YarrMatey @ YarrMatey @lemmy.dbzer0.com Posts 1Comments 182Joined 2 yr. ago
Have you looked at CeraVe in the tub?
My understanding is it is hormonal and governed by androgens, testosterone, and DHT. Depending on a man's levels and how sensitive their follicles are, it will affect how their scalp or beard grows. It can also be genetic/inherited and they are more likely to bald as they get older. Medication is usually aimed at hormonal causes and combined with something like minoxidil, which is a vasodilator.
Women also go through something similar, except the beard part for most women.
Does Lemmy have less personal stories than Reddit because users are more wary of doxxing themselves?
It's from the tv show Breaking Bad.
Does Lemmy have less personal stories than Reddit because users are more wary of doxxing themselves?
I know I am wary of doxxing myself, there's so many times I've withheld commenting because my stories are too specific. I've probably shared too much already and do think about just starting over with a new account sometimes. This is my 4th account by now?
I hate TSA, fucking security theater. I recently had a trip to a doctor that involved flying and going there was fine. I need a wheelchair because I can't walk long distances, like I can't even do grocery shopping anymore, but I can walk short distances. I went through the scanner, no fuss. But coming back home, TSA asked me if I could use the scanner. I told them I could. They decided to do a pat down instead, a very thorough pat down while I remained in the wheelchair. I was trying to avoid a pat down, I've had some SA in the past and do not like being touched. They let me go after the pat down and I tried to avoid being upset. I felt molested but what can I do? That was some real BS.
I am living a nightmare 🫠
It just keeps getting worse. I've been in denial about Trump winning the election honestly. I talked to a Trumper before the election who just started bashing trans people and it was so fucked, they were religious and didn't even know about intersex people. US schools have failed everyone. Trans people should have never been put into danger, their safety and rights should have been guaranteed. Fuck amerikkka.
I've seen the brainworms in other instances too, like mine x.x Sometimes I just take a day off from lemmy so I don't have to deal with trolls and getting baited.
I am already aware, thanks for the reminder :) When someone says to disengage, it means they want to stop the conversation because it is not worth any more of their time.
I think animals are tortured in the industry, you do not, I think people not buying meat can cause a change, you do not. What more is there to say? Nothing. So kindly, please disengage and stop messaging me 3 times at once, 1 message is fine.
Yeah I forgot, I remember someone talking about Pleasant Politics doing this. I don't think votes should be used like that but it is not up to me.
Yes, they would be, see:
The consensus is that you should not ban people for downvoting. At the time, vegan posts in that community would be massively downvoted vs upvoted so beaver used some sort of automation to ban everyone who downvoted. That was considered power tripping so beaver was removed and everyone was unbanned. I was thinking that maybe beaver took it too far after reading the comments in the thread I linked. But now I'm unsure, since the consensus has shifted and it is ok to ban people for downvoting when it comes to this carnivore community. Idk.
I found I kept downvoting and getting disgusted by these carnivore communities since they kept showing up in my feed, so I blocked them. Votes don't matter as much in lemmy as they did in reddit, but they are public which has always given me the ick.
I think this can be a place to post the most daft stuff vegans say, ideally with links.
I will start with
"Cows, pigs, sheeps, etc. are raped (no consent) and sexually assaulted (against their will) for dairy, meat, wool..."
No they don't, even the linked thread had Felix (who was the mod of the carnivore community linked) making fun of vegans for being against this. You think Felix is an isolated incident? Because they are not, I've heard the same sentiments expressed by many people both online and IRL. If everyone supposedly opposes this, then why haven't animal agriculture practices changed?
In that thread, someone else said:
That's okay. There are many people who only know their food as a bite-sized anonymous mass from the supermarket. who think that cows just give milk all the time. They don't know how piglets are bred. That you can walk into any barn and see unfathomable suffering in every corner. Who have never heard of forceful impregnation, confinement crates, premature separation, tail docking, mulesing, torture breeding, teeth clipping, CO2 chambers, castration, steroid growth, veal crates, tethering, weaning rings, induced moulting, sheep dipping... and we haven't even started on the illegal cruelties.
In this state of blissful ignorance, you might regard someone who associates eating a steak with rape as crazy.
I used to be like this too. And to be honest, there are times when I wish I could return to it and just dismiss vegans with a downvote as exaggerating and annoying.
Surely if everyone thought that abusing animals was wrong, all the companies selling animal products that resulted from said abuse would be gone. But people don't actually care and just buy whatever from the store, directly supporting the abuse. People may "oppose" it theoretically but in practice don't. Even the US government "solved" the problem by making it a crime to film what is actually happening in those places (ag-gag laws) since businesses were losing profit when their cruel practices were exposed.
But I know I am wasting my time with you in particular, you spout nonstop carnist apologia. You insist there is 0 suffering during animal agriculture and that veganism doesn't help animals - not even in a supply and demand way. There isn't a way to actually talk to you about this or veganism in general because we will go around in circles accomplishing nothing. I am vegan, you are incredibly carnist. So, please disengage so I can move on with my day.
