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The Crooked DOJ!
  • Yeah. They won't do it but they'll still complain about a conspiracy to try to get them to do it.

  • Elon Musk's X revenue has officially plummeted, new documents show
  • Could have been more wealthy and not have people keep reporting on his failures with X, formerly known as Twitter, constantly.

  • "I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top."
  • And that is basically how GANs are trained to generate better and better images or other outputs.

  • Being an adult is so fun
  • Just don't think about dying and all the dishes get cleaned and put away in your dream house magically somehow.

  • Human rights

    This one is cheaper and probably easier to use base on nozzle design.

  • People eating ‘grass and peanut shells’ in Darfur, UN says, as hunger crisis engulfs war-ravaged Sudan
  • So....the top priority is to do widespread genetic modifications so people can get a minor or negligible amount of nutrition from eating something most people don't normally want to eat?

  • You have 5 minutes to hide a paperclip in your home. A detective has 24 hours to find it, If they don't, you get $100,000. Where are you going to hide the paperclip?
  • How are you going to buy a few thousand dollars worth of paper clips and hide them within 5 minutes?

  • Lay them on me
  • I'm pretty sure it's about inserting hot dog shaped object in to the end of the digestive tract opposite the mouth.

  • me_irl
  • You should contact Alex Taylor to ask where she got hers from.

  • Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts
  • Pen-testing is short for penetration testing. Which is testing if you can break into the things. Like a locked office or a computer system, etc. Legally, it's done to find flaws that need to be fixed before they get used nefariously.

    Pen testing techniques and tools are essentially break in tools. In this case, a tool for mimicking car key fobs and the wireless signals they send to the car.

  • $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • Not everyone has a good local place like that. There's a ton of bad local places. If you're in an unfamiliar place, sometimes it's easier to just go with a mediocre place.

  • $3 for a single McDonald's hash brown? Some customers are fed up and pushing back
  • Air fryer works extremely well for hash browns and tater tots.

  • My favorite band
  • Your username is a lie. You seem extremely willing.

  • Roberta Kaplan says Trump threw papers across table at Mar-a-Lago deposition because his legal team agreed to feed her lunch
  • It was probably less about money (though he definitely still cares about that) and more like his childish strategy where he thought they would get hungry and end the deposition so they could go get food was thwarted.

  • razor blades
  • What else will they do with all those blades?

  • See How Hot 2023 Was in Two Charts. Hint: Record Hot.
  • There's no probably. The legend clearly labels the colors to correlate to decade. It's not related to temperature directly.

  • Harvard has gone too far
  • It's an extremely abundant plant based protein.

    Cellulose is a polysaccharide. Not a protein.

  • Even Starfield fans can't fathom why it won most innovative gameplay in 2023's Steam awards
  • They are based on user submitted nominations that happened during the prior sale.

    Valve can be pretty lazy about this kind of thing. So I wouldn't be surprised if they just automatically used the top most nominated in each category without even a tiny bit of vetting.

  • 29 December 2023
  • This is why I keep 5 spares in case I need them for all 4 of my tires.

  • wunami wunami
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