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is this employee in the room with us right now?
  • Thanks for the links. I was able to find the original source for that claim, which has actually usage numbers:

    0.3Wh / request for Google 2.9Wh / request for ChatGPT

    That does however reference the same paper as your linked articles, which I can't find without a paywall:
    I'd love to know how they came up with that number for ChatGPT, but it looks like I was a bit off with my estimates regardless. There's probably some scaling efficiencies they're taking advantage of at that size.

  • is this employee in the room with us right now?
  • I'm not sure that's even a valid comparison? I'd love to know where you got that data point.

    LLMs run until they decide to output an end-of-text token. So the amount of power used will vary massively depending on the prompt.

    Search results on the other hand run nearly instantaneously, and can cache huge amounts of data between requests, unlike LLMs where they need to run every request individually.

    I'd estimate responding to a typical ChatGPT query uses at least 100x the power of a single Google search, based on my knowledge of databases and running LLMs at home.

  • Hey she tried her best ok
  • No, there's definitely a science to this. It's the same reason sandwiches taste better if you cut them in a triangle. The sharp points make for the perfect bite size.

  • Not everything can be done in constant time, that's O(k)
  • A quadratic function is just one possible polynomial. They're also not really related to big-O complexity, where you mostly just care about what the highest exponent is: O(n^2) vs O(n^3).

    For most short programs it's fairly easy to determine the complexity. Just count how many nested loops you have. If there's no loops, it's probably O(1) unless you're calling other functions that hide the complexity.

    If there's one loop that runs N times, it's O(n), and if you have a nested loop, it's likely O(n^2).

    You throw out any constant-time portion, so your function's actual runtime might be the polynomial: 5n^3 + 2n^2 + 6n + 20. But the big-O notation would simply be O(n^3) in that case.

    I'm simplifying a little, but that's the overview. I think a lot of people just memorize that certain algorithms have a certain complexity, like binary search being O(log n) for example.

  • Barcelona will eliminate ALL tourist apartments in 2028 following local backlash: 10,000-plus licences will expire in huge blow for platforms like Airbnb
  • Renting out cabins and beach houses makes way more sense, since those are typically places you wouldn't live in full time. The rest of the short term housing rentals end up driving up the cost of living.

  • Meta To Use Public Photos and Posts To Train AI: Here's How US, UK And Europe Users Can Opt Out
  • We're talking about legally, not practically. Obviously copying movies is physically possible.

  • Inflation screwing you over? Just invest!
  • Damn, $1500 is actually a great price for a 4090. If only...

    Edit: I don't know how I got here. I just realized this post is 4 months old.

  • Got Played
  • Dang, I can't even be mad with a face like that.

  • What is PID 0?
  • Wrong kind of link 😜

  • Lemmy in the nutshell
  • Pretty sure at that range they're dead no matter what. May as well crack one last joke.

  • The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery
  • That doesn't seem worth it when you can fit that amount of storage in about 20 L with lithium ion cells (think a small PC case), or something like 40 L if you used sodium ion cells, which are looking like a new alternative.

    Concrete offgassing of CO2 is already a big contributor to greenhouse gasses, so I can't imagine this battery version is improving things there. You'd probably have to wire your whole basement with electrodes to even access the stored energy.

  • it takes time to start appreciating imperfections instead of beauty
  • You can search for them, but I think the one I have is similar to a Uni Kuru Toga pencil. I don't write as much as I used to, but it's awesome for taking notes.

  • it takes time to start appreciating imperfections instead of beauty
  • Mechanical pencils for the win! Did you know there's even ones that rotate the lead for you as you write so there's always a sharp point?

  • Corporate America is Just Office Space in Real Life
  • It's sad that the best most startups can hope for is to be bought by a giant corporation. Not a lot of people are interested in just having a successful long-term business.

  • How a fed up carpenter found his stolen power tools — and 15,000 others
  • It's sad probably 90% of this stuff won't make it back to it's original owner. Who's still got serial numbers or receipts for something they bought in 2014? Most people will have moved on or had insurance replacements already

  • How a fed up carpenter found his stolen power tools — and 15,000 others
  • I'm not a professional, but all my powertools are covered under my renter's/hone insurance. It's incredibly cheap compared to car or health insurance.

    Edit: I guess this doesn't count if the tools are stored in a vehicle parked anywhere but in my garage. There's definitely some policies available that will cover the full contents of your vehicle though.

  • NSFW
    Completely normal - Ai
  • This is the true "We did it Reddit" moment.

  • Study Finds That 52 Percent of ChatGPT Answers to Programming Questions Are Wrong
  • Just useful enough to become incredibly dangerous to anyone who doesn't know what they're doing. Isn't it great?

  • Publishers are a cancer. Knowledge is meant to be shared, freely.
  • Brazil's approach for fostering innovation and technology is to tax all outside tech at 100%, even though no local industry for the products even exists. I don't have high expectations for them investing in scientific publishing.

  • Removed
  • I've had the audio desync in cutscenes after leaving a game open in sleep for a week or two. I think it's an issue with how the game timers work. If they're counting since the game started, any slightly inaccuracy will become more obvious as the game is left open, regardless of sleep.

  • Northern Lights in Saskatchewan, Canada [OC]

    I was on a road trip through the prairies and had to stop on the side of the road to watch the northern lights. The entire sky in all directions was lit up. I was able to take this shot with the big dipper visible.

    4-second exposure, Sony A9 II, f2.8 24mm Sigma Lens, taken Sept 18, 2023

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