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The gamers are so far gone they will have to be put down
  • it does not have to be realistic, it's a game

    "So, you'll happily pay $200 for a triple-A game with Atari graphics and not rant about using 0.001% of your recently bought 24Gb GDDR6 graphics card that cost you your kidney, right?"

    Such a bunch of losers, even they don't know what they want. I bet they'd rant about "lack of graphical improvements" if Konami released the PS2 version with PC compatibility patches.

  • Israeli Minister of National Security saying that Biden loves Hamas
  • Well, yes, but are there Hebrew words for "Hamas" or "Biden"?

    I was taught that you shouldn't translate foreign names, only if the translation serves the purpose of clarification. For example: if I said I studied at USP, you probably wouldn't get it; but if I said I studied at the São Paulo State University (USP), it would be explicit that I'm talking about a college.

  • In a First, AlmaLinux Patches a Security Hole That Remains Unpatched in Upstream RHEL - FOSS Force
  • Projects leaching on the work of companies like that, "freeing the code".

    You mean it the other way, right? Because these companies you defend use the free labor of voluntary developers from the community, which spend hours and hours developing features, fixing bugs and what not, directly or indirectly. That's how open source works.

    When these companies change the project license to a closed source one, they're basically saying a big "f*** you" to the community. Forking the latest open source version of the repository is nothing more than an effort to keep things the way they were.

    huge companies will not pay a cent for Linux in the future

    Linux is FOSS, you can do whatever you want with it as long as you redistribute it without modifying the license. Android does that; every GNU/Linux distribution does that. That's how it works.

    if a license says "you can use it for free, but need to share profits over x$"

    What you're describing is "freeware", what this post is discussing is " open source software". There's a giant gap between the two.

  • Battlefield Comms: We're pleased to share that EA anticheat will be extended to Battlefield V this Wednesday, April 3rd at 08:00 UTC.
  • I think they mean EA Anti-Cheat, not Easy Anti-Cheat. The former, which is used in 2042, does not run under linux (and probably never will).

    BFV runs out-of-the-box on linux systems and has a "Gold" rating on ProtonDB. If EA really goes on with this, BFV will become unplayable, just like 2042.

  • Your PC will thank you...
  • Well, as a Linux user myself, I used to do this kind of thing when I was getting started and was too damn hyped about FOSS and everything. Now, I simply ask people what they want from a computer and how much are they invested into tech.

    Do you want things to be as simple as possible? Use Mac or Windows.

    Do you want to learn more about how things work under the hood? Use Linux.

    Gaming? Use Windows (and yes, although I'm a proud Proton user, some games just won't work, like Valorant and PUBG).

  • Now the Ukraine thing is complete.
  • Did he? I don't remember him saying "I've lost, it's alright guys" to his supporters. He've been saying there was a fraud in 2018 (which he fucking WON) and 2022 elections; he never came in public and said "Hey guys, could you please stop blocking roads, stop making protests all over Brazil and stop asking for a coup in front of the army barracks?".

    After he lost, he simply vanished for almost a month, and neither the Federal Police nor the army under his command did something to stop the protests. In fact, an army general came in public and said to Bolsonaro supporters: "Don't lose faith" - even though they were causing chaos all over the country.

    At last, we had Jan 8, which is equivalent to USA's Capitol riot. Bolsonaro supporters invaded the congress, the presidential palace and the supreme court, and trashed the places (fortunately, no one was working there this day). All of these things wouldn't happen if Bolsonaro came in public and accepted his defeat.

  • Holiday Giveaway - Steam Codes! - Giveaway Ended
  • Merry Christmas OP! I'll pick Persona 5 Royal

    Here's what made me happy this year:

    • I got married!
    • I landed my first job as a programmer (and got promoted a month after)

    Happy holidays everyone

  • A instância do meta já está bloqueada há meses. Podem ficar tranquilos.
  • não estamos matando o fediverso por sufocamento?

    Pela sua lógica, deveríamos manter a federação com todas as instâncias, inclusive as que permitem conteúdo ilegal e imoral, pelo bem de aumentar a quantidade geral de usuários. Não queremos isso.

    Eu entendo onde você quer chegar com isso, mas acho que a instância da Meta deve ser tratada como qualquer outra. Se viemos todos pra cá buscando um ambiente mais amigável e sem os problemas das outras redes sociais, porque deveríamos federar com instâncias que querem replicar esse tipo de comportamento no fediverso?

    Estamos basicamente empurrando as pessoas na direção de algoritmos

    Acho que vale perguntar duas coisas antes de assumir isso:

    1 - Estamos divulgando o Lemmy/Mastodon para tornar ele conhecido e visto como alternativa válida?

    2 - As pessoas que sabem da existência do fediverso e não migraram, realmente querem fugir dos algoritmos?

    As pessoas que querem fugir do algoritmo irão buscar alternativa, assim como na última migração de usuários do Reddit pra cá; os que não se importam, vão continuar onde estão. Não podemos forçar as pessoas a concordar com a gente, só podemos apresentar a alternativa e torcer pra que venham conosco.

  • A instância do meta já está bloqueada há meses. Podem ficar tranquilos.
  • Não sou o ademir, mas vou tentar complementar.

    Desfederar do Threads apenas impede que eles vejam e interajam com comunidades, posts e usuários dessa instância. Mas nada impede que elas saiam do Threads e criem uma nova conta aqui ou em qualquer outra instância.

    O melhor jeito de fazer as pessoas saírem de lá é explicar pra elas os problemas de usar redes sociais baseadas em algoritmos, e apresentar uma alternativa. Se não nos ouvirem ou não gostarem da alternativa dada, não há mais nada que possa ser feito.

  • Every god damn time!
  • Snapper also uses btrfs subvolumes to create snapshots, so if you did create them during your installation process, nothing to worry about.

    I don't remember if there is a way to create them after the installation, neither if it's a tough process tho. I used to simply reinstall when I messed up with the subvolumes.

  • [Support] Steam/Proton games won't start after fresh install

    Hey everyone. I've been playing on Linux using proton for a while and stumbled across this scenario: you click "play" and the game won't start, it doesn't even bring up the "compiling vulkan shaders" card sometimes. This post is about a fix I've been using and wanted to share.

    Use a process analyser (I use htop) to search for a process with the word "DIRECTX" or "DXSETUP". This process should run right after you install the game and click to play for the first time, as a post-install script. In my experience, this process usually hangs and stops the game starting sequence. Since I know my Proton setup already have DirectX updated, I kill this process (using signal 9 - SIGKILL) and the game starts booting normally.

    I'm currently using GE-Proton8-14 and Pop!_OS 22.04

    How do you call someone born in the US besides "American"?

    Well, everybody born in the american continent is technically "american" too, including Central and South America. Is there a specific term in english for these people?

    Edit: Thanks for all your answers, especially the wholesome ones and those patient enough to explain it thoroughly. Since we (South Americans) and you (North Americans) use different models/conventions of continent boundaries, it makes sense for you to go by "Americans", while it doesn't for us.

    Opinions on radicle

    I've recently discovered Radicle, which is a P2P code hosting platform, and I liked its concepts a lot. Any of you guys heard of or used it?

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