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Fediverse stuff Scott Williams 🐧
Looks like we might be experiencing some #fediverse and #Mastodon growth, presumably from another Twitter exodus event.

Looks like we might be experiencing some #fediverse and #Mastodon growth, presumably from another Twitter exodus event.


Firefox Scott Williams 🐧
Every once in a very rare while, #Firefox on #Android misbehaves, and it serves to remind me of how reliable it generally is. I've been running the Beta channel of it for over a decade and have been

Every once in a very rare while, #Firefox on #Android misbehaves, and it serves to remind me of how reliable it generally is. I've been running the Beta channel of it for over a decade and have been running it since Fennec nightly came out. My collective Android experience would be very different without it.

vwbusguy Scott Williams 🐧

Do you use your powers for good or for awesome?

Senior #DevOps Engineer at a major research institution (views/opinions my own) and a severe #Linux and #opensource enthusiast. Also into #retrocomputing, #fountainpens, #Volkswagen, #music, and #cooking. #fedi22

Hoosier currently living in California.

Pixelfed: @vwbusguy Video game talk: @vwbusguy

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