floor as a matter of protocol.

    "Who needs a new school, we can use them kids in the mines!"

  • Imagine electing a climate scientist as president
  • I guess climate science is her wheelhouse and not public health...

  • Her (2013)
  • Capitalist innovation

  • utopologist utopologist [any]

    I run Red Game Table. I used to be on Pr*lespod

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