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Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • well, unless its weed. i and everybody i know are all constantly stoned. but maybe thats just my crowd.

  • Fascism and Falsifying Science, Name a more Iconic Duo
  • this critique points out the numerous methodological flaws in the report.

  • Biden Expected to Sign Executive Order Restricting Asylum
  • “This is the first president in the history of the United States of America that anybody seeking asylum has to do it in another country,” Mr. Biden said at the time. “That’s never happened before.”

    “You come to the United States and you make your case,” he added. “That’s how you seek asylum, based on the following premise, why I deserve it under American law.”

    hey...uh... what does this mean???

  • Biden’s Marijuana Policies Help Business But Not the Victims of the War on Drugs
  • the only other possible benefit to rescheduling is that it will become easier for researchers receiving federal grants to study it, but again that doesn't mean much if so many are still imprisoned for it

  • So the Neuralink patient's implant is already failing.
  • they WILL use this against people in the future. corporate non-compliance or even dissent will have your implants shut off.

  • How did you know if you were trans (or if you were cis)?
  • strangely, a few days after receiving the COVID vaccine….

    but seriously, i never really thought of gender at all until about 12-13, when those around you start really pushing it. of course cis people are always pushing gender from a young age, but i feel like they really ramp it up when you’re around that age where you start puberty. as i was forced more and more into the social role of a man, i realized that i deep down hated it and there just felt like an incongruence between me on the inside and who i am expected to be. only a few years later did i realize this was actually gender dysphoria. i came out as trans years later but only really just used a different name and pronouns and didn’t really know what exactly i wanted to do with my transition. i existed in trans spaces, had trans friends, the whole deal, but i never really changed anything about myself. it was only up until january of this year did i decide that i want to really live as a woman, whatever that means. for the last few months i’ve been on estrogen, i dress as femininely as i can, i wear makeup pretty regularly, i do my best to just be perceived as a woman. i am very clocky and never get gendered correctly, but at least i like how i present and doing the whole feminine gender performance has been giving me tons of euphoria thus far.

  • ERRA - Electric Twilight [Progressive Metalcore/Djent]
  • saw these guys live a few years back and they killed it. definitely one of the better bands in the current metalcore sphere.

  • Think the stroke made him into literally a caveman
  • don't take any pharmaceutical medication john!!! you will NOT like what the production facility for THAT looks like!

  • A 23 year-old seems to have written their own wikipedia article about going to every spacecamp and wanting to be an astronaut when they grow up.
  • it is absolutely wild that a whole bachelor's degree exists entirely on a hypothetical, the existence of life outside earth, with very little to even work on. maybe i'm just being a hater, and i do love hypothesizing about potential life in space, but genuinely what is there to study or do as an astrobiologist aside from spectroscopic analysis of exoplanetary atmospheres that is already being done by many astronomers. all we really have is a few planets where there MIGHT be some molecules that usually originate from from life on earth specifically and the previous existence of water on mars, of which neither are conclusive of anything. for other natural sciences such as biology, physics, or chemistry, there will never not be a time when the laws of physics (on earth, at least) stop applying suddenly, or the laws that govern chemical reactions, or the functioning of life because these are tangible things you can observe. even specific sub-fields within them are still studying specific phenomena we know happen. what is there to observe for something that we know very little about and probably will always know very little about.

  • Sunday is Gaming Day: what are you playing thread
  • all the fallout talk got me to plug the xbox 360 back in and replay new vegas. that's all i've been playing.

  • Nihilism status: owned
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Where do y'all get your books? What ya reading right now?
  • local bookstores almost exclusively, and libgen if it cant be found there.

  • UC Riverside News - Vaccine Breakthrough Means No More Chasing Strains - Uh, Holy Shit?
  • it definitely is going extremely fast lol, i feel like every week there’s something new and wild and it’s hard to keep up with.

    i’ll definitely leave a comment! i’m not a healthcare provider at all and specialize more in microorganisms but i guess all life has a similar foundation, so id love to contribute.

  • UC Riverside News - Vaccine Breakthrough Means No More Chasing Strains - Uh, Holy Shit?
  • thanks for finding the paper and summarizing it! yeah i can definitely see how this wouldn’t really be as effective as they touted, especially with the vector problem. though there are a lot of different viruses that could be used as vectors right? i knew someone who did research into parvoviruses and it seems like they could work too. i still think it’s a cool idea though and i’m hoping it finds more applications.

  • UC Riverside News - Vaccine Breakthrough Means No More Chasing Strains - Uh, Holy Shit?
  • yes, i believe the intention here (as is outlined in the paper you linked) is to target viruses before they infect a cell for the greatest chance of preventing what you described? but again, its really unclear to me without the original paper but that link in the article isn't working which really sucks.

  • UC Riverside News - Vaccine Breakthrough Means No More Chasing Strains - Uh, Holy Shit?
  • i'm a molecular biologist and would love to see the actual paper (because i think this article is horribly written and really doesn't explain this very well), but there exists research already for this concept. hypothetically, it would be extremely difficult for a virus to mutate to block siRNAs as they target entire essential genes, such as structural ones or essential replication proteins, so the virus would have to fundamentally change many different and important genes to evade siRNA detection, and also because in therapeutic settings, many different siRNAs targeting different sites would be used simultaneously. even in viruses that have evolved to have RNAi suppressing proteins, some research shows that synthetic siRNAs can still have an effect.

  • When do you like to eat the banana?
  • 1-2. i kinda love the slight starchiness and once it starts getting a bit yellow, its perfectly firm and the banana flavor really shines through. even the green ones i'll eat from time to time.

  • Waiting Room - Fugazi
  • one of the greatest bands of all time. if anyone likes this song, please listen to the rest of this album (13 songs) and their other album repeater as well!

  • McCrispy in shambles
  • mcdonald's is franchised, so locations are technically owned and operated by independent owners. the franchisee that owned all the israeli locations gave the free meals to the IOF and in response corporate is buying back their locations from the franchisee. corporate shows no intention of stopping doing business in israel.