Stop whining.
Prove what? That you can't cite a law?
You're saying absolute goddamned nonsense.
If he's always on top of things, why is he doing this now and not sooner?
No, wrong. Or else teachers would be able to make copies of textbooks, and they're not.
Yeah, this is definitely wrong. Giving away something you don't own is still illegal.
This towel is warmer and bitier than usual.
There are whole-ass companies selling laptops with Linux preinstalled now. They work. Even with Bluetooth.
The dollar is representative of the work you contributed to the economy
If that's true, nobody on Social Security Disability would be getting money.
So basically, the more people who believe in the value of some thing, the more that thing holds actual value?
Yes. That's how value works.
The paradox of value (also known as the diamond–water paradox) is the contradiction that, although water is on the whole more useful, in terms of survival, than diamonds, diamonds command a higher price in the market.
Real money is backed by a country’s respective economy
its an IOU from the government
An IOU from the government is a bond.
If someone says something that a lot of people want to be true with no evidence... it ain't true.
So they're helping Trump win. No actual difference.
Sanders couldn't even win the primary. Look at how poorly he did in 2020, too.
Most people would never vote for Sanders. He lost the primary and his supporters never shut up about how it was "rigged and stollen" from their God-Emperor.
But nope they ran with her they wanted to lose.
The "GIVE US BERNIE OR WE'LL GIVE YOU TRUMP" people helped Trump win, not Clinton voters.
Online pissbabies never realize they're a minority even within their own party.
Unironically, they hate us for our freedoms.
We have the freedom to read and say what we want, and they can't stand to hear their beliefs challenged.
We have the freedom to have sex and not get sick or pregnant, and they can't stand their purity religion being disobeyed.
We have the freedom to be who we are, and they can't stand to see their simplistic notions of sex and gender disproven.
We have the freedom to not be religious, and they can't stand to see irreligious people living happy lives.
We have the freedom to ignore them, and they can't stand not being the center of attention.
Does 15 week ban mean no abortion after 15 weeks? That sounds reasonable.
It isn't, though: It's forcing birth on someone who doesn't want it, and probably forcing a child into a bad home.
I'm posting from now.
However, if you link this to an uptick in antisemitism tied to lies about Israel spread by "decolonizers" you're Noticing Things, And Therefore Wrong.
In 2008, Paul Graham wrote How To Disagree Better, ranking arguments on a scale from name-calling to explicitly refuting the other person’s central point. And that’s why, ever since 200…
A good post about the kinds of arguments people use online, including tactics which are about the argument itself or some of the people involved in the argument, as opposed to being about the argument's supposed topic.
You should know this to, one, avoid pointless "debates" where no actual issues get debated, two, to improve your own debate style to focus on the issues that need to be debated most, and, three, to see when others are merely acting like they're debating without actually debating the core issues the debate is supposed to be about.