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Do you make your own clothing?
  • I haven’t made new pieces yet, but I’ve had similar thoughts. I started with mending and altering current pieces, both masc and femme clothes, to fit my body better. That’s helped with learning differences between their construction.

    I’d been out of doing that for a while but meaning to get back into it, now that I’m done with moving stress and seem to be at my new baseline fat distribution post being on progesterone.

    If I find any resources in returning to that, I’ll try to post. Would love to see what others have come across.

    Specifically, I would love to make/find boy shorts style underwear with just enough room to fit myself comfortably without being too bulgy. (I prefer to not tuck)

  • Generic Art Dad - Do Autistic People Think In Black & White?
  • Love how he is often able to push on the way autism is viewed.

    I live my life mired in nuance. So much is in the realm of “not enough data to reach a conclusion” and so many people act as though it’s a matter of fact. And yet my thinking is considered wrong for not accepting extrapolations of incomplete data that feels unjustified by “this is how it works”.

    Much like in this example: yes the DSM states black and white thinking is a problem for autistic people, while also being biased to not diagnosing people that lack this issue.

    Feels ironic that the mental health field often gets hung up treating people as a member of category rather than individuals with room to be exceptional from the accepted mode of thinking for the category.

  • egotism
  • There are a couple things in your post that gives me pause. It sounds like you’re having a pretty tough time with how you feel about yourself. You say you recognize that it’s probably good to have the sobering effects but are still seeking use without that constraint.

    Like mentioned by someone else, it may be a good idea to look at what the trip is telling you.

    You might consider that working on why it is you feel that way could be the best way to remove it from your experience.

    I think it’s entirely likely to become more introspective about your behavior on a trip. You might consider what “egotistical” even means and if the traits you see in yourself are worth changing. Thinking of one’s self positively is not inherently wrong.

  • Am I "trans enough"
  • Completely understand this. Have been here myself.

    I personally struggled identifying with the trans label until I was on HRT for 3 months and realized that I couldn’t go back to how my brain worked without estrogen. And I fully support that medical transition is not necessary to be trans. So I know it’s not easy.

    Trans doesn’t have to mean the “opposite” side of the binary.

    I would suggest looking into resources breaking down the binary gender model, seeing if any experiences of folks in the myriad of non-binary identities resonates with you, and even considering if a label is all that important to you. To me, I don’t think should matter so much, and just use the term agender as the closest approximation.

    There will be people that will try to gatekeep transness, but what matters is you’ve gone through the work of what you feel is your role in society vs what is the norm. You do that, and you will find plenty will accept it. Try things out, and if you learn that you’re cis, I think the experience of questioning gender will still make a huge positive change.

  • Low- to moderate-income Coloradans have the highest tax burden
  • Edit: I have since realized that I am unsure on the calculation of tax burden is calculated for the chart.

    I am skeptical of the representation of the data. My sense for ways to skew data is set off when making statements of segments of population when the segments are not comparable.

    I would need a better understanding of the calculation of the values reported to be able to justify that the top 20% are split into smaller groups than they’re being compared to.

  • Red Dwarf - It's Cold Outside
  • Loved that show

  • What thoughts/memories did you have before coming out, in hindsight, are big signs you were trans?
  • As an enby trans person, it was checking in my early teens for surgery scars of sex determination assuming that I had been intersex and that my parents chose a gender and being disappointed that there were none but still hoping that it was too early to have developed noticeable scars.

  • ‘@Sasquatch’ [OC]
  • tbh This one comes across as a bit shaming of nonconforming gender expression as the butt of the joke.

  • What is your "trail of hobbies"?
  • Baking Board games Camping Carving Drawing Gardening Guitar effects pedal construction/mod Guitar/Mandolin/Banjo Hiking Juggling Knitting Learning Miniature painting Origami Photography Programming (now career) Puzzles Reading Sculpting Sewing Weight training Woodwork Writing ...a bunch I can't remember

  • Unexpected pros/cons of transitioning
  • Specifically for progesterone:

    Con: near constant ravenous hunger Pro: greater difference in fat distribution, especially top growth

  • Any clothing ideas for a mtf to ease into non-masc stuff?
  • Awesome. I’m glad you’ve been finding things to try out and stay comfortable with it.

  • Fucked up my eyebrows. Need help
  • Make up wipes or creams are ideal.

    Big thing is that these are not water-based and require a little bit of solvent help get along. One of the safest things to try would probably be a little bit of olive oil. 

  • Double-hatching
  • That is awesome for you. I have loved reclaiming my masculinity since letting go of it. I feel like I’ve just had an everlasting emergence and metamorphosis rather than a singular hatching.

    I wish there was a similar community here, but the vibes over at r/ftmfemininity are emaculate.

  • Wiggling
  • I am enby but not a wiggler. A partner, a former partner, and a play partner of mine however — big-time wiggly enbies.

  • Any clothing ideas for a mtf to ease into non-masc stuff?
  • Piercings and nail polish really are so excepted now for men by the general public, that it is super easy to get away with that.

    Shaving was a huuuuuuuuuuuuge step for me, as my facial hair was a masculinity mask of sorts. NGL, I cried through it. I wish I could snap my fingers and switch between not/having a full beard again.

    I did a similar thing with slow transition with doing more femme presentation. Would love to hear how things have gone since so much can happen in the span of months, ie how long it’s been since this was first posted

  • Where do I meet girls?
  • Honestly, dating apps can be really good for this. Although polyamorous, I state in my profile that I am also open to just friends and my interests. Two of my best friends I met 4 years ago via Tinder. There are plenty of folks looking for friends on them. It especially seems like that for OKC.

    Edit: most of my trans friends have been on a local discord community or through people I met on it.

  • Internal Monologue and Visualization?
  • I’m curious if this visualization is like my own. I can very vividly imagine an apple but then the web of thought expands out, and I’m near simultaneously visualizing different colors, shapes, varieties, artistic representations, states of being eaten or degraded, and viewed at different angles, lighting, and settings in rapid succession, so that all the images overlap in a blur of what it is that’s meant by apple.

  • I use quotes much more than colon and semicolon, so I swapped the keys
  • Similar. It was throwing me off while programming though (especially with vim key bindings), so I’m currently trying quotes in the same position but under a different layer on my Moonlander. Most likely going to switch back to quotes to default layer, colon as secondary, and keep backtick in the third layer.

  • vestigialthorn thorn

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