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  • Morality schmorality, we need universal healthcare, daycare, a progressive tax system, and much more. Once society is equitable to all, then all have equal opportunity to behave “morally.”

    All of these things are maintained by humans. There is no perfect structure that can keep everyone "locked" to act in favor of the structure, whether it is through surveillance, bureaucracy or punishments. In any system, a subset of the participants will at some point have leeway to put a small dent to the system. Some systems are more resistant to self-destruction than others, but none are immune to it due to our inherent ability to choose between right and wrong. Therefore, evil systems can always be defeated, and good systems can always fall.

  • A demonstration of the USA's latching mechanism
  • Life finds a way back once it's unfolded?

  • Me🧰irl
  • I feel that there is an underlying moral problem in society that causes the rich to always exploit the poor. It feels like if you were to shuffle people around and pick a new set of rich people, said people would be almost equally likely to screw over their fellow man. If society was more moral in general, this exploitation would be reduced.

  • Frog transmutation
  • It will suck when the old wizard gets tired of being a frog and realizes he doesn't have the limbs to turn himself back into a human.

  • Downtown Toronto faces a crush of rising office vacancies that could threaten building valuations
  • Office spaces can be turned into housing as long as they are not too deep, otherwise many rooms will end up without windows and sun light.

  • Oof
  • Why are all the protesters women and the guards men in this picture? I feel that this picture left out all the men in the protest, or the men are being irresponsible by letting women stand on the front-line, so to speak. I feel that it's the former.

    Where does this picture come from exactly?

  • Camouflage
  • Oh look, a cute friend!

  • Deleted
    Interesting new data on Lemmy instance federation with Threads, ordered by Active Users descending.
  • I don't want to say "I told you so", but I told you so.

  • End homelessness with this one weird trick!
  • I wouldn't take this comment as anything but an anecdote. This is how some homeless people can be, so the take away is that the homelessness problem cannot be completely solved with housing. Some people are just cripplingly dysfunctional. They need more than housing, they need care takers. Just handing out keys to an apartment next to families to a dysfunctional drug addict who will smoke, vandalize and play loud music at night is not fair to the neighbors. These are normal middle-class people complaining, not some billionaire who can't stand the sight of a peasant lol.

  • End homelessness with this one weird trick!
  • What a condescending comment. Typical Lemmy-tier response. Is that all you've got to say, dip shit?

  • Biden 'doesn't understand the Catholic faith,' bishop says: 'I'm not angry at him, he's just stupid'
  • During his 36 years in the Senate, Biden was the chamber's biggest recipient in history of donations from pro-Israeli groups, taking in $4.2 million, according to the Open Secrets database.

    I've heard that he has taken $10M from AIPAC.

    He may be stupid, but he is making a bank.

  • Tennessee schools would have to out transgender students to parents under bill heading to governor
  • Are you advocating for kidnapping children from their parents because you think that they are abusive for not letting their children fall victim to indoctrination and unscientific "care"?

    In other words, are you advocating for potentially deadly force against fathers and mothers who don't want their children to be in this pipeline of depression and suicide? Because that's what legally kidnapping children from their parents entails if the parents refuse to have their children be taken.

  • Tennessee schools would have to out transgender students to parents under bill heading to governor
  • It's the other way around. They are destroying the starting end of the pipeline to youth with identity issues and depression by dealing with the problem at its root, which is the corrupted school system.

  • Tennessee schools would have to out transgender students to parents under bill heading to governor
  • The problem has been that many schools around the US have been running queer theory indoctrination programs in order to confuse children about their sex. Then they have "helped" a subset of said confused children access irreversible and unscientific gender affirming "care" such as hormone therapy without the parents' consent or knowledge.

    It's really horrific how many lives these people are destroying, and they are getting away with it.

    Edit: Downvotes are expected. But that should not be an issue because as we have learned from the history of Communist Russia or Nazi Germany, the most popular opinion is not always in line with justice and truth. Scientists from Europe are running huge studies and debunking claims by queer theorists that gender affirming care is necessary to prevent suicide. But that doesn't matter to many "comrades" that roam Lemmy. Some even hint at using very authoritarian measures such as violently kidnapping children from their parents who don't want their children falling victims to this. Just to show you that my comparison to historically authoritarian socialist regimes is justified.

  • Removed
    Britain Is Leaving the U.S. Gender-Medicine Debate Behind
  • Archived:

    Interesting quotes:

    At the request of the English National Health Service, the senior pediatrician Hilary Cass has completed the most thorough consideration yet of this field, and her report calmly and carefully demolishes many common activist tropes. Puberty blockers do have side effects, Cass found. The evidence base for widely used treatments is “shaky.” Their safety and effectiveness are not settled science.


    We also don’t have strong evidence that social transitioning, such as changing names or pronouns, affects adolescents’ mental-health outcomes (either positively or negatively). We don’t have strong evidence that puberty blockers are merely a pause button, or that their benefits outweigh their downsides, or that they are lifesaving care in the sense that they prevent suicides.


    We don’t know why the number of children turning up at gender clinics rose so dramatically during the 2010s, or why the demographics of those children changed from a majority of biological males to a majority of biological females.


    Medicalized gender treatments for minors became wrapped up with a push for wider social acceptance for transgender people, something that was presented as the “next frontier in civil rights,” as Time magazine once described it. Any questions about such care were therefore read as stemming from transphobic hostility, full stop.

  • Tesla Software Update Traps TikToker Inside 115-Degree Car
  • I think the issue is more related to his takeover of Twitter and the massive purge of leftist ideologues from one of the world's largest social media company. I'm almost certain this has nothing to do with cars.

    This is a massive loss of power and influence for these sorts of people. Now they are showing how much they are seething by playing all these games, like talking shit about Tesla lol.

    FYI, I don't even like Tesla. I think it's a cyberpunk dystopia on wheels. I would never buy one nor recommend it to anybody. This is not about cars.

  • Tesla Software Update Traps TikToker Inside 115-Degree Car
  • The name of the community, the constant Tesla (Elon) bad postings on the front page, it's getting ridiculous.

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