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Why is this episode of NOVA about data privacy recommending Privacy Badger?
  • the only reason I'm still using Privacy Badger is the feature that hides embeeded iframe widgets until a "view" button is clicked (for example, embeeded tweets etc)

  • iPhone owners say the latest iOS update is resurfacing deleted nudes
  • probably they just implemented a trash can system in an extremely idiotic way like Samsung.

  • tbh i think "master" terminology is only bad if paired with "slave". the word itself kinda just lost it's original meaning
    but I don't really care about git's change. im only using master out of habit

  • Google will use Gemini to detect scams during calls | TechCrunch
  • most likely they don't want to get into any legal trouble and it's like a thing they're rolling out on per country basis rather than creating a blocklist of countries where it's illegal

  • Microsoft is testing Game Pass ads on the Windows 11 Settings homepage
  • massgrave can activate enterprise by hwid

  • 50 million rendered polygons vs one spicy 4.2MB boi
  • there are simd accelerated json decoders

  • Microsoft is testing Game Pass ads on the Windows 11 Settings homepage
  • entire home tab is just ad space and can be disabled
    or just upgrade to enterprise, comes with no ms 365 ads and the home tab is disabled out of the box.
    you'll get literally zero ads or bs like onedrive in built-in apps, and even anti features like ms account login can be disabled (os will just skip right to local account creation)

  • Super Mario 64's "Unopenable" Door Finally Opened After 28 Years
  • the article is wrong anyway, better just watch this video instead

  • There's apparently a Reddit activity streak achievement system now.
  • tbh i was pretty shocked when i went to the app to check notifications and saw "don't lose your 2 day reddit streak" or sth

  • Certified in AI
  • it's for the official Office keyboard.
    it comes wirh shortcuts to ms office stuff and was supposed to work without installing any software, so they bound them to an extremely long key combinations no one will trigger by accident and shipped the changes to all windows users.

    also another fun fact: Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Win corresponds to the "Office" key, and hitting that combination will make Windows silently and automatically download and install the Microsoft/Office 365 App and launch it, even if it was previously removed

  • I think it's extremely invasive that amazon is telling me this
  • it's delayed by like 10 minutes iirc

  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • 8 is enough if you're not multitasking too much
    wanna play a game? close absolutely everything except maybe discord (if you need it), but keep it in the tray
    wanna look sth up while playing? don't forget to close the browser afterwards

  • AI Suggestions
  • Copilot Chat

  • 224 Injured After Glitchy Diabetes App Drains Insulin Pump Batteries
  • interacting with a pump sounds kinda awkward tho, i totally see why some people would prefer some sort of remote control, e.g. an app

  • A Pseudo Schuko with Hole-less Type A Pins
  • oh,youre right, i kinda forgot us plugs are rectangular

  • A Pseudo Schuko with Hole-less Type A Pins
  • technology connections made a video on it, none of the sockets actually use the holes, and ones that do, do it unintentionally

  • A Pseudo Schuko with Hole-less Type A Pins
  • idk I'm not from the us but i think these are pretty common?
    hole is just there for making production easier

  • you don't need more 4GB of RAM
  • yeah you need to mess around with snappiness to avoid that
    (so either increase it to make it unload stuff to hdd earlier, leaving more ram for critical stuff, or decrease it to like 5 in order to make it only use swap when absolutely needed) basically just mess around with it and see what value works best. i my case 10-15 works more or less okay-ish under full ram load

  • AI Suggestions
  • well I'm using lower-ish-level stuff like wgpu a lot, so there's a lot of repeated code in my codebase with only small variations, but I can't really encapsulate it into anything since all of my pipelines are completely different and have different requirements (it's basically already as encapsulated as it gets without limiting freedom)

  • AI Suggestions
  • don't get the negativity towards copilot in other comments.
    it's a really smart autocomplete, and this is exactly what i wanted for the past 5 years.
    (yeah it's not going to replace programmers or whatever people's exaggerated opinions of it are)

    wanna quickly create a wgpu bind group?
    let texture_bind_group = <tab> <tab> and it's smart enough to understand the context and pull in texture and texture sampler that are already defined as local variables.

    too lazy to type this obvious thing in?
    (like of course the next opcode islet op = self.fetch();) just press tab and move on with your life.

    wanna quickly refactor something?
    select, ask CP Chat to "replace all if statements with match", check if it's correct and click confirm (it will even show git-style diffs, so it's hard for something unexpected to slip in)

    it's not perfect, and it's suggestions do not match your intention like 50% of the time but when they do match or your intention is REALLY obvious (like you already wrote a clear and concise variable name and need to complete the value), you're a single keypress away from completing those 2 lines of code

    It's not a total deal breaker but it's definitely very useful. (especially for me, because of my very short attention span. unless i can quickly complete a thing I'm currently working on in less than a minute i will forget about the next 10 things I was thinking of doing)

    also i don't believe the price is justified, but it's free for students so of course I'm gonna use it.

    (you just need to verify your student email and upload a photo of your student id on, and you get a free gh copilot subscription, gh pro account, priority support and promos on loads of services like heroku etc while you're a student)

  • Some feedback
    • hold to collapse (or customizable comment hold action) would've been nice to have!

    • some tabbed menus can't be swiped through.

    • Post swipe gestures are quite unreliable and often get registered as scroll gestures.

    • Chat/messages layout is really nice!

    • I think actions like upvoting should have some sort of immediate feedback (click -> soft color -> wait for action to complete -> bright color)

    • it supports ukrainian language, which is a nice bonus for me

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