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How do you cope with shader processing?
  • I agree that's very annoying sometimes but at the same time very beneficial for in-game performance as it greatly reduces the amount of computations the game has to do at runtime. If you have a powerful enough PC or the game isn't very demanding you can just disable shader pre-caching in steam settings and it shouldn't matter much but it's a real life saver for more demanding titles and imo worth all that wait.

  • What's happening with Rust?
  • Now that you mention it, there really has been like a year since rust has first been introduced the the kernel officially. I don't know if any parts of it have been written in rust as of now or whether new drivers have been made, but I suppose it's most likely still experimental in a way.

  • What's happening with Rust?
  • what do you mean? it's still being used in many many projects and is as great as ever

  • Me forcing my brother to do his data structures & algorithms homework
  • Oh my god, so many of my friends studying computer science try to complete entire projects using chatgpt without even understanding the basics and then fail miserably because they can't even properly form the prompt

  • use fi(rule)fox
  • True, but at least its engine, WebKit, is open source and a few other open-source browsers are based on it. Also it works on Linux.

  • You like using the command line, dont you?
  • y-yes

    I use arch btw

  • [Cinnamon] doesn't get enough love around here!
  • Thank you, I really enjoy that theme

    I think the terminal should be in light mode tho to match the rest

  • Best Linux laptop for 2023
  • Apparently nowadays they were able to extend the battery life quite a bit with the new generation of 61Wh batteries (instead of the previous 55Wh)

  • UN rule
  • Just look at South Korea where Samsung's revenue is equal to a whopping 17% of the entire country's GDP, making them hold enormous power over politics, education, journalism and the legal system.

  • I think something sinister is happening with oxidizing all GNU projects (reddit crosspost)
  • To be honest I expected nothing else from the Linux kernel as by now it's so widespread and essential to so many companies' operations that they need to have their dedicated developers to make patches and push new features into the kernel. The notable fact though is that Linux is licensed under GPL and somehow the companies still embraced it, so it's not as "toxic" to them as expected. I am aware of the fact that Linux and most other popular GPL projects are mostly contained to binaries and there's even one notable example with the ogg vorbis audio format where Richard Stallman himself decided that relincensing it under BSD license instead of the LGPL would improve its adoption over the patented MP3 so clearly GPL isn't always the right choice, but if people don't actively push for copyleft licenses then we'll forever be stuck in a world of companies actively blocking the spread of knowledge, selling us software filled with DRM and proprietary software, making insane profits, but graciously letting a few developers to contribute some of their company time back to these open source projects. I don't think it's fair and GPL may not be solution for all the problems, but what else it to be done?

  • I think something sinister is happening with oxidizing all GNU projects (reddit crosspost)
  • I don't think there's a hidden conspiracy behind projects such as this one; it may be just that it's simply much easier for projects with permissive licenses to take off as corporations and private entities are willing to sometimes submit patches and contribute to these projects on the side while sponsoring the developers with money. However, it's still definitely not proportionate to the value that the community contributes back and basically gives to the corporations for free with most of them packaging these libraries and binaries and selling their software for much higher profit without ever contributing anything back. There is a reason why these permissive licenses are called the cuck licenses and I wish that more people would start caring about the license they publish their code under, but the sad reality is that, especially in the rust community, the MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses became the de facto standard, and that was without much pressure from the big corporations, though rust has its origins under the umbrella of Mozilla so it's not that surprising given this context.

  • you have to try this out!! :ooooo
  • /ub Touhou 15 is one of my favourites and it has a game mode where your progress is saved between stages so if you fail you can always resume without starting the entire game again so it's easier to learn without too much frustration.

    /rb Touhou R34 is the best, look it up ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

  • Flag of my ex

    (she is from the former Sultanate of Muscat and Oman)


    mfw i log onto lemmy for the first time
  • nobody really knows how lemmy works tbh and I have to manage that thing somehow

  • is overloaded, use other instances instead
  • I've made to help take off some of that load. New registrations are welcomed and it should be maintained for a very very long time ๐ŸŽ‚

  • Nepal is the only country with a non-rectangular civil flag, but the state flag of Denmark, Norway and Iceland are also non-rectangular. Here, flags at Christiansborg, the Danish seat of parliament.
  • While not a state flag, multiple counties in Poland use flags that are made out of a coat of arms in a rectangle and stripes to the side that are shaped like a quarter-circle, trapezoid or a triangle. For example:



    I think that's pretty cool

  • zeerooth Zeerooth

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    DM me pics of horseshoe crabs, thanks

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