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[USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • Because they would be the ones actually entering it, you would just say some numbers out loud.

    But probably the smarter thing to do would be to leave the wipe code on a sticky note inside the phone case and hope they try it.

  • [USA] Appeals court rules that cops can physically make you unlock your phone
  • I wonder though, if you had that set up and the cops ask you for the code to unlock and you told them the code to wipe and they end up wiping the phone. Would they be able to charge you with evidence tampering?

  • This is my reason for joining "Fuck Cars"
  • What about making these massive trucks require a CDL to drive? Sure some would be dedicated enough to do it, but im sure most people would see that requirement and just get something more reasonable.

  • The Increasing Impatience Of The Speed Of The PCI-Express Roadmap
  • Its the server world that is demanding it. For most consumers 4.0 is more than enough, but servers are already maxing out 5.0 and will probably immediately max out 6.0 when devices actually become available.

  • Former head of the NSA joins OpenAI board of directors Retired U.S. Army General Paul Nakasone appointed to OpenAI Board of Directors

    The founding director of Vanderbilt University’s Institute for National Defense and Global Security, retired General Paul Nakasone, has been appointed to OpenAI’s Board of Directors as a member of its Safety and Security Committee. Nakasone previously served as commander of U.S. Cyber Command, direc...

    Retired U.S. Army General Paul Nakasone appointed to OpenAI Board of Directors
    Former head of the NSA joins the OpenAI board of directors Retired U.S. Army General Paul Nakasone appointed to OpenAI Board of Directors

    The founding director of Vanderbilt University’s Institute for National Defense and Global Security, retired General Paul Nakasone, has been appointed to OpenAI’s Board of Directors as a member of its Safety and Security Committee. Nakasone previously served as commander of U.S. Cyber Command, direc...

    Retired U.S. Army General Paul Nakasone appointed to OpenAI Board of Directors
    The Cloudflare Poison
  • the NSA (which lacks a mandate to act on US soil, and CF is a US company)

    They absolutely do have a mandate to operate on US soil, that is actually the main mandate and there is a separate military agency (CNMF) that operates on foreign soil. They are both headed by the same guy though so they might as well just be one agency.

  • Windows 10 will start pushing users to use Microsoft accounts. How to turn it off.
  • There is one extra step. I have an 6700xt, and with the docker containers, you just have to pass the environment variable HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0 to allow that card to work. For cards other than 6000 series, you would need to look up the version to pass for your generation.

    Here's an example compose file that I use for ollama that runs ai models on my 6700xt.

    version: '3'
        image: ollama/ollama:rocm
        container_name: ollama
          - /dev/kfd:/dev/kfd
          - /dev/dri:/dev/dri
          - video
          - "11434:11434"
          - HSA_OVERRIDE_GFX_VERSION=10.3.0
          - ollama_data:/root/.ollama
  • Facebook snooped on users' Snapchat traffic in secret project, documents reveal
  • it doesn’t, what this is suggesting is the vpn was routing traffic through it so they could analyze snapchat traffic. not the contents of it but essentially meta analysis of the traffic. how often it was sending data, how much data, where it was going etc.

  • Here's What Apple Retail's New Machine to Update iPhones in the Box Looks Like
  • All OS updates are signed If what you are saying were possible, then all phones would always be susceptible to a man in the middle attack of someone faking apple's server to send a fake OS update. All this seems to be is a qi charger that has the ability to also turn the phone on / off then it can just connect to apple's server and update itself like normal.

  • Immutable distros and dot files / config files
  • just a small correction, /etc does get snapshotted when upgrades happen and will roll back along with everything else. you are correct though that home does not get snapshotted and is fully mutable.

  • How is NVIDIA on Wayland nowadays?
  • I don’t have an answer to your nvidia question, but before you go and spend $2000 on an nvidia card, you should give the rocm docker containers a shot worh your existing card.

    it’s made my use of rocm 1000x easier than actually installing it on my system and was sufficient for my uses of running inference on my 6700xt.

  • Systemd controversy be like
  • What are you even talking about? systemd is currently under an opensource license, they cant retroactively change that. Any changes would be for it going forward if it is even possible for them to buy the rights to it (which I'm not convinced it is as Lennart Poettering is not the sole contributor and Red Hat / IBM and many others also have a significant stake in it). Sun patented Java on it upon its creation and when oracle bought sun, they bought the rights to those patents. They aren't comparable situations. Java was never open source, it was source available, but still proprietary.

  • Systemd controversy be like
  • Its certainly easier to read than most old init scripts and I can see why some distros and openbsd would pick it over systemd for more control. I'm not likely to pick a distro that uses it anytime soon, but i can see why some do.

  • Systemd controversy be like
  • That is my point, they have tried and failed completely before when their main product was windows licenses. Now, linux is incredibly important to their azure business, they wouldn't want to potentially cause detriment to that and is far more important to them than windows licenses.

    Also why would we have to rip out systemd, even if they tried to claim ownership of it and make it proprietary, it could be forked from before the license change and we would keep on going like nothing happened.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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