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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • The man lived with the artificial heart for more than 100 days until a human heart match was found last week. His transplant surgery was also a success, and he is recovering well.

    battery currently lasts 4 hours, so probably safe to guess he spent that 100 days in a hospital. still really impressive.

  • i think actions spawn myriad reactions, some of them very predictable. this is one of those very predictable reactions.

    i also think anyone who owns one of these $100,000 toys can afford to drive literally anything else, and thus completely avoid this problem.

    what reasons are left for these folks to be whinging about this publically?

  • i think it’s valid expression of opposition to the very real rise in authoritarian and facist-adjacent ideologies. and judging by the pictured replies, these particular tesla fans aren’t exactly the most well adjusted or compassionate people.

    plus, and this is just me being staunchly “eat the rich”, it’s not like they can’t afford to fix it. the net-harm done is much lower when the “private property” in question is best described as a $100,000 toy.

    it’d be a different situation entirely if the primary reasons for owning a swastitruck weren’t either ideological, infantile, or both. but c’est la vie, it’s the world we live in.

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    taking out the trash rule

  • a theater near me runs this scam where they sell “advertising” to local businesses, but the spots for sale are actually pre-previews. the only people who ever see them are the scant few who show up more than 15 minutes or so early.

    they also demanded payment for several months during which they were closed for covid, and then threatened legal action with the folks who didn’t want to pay! after that most everyone except the fast food joints pulled their advertising.

  • 196

    alternate UR(ule)L


    turquoise rule

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