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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • It reads as anti-vegan to me because it's another variation of "if vegans were nicer, everyone would eat less meat and become vegan." People know about factory farming but do not care, some leftists will even defend it while claiming to be "neutral" on the subject. Vegans are nice in general, that's not why they are hated. They are hated because they expose a truth about society and people do not like what that truth says about themselves.

    Also lower row vegan is a dumb caricature. Veganism is about reducing harm, a vegan would not want a person to starve to death. Which families are starving to death because of eggs? It just reads like someone who is anti-vegan made this. Exasperated vegans don't understand how to convince your average meat-eater that animal lives have value the way a human life has value, that factory farming contributes to destroying the environment, and that eating a plant based diet can be healthy. Because the reaction they usually get is some variation of lower row meat-eater, no matter how nice they are about, or what facts they use, or any emotions they try to appeal to. You cannot work together when meat-eaters will fight tooth and nail so they do not have to give up their meat.

  • Lemmy is pretty anti-vegan (and the world is as well), hence this meme being highly upvoted. That causes vegan communities to only want vegans in their spaces so they don't have to deal with trolls. I know I've run into people multiple times who just want to ask questions in these spaces but then it just turns into a troll. I remember someone opening a space meant for vegans who aren't assholes supposedly, and when I looked in it, it had people describing hunting in gory detail and how important hunting is to them and how they will not ever give up hunting. How is that supposed to be welcoming to vegans? It's not, it's just another space for carnism.

    If you want to go vegan, online strangers will not stop you no matter how shitty you think they are being to you. You really going to kill animals because someone was mean to you after you already decided it was wrong to do so? It doesn't matter how you approach the subject, people just don't give a shit. Most people are lost causes, they will blame anything for why they won't make the change. I've been nice and get told BS anyway. It's not the way vegans communicate, but it is a convenient excuse for carnists to continue consuming animal products.

  • Then the poster should use better material then, lying about a historical event is not a good look.

    I think it is racist to assume every leftist is a secret tankie originating from another country. That they are secret Chinese or Russian spies or whatever. But we do not have to agree on this. We can agree to disagree.

  • I do not believe I am neurodiverse, but I do know that neurodiverse people struggle with this as well. I don't think anyone should be ridiculed like that for asking a question in good faith. It can be hard to tell at first glance if there is good faith, that's why you should give them the benefit of the doubt. I struggle too because sometimes our own bs from life gets in the way, but we should be nicer to people who haven't done anything wrong. And asking a question in NoStupidQuestions is not wrong.

  • a video of a tank flattening a protester who stood in their way

    Is he talking about "Tank Man" from the famous photograph? That guy was never run over or "flattened" and there are videos of the incident showing him talking to the guy operating the tank and going on his way.

    There's a report of 11 people being crushed outside of the square (Liubukou) while running away. There is not video of this.

    nationwide unrest across China which resulted in millions of deaths as the CCP used military directly on its own citizens

    Millions did not die either, that's an especially bold claim. The actual protest caused somewhere from hundreds to one thousand deaths and thousands of wounded. The unrest afterwards does not have a death toll that I can find, Wikipedia only mentions people dying by train.

    Also the term "tankies" does not come from that incident. It comes from those who defend the Soviet use of tanks to suppress the Hungarian Revolution of 1956.

    Their main choice of weapon is pretending to be promoters of communism, anarchism, and liberation of minorities standing against the evil corruption of capitalism

    The rest just seems like an unhinged rant against leftists, all disguised as hating tankies. The racist part is bolded by me. There's very little truth in what you quoted.

    This poster has a lot of takes I disagree with, that's all I will comment on about their post history.

  • Yep, google will be able to read your notifications. Which is why I only let things I don't care about google seeing use the sandboxed google play. Things like games, etc. I use Proton but no notifications for email (and yes I know about the CEO and Trump). That's more invasive so I just manually check my Proton inbox. You get used to workarounds. I also use a bogus gmail account not tied to me, fake name, dob, phone number, etc. I used juicySMS for it.

  • People die while waiting for social security benefits to be approved, it is a feature and not a bug. Fuck this system that says you can't even have $2k worth of combined assets without losing your benefits. Or that half of your spouse's income is "deemed" to you and cuts into your benefits.

  • I am also avoiding marriage because any spouse with a job can make me lose my benefits. The welfare office even made it clear my request for a live-in aide would be denied if I so much as dated the person who was doing the service. They (aka the government) really don't want me (aka poor disabled people) to be in a relationship. What working-class couple can survive with only one income?

