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David Tennant Called ‘Rich, Lefty, White Male Celebrity’ by U.K. Minister for Equality After War of Words Over LGBT+ Rights
  • […] until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore […]

    Just an unfortunate choice of words. It would have been easy to foresee how this could be interpreted. That doesn't mean she's right, though.

    Also, does anyone have a proper definition of optics (in this context)? I've heard this word a lot, but I still don't quite understand it

  • I just cited myself.
  • Similarly, 1/3 = 0.3333…
    So 3 times 1/3 = 0.9999… but also 3/3 = 1

    Another nice one:

    Let x = 0.9999… (multiply both sides by 10)
    10x = 9.99999… (substitute 0.9999… = x)
    10x = 9 + x (subtract x from both sides)
    9x = 9 (divide both sides by 9)
    x = 1

  • Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • They did cooperate with authorities, but they also took their time in disclosures to explain precisely what the user did wrong, and how you can avoid making the same mistakes. At the end of the day, Proton only has the information you provide them. And if you don't encrypt your stuff, it's not safe.

  • real progressivism = against hate of all kinds
  • If you participate in any sort of a support for Palestine group/organization/protest, please do not tolerate antisemites, deny them whatever it is they want the moment you see them. They are only going to create future problems, possibly take over whatever you're doing and make you, who have done nothing wrong, look bad. Paradox of tolerance!

    Likewise if you look to support Jewish people who are experiencing antisemitism, don't tolerate the "nuke Gaza" types...

  • real progressivism = against hate of all kinds
  • (As are all other Arabs, as well as Ethiopians and more)
    Yeah, but does etymology really mean anything any more? I don't know when, how, or why antisemitic came to be used for Jews only, but that's what it means now.

    also... just a wording thing...

    the Jewish people themselves are anti-semitic for their genocide [emphasis mine]

    That's exactly the sort of discussion the OP is trying to prevent.

  • Not Asking
  • In my country, basically everyone accepts climate change, except perhaps the most conservative and those who already believe in conspiracy theories. What is going on in the US?

  • Al Jazeera office raided as Israel takes channel off air
  • They only took down the TV channel. I don’t know what usage statistics are like, but I suspect the website was already quite used.

    To clarify my previous comment, this doesn’t mean that the Israeli government’s actions aren’t fascistic in nature, or concerning for the future. Just that their chosen course of operation in this specific case is ineffective. At worst it’s an inconvenience.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

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