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Should parents be allowed to euthanize their children if they have a diagnosis that just isn't worth dealing with?

I think not living is better than growing up neglected with only bullying as love. It's better to not live than to watch your relatives live real lives while you sit in a corner playing a video game so you're out of sight. It's better to not live than to have everyone in your family hate you for being dependent, but also hate you when you ask for help on being independent. It's just not a life worth living for both parties. The real relatives deserve real lives that doesn't involve taking care of some burden nobody wants, and the other shouldn't live as a burden nobody wants. So many unwanted kids are put in group homes where they stagnate more solely because their parents didn't want to try raising them. Death is better than living in prison for being unwanted.

  • Even though I was misdiagnosed, I would have benefited from being "wrongfully" euthanized than to live as the scum beneath my family's shoes, having to learn basic hygiene and just about everything else on my own (while having to hide it from family since trying to be clean and mature is funny), and being in a "school" that educated me with YouTube videos while teaching me that my comfort doesn't matter and to let anyone do whatever they want to me regardless of whether I like it or not. Fighting off a creepy stalker who copied everything I did and cornered me in the restroom made me the problem. She's not a creep, I just don't like. But letting another kid touch and try to rape me without reporting it (because why would someone care about something you Just Don't Like) also made me the problem.

    To this day I just tell everyone I don't remember anything before Three Houses came out. I barely do anyway. I have no childhood memories, no family, no childhood friends, no pictures, nothing. Because while everyone else got to navigate their neighborhood and actually grow as children and teenagers, I sat on a short bus for 2 hours, in the same desk for 7 hours, then on the short bus for another 2.5 hours to go lie in bed and be out of sight like a good kid. I should have just died.

  • CW: child abuse, abortion, sexual assault, suicidal ideation

    I think if a fetus has an abnormality the parents don't want, then they can choose to abort once it is caught. But once the infant is born, the parents shouldn't be able to back out. I don't have children, I might have them one day, so I don't know if I'll ever change my mind if I end up having a kid with a serious disability that wasn't caught in time for an abortion. There are some conditions where the kid doesn't even survive childhood. That sounds really heartbreaking but I couldn't bring myself to basically kill a child.

    I am physically and mentally disabled myself and it has been a struggle. I haven't had kids yet because my disability has made me permanently low income and I don't know if I have the strength and energy to raise a child. I am female so I would be carrying and birthing the baby and breastfeeding and all that jazz, unmedicated because my medication causes birth defects. There are times I want to die, I find myself drifting towards researching suicide methods. But it is my choice, it should never be anyone else's. Certainly not my asshole parents' decision.

    I would like to say that if a parent wants to back out, the kid can go to a loving home in foster care. However, foster care is very bad in my area and I've heard very tragic tales from children that end up in their care. I don't know why, I don't know if it is a budgeting issue, but abusive foster parents in my area with clear mental and anger problems are allowed to foster anyway as well as typical abusive religious nutjobs. My parents were pretty abusive to me, one was the narcissistic abuser and the other was the enabler. I have PTSD from them and so do my siblings. And yet we ended up better than the foster kids I've heard from. I still would advocate for fixing the foster care system rather than killing all those children. My parents told me if I called CPS, I would be raped in foster care. It scared me enough to keep quiet about the abuse. Turns out it does happen, I know kids that went through that, and it is fucked up. I'm not saying every foster kid goes through this but I would never take that chance with my own kid. Adoption is not an option for me.

  • Well, you run into a lot of trouble.

    Part of the abortion debate is centred on when, exactly, a bunch of cells can be called a person.

    There's no significant group arguing that it happens after the baby is out of the womb and surviving.

    There's rules in place for what happens when that new person can't survive on its own, particularly when that's combined with an inability to ever function as more than a lump.

    So, the problem becomes one of deciding when, after that period, that child needs to be given the right to choose for themselves if they want to live or not. There's already the ability to just not sustain life, but if you're gong to be making the choice to end that life, you gotta get consensus on whether or not someone gets to decide it for them.

    Now, I'm a long term right to death advocate. I consider the ability to choose the manner and time of our own deaths a right, one that is typically repressed, unjustly so

    But when you're taking someone else's, there's a much higher standard involved. In order to take someone's life legally, you have to jump through some serious hoops under normal circumstances. It's usually only allowed after they do something very bad (by the standards of the legal system making the decision).

    So, how and why are the parents making that decision? Why are they making it alone? Why not wait until the child is older and can decide for themselves? When is someone old enough?

    There's more things that need to be addressed before you could even remotely hope to build consensus and make it legal.

    And, from my perspective the answer is a hell no. You, me, everyone, has the right to decide the manner and time of our death (within reason). But we do not have the right to decide it for someone else.

    With that in mind, it is a decision that should only be made before adulthood in the most extreme cases, where suffering is assured, and early death inevitable.

    Beyond that, there are just too many problems, the same as there are with capital punishment.

    Euthanasia is a difficult topic, period. Even with the right to death, are we going to obligate someone else to assist? A lot of people seeking a medical end of life can't take their own. So they need assistance. When you're involving someone that can't decide for themselves (and if someone isn't deemed capable of voting then they're not capable of choosing in this), you can't obligate a doctor to do the job. Nobody should be obligated to take someone else's life.

    So, nah. If you're an adult, you should have the right, but until then, nobody else should. It still has problems, and you listed the worst of them already. But those problems are not as bad as ending someone's life without their informed consent. Kids can't form that for much of anything.