  • That's great, I am ok with the rules for twitter content then.

    I've seen modified Trump tweets before (and other people like that) and since it is outrageous and Trump says outrageous things, no one questions it. It's like rage bait or something? Idk. I would prefer if people said something was satire or not first for important figures. I hate Trump but he is unfortunately an important figure now >.>

  • Things don't crash on me. But bank apps may not work, they usually use play protect and apps with that may not work. Also you will not have root access, it has to do with security but certain apps like titanium backup need root to work. I've heard seed vault (built-in backup) isn't that great but I haven't used it. I like GrapheneOS, the only annoying thing for me is the lack of notifications for certain apps. That's pretty much how it goes when you don't use google on your phone. My workaround is using a separate work profile that has sandboxed google play for apps that I need notifications for.

  • Home instance users voted 93% in favor of the proposal (284/307)

    Donating and vouched for users voted 100% in favor of the proposal (20/20 votes).

    At least we know in this poll it is 3.07 instance users votes (1/100 non-supporting, non-vouched and non-mvp users, cannot exceed +/- 10) vs 20 donated/vouched users votes. This is definitely a fair way to poll.

  • Gotcha, sorry, that is my bad for assuming bad intentions. I dislike like confrontations that are unproductive.

    I am not enthusiastic about the wording of rarely and sparingly for the alternative front end so I still feel pretty dissatisfied with the new rules. I was ok with not linking directly to twitter, just needed a way to see tweets alternatively like in archive or an alternative front end. I've seen places where fake tweets are the norm and people don't know if something is real or not, I want to prevent that. To do that, the alternative front end would need to be used unrestricted. Also someone mentioned a front end can still be modified (?) so archive would be nice at that point as an additional method.

    But I don't think anything I say really matters by now. It feels pointless to complain about something set in stone.

  • Yes I read this post. They allow screenshots, and one front end that is to be used rarely and sparingly. I said why I originally voted no, if you check the original vote thread it did not mention allowing screenshots, people asked for that in the comments. It was about banning all twitter content. Also the rule says no links in this instance, it does not mention allowed in body of post or in comments, in fact an admin said auto mod will remove links in posts AND comments.

    Once we have confirmed it is working as expected then it will auto-remove the post or comment with a specific modlog reason to explain the policy.

    Edit: also must everything be an argument? I thought you were just curious.

  • Ask for help on the Grapheneos matrix channel. I do not have this problem on mine but they are more knowledgeable about this kind of stuff.

    Also unless you use google services, you won't get notifications if you do this (use the at rest encryption with passphrase).

  • rule

  • I was gifted a reverb g2 some years ago. It was ok, had some problems getting custom bindings to work in Skyrim VR that killed the game for me. I want the index next since it will have linux support and hopefully won't die like WMR did but I also want to wait for the next index, whatever upgraded headset they make next.

  • They also use device ID. You need a new device that has never interacted with reddit before (with a VPN and different email). They also look at the subs you subscribe to. The amount of info they collect is invasive, fuck 'em.

  • Are you able to remember a strong password? If you can then you can use something like KeePass, it is an offline password manager (and authenticator) that you can use on your phone and PC and backup the file anyway you want, in storage and the cloud. It is very easy to import and export.

    Use the 3-2-1 rule for storing your vault:

    Maintain three copies of your data: This includes the original data and at least two copies.

    Use two different types of media for storage: Store your data on two distinct forms of media to enhance redundancy.

    Keep at least one copy off-site: To ensure data safety, have one backup copy stored in an off-site location, separate from your primary data and on-site backups.

    I have a Bitwarden vault for passwords and a KeePass vault for TOTP. I would use at least 2 Yubikeys as well but I'm using degoogled Grapheneos. I hate email and SMS verification for MFA, and my stupid banks only support these two methods.

  • I was against it because I wanted to do screenshots or alternative front ends for any twitter links. You should also be able to provide an original source for a tweet, like an archive link. I didn't comment because I knew my opinion/vote on this didn't matter. Not only do the majority hate twitter (with little interest in fact-checking tweets), but I also don't donate and saw that my 1 non-donation vote equates to nothing in the comments of that thread. Now the only thing users can do is screenshots, which is pretty disappointing. This and another big mod reason is making me so disillusioned with this instance.