xor @ xor @lemmy.dbzer0.com Posts 2Comments 357Joined 2 mo. ago
i remember when i thought of that movie as a comedy… now it’s just (almost) reality
without property tax, all land would be owned by corporations whether or not they planned on using it ever….
but an individual living on a property shouldn’t have to pay property tax on their home.
the guy in the picture could have 100 acre of unused land he’s holding on to, too….
another fun one is some cities will seize your property for being $1 off on your property tax payments.
well at least you’re trying…
but, let’s not equivocate gender and species (sorry furries)…. or race….
but, race and gender are social constructs.
gender was redefined, in a scientific sense, by anthropologists, to reflect sex-attached roles in society, whereas biological sex refers to genitalia….
in humans at large, most cultures have at least two genders, attached to male and female sex. many cultures have more than two genders, and many cultures allow people to be any gender role they choose…
this ambiguity is WHY they needed a term for this other than sex.
like, why would being born male mean you’re only allowed to like things from a particular set. Allowed to like playing in mud and a little fighting… not allowed to play with dolls (which is play socializing and why women are more emotionally intelligent)… boys aren’t supposed to like certain colors, or certain clothes… or music… or have particular mannerisms… or cry….
but these are all rules imposed by society, they’re not inherent to the biological sex.
so where do you draw the line? well, i’d start with: all social constructs you can be what you feel like you are.
race is a much more complicated social construct, given that america switched to race based slavery early on… but, race is completely constructed by society. there’s more genetic variation between african tribes than there is between “races” like caucasian and mongaloid or whatever antique racial term you want to use.
it’s just that we can quickly see a difference in regional adaptations (like skin color or eye shape).
in america, a half black person could act more like white culture or more like black culture and be somewhat accepted in either… in fact, white slave owners would commonly rape their own slaves in order to breed more slaves… and sell of their own children… every american black person (with a lineage here) is part caucasian, and vice versa…
irish, italians, and polish people used to be considered non-white but eventually became accepted as such… largely because you couldn’t immediately see a difference…
and race originally used to mean peoples that spoke different languages… like the spanish race and french race… it’s totally nuts….
race has been made real, as a social construct, but there’s no scientific basis for it….
Speciation begins when two different groups can no longer reproduce and create successful offspring… like say, pubic lice and head lice can reproduce and their offspring can reproduce but their claws aren’t good at grabbing either hair type, so they’re not successful and there’s two different species….
Race isn’t real, gender isn’t real… do what you want and enjoy yourself and just let other people enjoy themselves….
i’m just glad english doesn’t have gendered nouns like “oh a chair is female and a teapot is male”….
another confusing aspect with gender vs sex is the same word meaning different things in different contexts… like female gender vs female sex… but just default to calling people what they prefer and you’ll be fine.
some people will always be unreasonable but just try to be considerate and it’s all good….
oh and if someone insists that their “gender” is something invented like “dr@g0n fuck3r”, they’re a concern troll… (real example, spelled wrong to thwart searches).
what are and are not rights is a matter of philosophy
politics are very involved in how a government will treat human and civil rights… but these rights are intrinsic to humanity, aka inalienable, and exist without governments.
your mom is politics
not everything that a government can touch are politics.
politics involve how you decide what the government will do…
i dunno i explained it more in a different reply on this thread but ive got a lot of people trying to argue and i don’t want to keep repeating it…
all sorts of people are super satisfied with answers that don’t answer the question….
people tell me that all the time….
some people consider indirect, cryptic answers to be complete
human and civil rights aren’t “politics”
everyone keeps repeating that cancer metaphor, but a plague is much more appropriate….
yeah but then they’d end up killing all of the middle management….
yeah, it’s a good solution
suburban housewives on meth would be a great vice documentary….
it feels like just a rumor to me, a lot of people on meth think that everyone is on meth….
for example, how are suburban housewives scoring meth? is there a network? do they go to the seedy parts of town and find street dealers?
it’s possible, but doesn’t seem likely.
that’s not how it works
i feel bad for the younger generations that grew up with locked down apps….
when i was 8, my first computer didn’t have pictures on it… my dad was a programmer so we got a new computer every year… my next one had graphics… the next one had speakers….
the first program i hacked was a dos menu program i locked myself out of (at 8 or so)….
for me, apps that magically do stuff in the background are painful….
i use a terminal emulator to run yt-dlp directly on my phone….
dude, your comments are full of insults and cuss words… i don’t disagree with anything you said, but saying “you’re all fucking idiots and trailer trash” and that sort of thing will totally get you banned there….
banned on most lemmy communities too….
anyways what they did is called shadow banning… a lot of times if you tell a troll they’re banned, they immediately log in with a different account to continue trolling… if you shadow ban someone they’ll think nobody commented and give up… it’s evil though, to use it on people who are actually trying to express an idea, even if it’s crass….
but to save you some trouble:
ALL of the big subreddits are trash, run by shills, and full of bots and astroturfing… the smaller ones are still a good resource, but i mean… posting on conservative leading with “i’m not a conservative” is asking for a fight….
it’s not wrong to do… but it’s wrong to expect them to reasonably engage you.
i can’t wait to download that!
except this is how measles mutates to overcome current vaccines….
yes yt-dlp,
no to random app that’s probably just a wrapper for yt-dlp with spyware and ads bundled in
yes but he pretends like he invents stuff when he didn’t, ffs