Yeah the carnivore communities suck 🤮 They kept popping in my /all feed so I blocked them. The rage bait post is particularly nauseating to me. They don't see animals as having the same sentience as vegans view they have, it is incredibly disheartening. These communities are going to be controversial, you either think it is wrong to abuse/rape/kill an animal for consumption or you don't.
That's why the vegan instances are great, you won't see this shit ever. You're free to talk about veganism without someone coming in to troll. The carnivore diet is just a diet, one that is harmful IMO, but veganism is so much more than a plant based diet. I still come across comments making fun of instances that require content warnings for meat, dairy, and eggs. They just don't get it and I'm tired of trying to reason with unreasonable people.
I don't expect .world to do anything about them. I'm actually surprised people seem to be on the mod's side here, they certainly weren't when beaver banned people for downvoting.
CW: child abuse, abortion, sexual assault, suicidal ideation
I think if a fetus has an abnormality the parents don't want, then they can choose to abort once it is caught. But once the infant is born, the parents shouldn't be able to back out. I don't have children, I might have them one day, so I don't know if I'll ever change my mind if I end up having a kid with a serious disability that wasn't caught in time for an abortion. There are some conditions where the kid doesn't even survive childhood. That sounds really heartbreaking but I couldn't bring myself to basically kill a child.
I am physically and mentally disabled myself and it has been a struggle. I haven't had kids yet because my disability has made me permanently low income and I don't know if I have the strength and energy to raise a child. I am female so I would be carrying and birthing the baby and breastfeeding and all that jazz, unmedicated because my medication causes birth defects. There are times I want to die, I find myself drifting towards researching suicide methods. But it is my choice, it should never be anyone else's. Certainly not my asshole parents' decision.
I would like to say that if a parent wants to back out, the kid can go to a loving home in foster care. However, foster care is very bad in my area and I've heard very tragic tales from children that end up in their care. I don't know why, I don't know if it is a budgeting issue, but abusive foster parents in my area with clear mental and anger problems are allowed to foster anyway as well as typical abusive religious nutjobs. My parents were pretty abusive to me, one was the narcissistic abuser and the other was the enabler. I have PTSD from them and so do my siblings. And yet we ended up better than the foster kids I've heard from. I still would advocate for fixing the foster care system rather than killing all those children. My parents told me if I called CPS, I would be raped in foster care. It scared me enough to keep quiet about the abuse. Turns out it does happen, I know kids that went through that, and it is fucked up. I'm not saying every foster kid goes through this but I would never take that chance with my own kid. Adoption is not an option for me.
Are you trolling? Like seriously wth are you even talking about anymore? I said some vegans prefer vegan pets, as in bunnies and guinea pigs. You know what, just disengage at this point. You are wasting my time and not ready to talk about veganism.
... what?
Cats are currently fed very processed food recommended by veterinarians. They would rather you not feed your cat (or dog) homemade meals unless they have some serious digestive issues going on and is done with a vet's instructions and directions. Some vegans might prefer vegan pets. Some vegans don't like the idea of a pet. But I don't think processed food is a part of opposition. You could even say processed food is a part of the vegan movement since you need vitamins met. Maybe you think processed food is unhealthy? I disagree with that notion but don't feel like debating it rn.
Cats do not have the long digestive tracts of ruminants to efficiently ferment raw starch or fiber, but that doesn’t mean they cannot digest plant matter at all. It also does not mean they are unable to obtain any nutrients from plants or from fiber.
It IS possible for a cat to have a vegan diet as long as the essential nutrients are supplemented and you work with a vet. One big thing is taurine, but the way meat is processed in cat food removes the taurine so it is added back with synthetic taurine anyway.
You can read more about this in this thread:
Also what is an obligate carnivore, does it mean they have to eat meat?
"Some carnivores, particularly cats (family Felidae), are obligate carnivores, meaning they cannot obtain all the nutrients that they need from the plant kingdom and bacteria. In particular, obligate carnivores lack the enzyme needed to split carotene, obtained from plants, into vitamin A. Instead, these animals obtain vitamin A from the liver of their prey. Obligate carnivores are similarly unable to synthesize some essential very-long-chain, highly unsaturated fatty acids that other animals can make from shorter fatty acids found in plant."
So, an obligate carnivore is an animal that needs to (is obligated to) obtain some nutrients by eating the flesh of other animals (or those nutrients would have to be supplied in a form the cat can absorb by means of supplementation). Cats do not have the long digestive tracts of ruminants to efficiently ferment raw starch or fiber, but that doesn’t mean they cannot digest plant matter at all. It also does not mean they are unable to obtain any nutrients from plants or from fiber. However, being an obligate carnivore does mean that their diet MUST provide certain nutrients from the flesh of other animals or from supplementation.
Studies on cats eating a vegan diet? Science says we need more studies because it is not as black and white as all the people kneejerking about it are saying.
Whilst the quality and amount of evidence needs to be considered in formulating recommendations, there was no overwhelming evidence of adverse effects arising from use of these diets and there was some evidence of benefits. It is, however, recommended that future high-quality studies, with standardized outcome measures and large sample sizes, be conducted. At the current time, if guardians wish to feed their companion animals vegan diets, a cautious approach should be taken using commercially produced diets which have been formulated considering the nutritional needs of the target species.
I learned a lot by listening to the original commenters I linked above. Hope this helps.