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Taxing Very High-Value Home Sales Is an Equitable and Effective Strategy to Raise Revenue and Fund Affordable Housing
  • The issue here is it’s hitting the tier of people who are just able to get in on a house purchase. Only to have that price raised on them after purchase, through taxes. Especially irksome when it’s known they’ve overpaid just to get a place to land. Will the taxes go down if they sell for less? Probably not.

    More squeeze on the little guy.

  • Trump trusted more than Biden on democracy among key swing-state voters
  • I’ve spoken to more than one midwesterner who is dismissive of Jan 6. “Not an insurrection”, “bunch of idiots”, etc. There’s a real disconnect on what Jan 6 actually is.

    It’s also clear in those conversations that they don’t see it as Trumps fault.

    As such, there will be no perception of Biden as a Democracy custodian. In order for that to happen, perception of Jan 6 would have to undergo a seismic shift 3yrs later.

  • Biden’s Record Is Full of Climate Wins — So Why Don’t Voters Know It? Environmental groups are making a concerted effort to educate voters about President Joe Biden’s climate policies before election
  • Because reading any news headlines is like drinking from a firehose of liquid shit.

    Reading climate change news is like drinking from a firehose of liquid misery and hopelessness.

    High odds people skip all that to go play games or read a book. Or even to go outside and enjoy it while it lasts.

    Edit: Not endorsing it as cool, just stating basic human behavior.

  • Infant Mortality Rose 13 Percent in Texas After Abortion Ban, Study Finds
  • No, it’s military fodder. Poor people, After all make up most enlisted. Workforce fodder. And people with kids to focus on don’t have time or inclination to riot, protest, punch up, form unions, or go on strike. Children will always be the bigger concern.

    That it intersects with the evangelical vote is happy coincidence.

  • Infant Mortality Rose 13 Percent in Texas After Abortion Ban, Study Finds
  • What most of these ignorant politicos and evangelicals don’t get about late term abortions is it’s stillbirth removal.

    And, abortion is a medical procedure where the nomenclature doesn’t care about context. The medical chart says abortion for chosen termination, expedited miscarriage (to avoid bleeding out & pain), stillbirth removal, etc. I do not know if that nomenclature holds for “pruning” implanted fetuses in the IVF process.

    Tangentially, enough politicians and Barrett herself have groused about “domestic supply of infants”, birth rates, and such that IVF will never suffer the same fate as abortion access, no matter what evangelicals feel on the topic. How the evangelicals feel was never the primary point.

    Did the study mention how much mother mortality AND overall hospital stays for both mother and child increased as a result?

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • A few very niche subs appear unaffected, but mostly the questions are all like someone shook a magic 8 ball and the same crap pops up over and over and over.

    You know how your brain feels after being assaulted by a commercial? Reddit feels more like that now.

  • Greece introduces the six-day work week
  • Yes they do. Did you know, in healthcare, they can do this with all the nurses in more than half the states? It’s about whether or not your state has rules against it. The ones who have restricted it recognize how dangerous it is for patient safety. Kids have died because of errors made in these scenarios. And that’s just the publicized court case stuff. I’m sure grandma, with a no CPR choice logged in her chart, gets swept under the rug or not noticed as an aberration.

    Hospital administration is cheap so they’ll use it as a standard staffing strategy rather than call an outside, more expensive agency, to fill in, when the state lets them.

    These are usually the same states that do not have lunch break laws.

    So you can get a nurse: post-surgical, ICU, ER, or elsewhere who hasn’t slept in 24hrs. Hasn’t eaten anything in 15hrs. Maybe longer, because these people have kids and go to class. There’s no sleeping between call lights, they have to be attentive for the duration.

    They’re tapped on the shoulder about an hour or two before shift end and told they’re staying. On penalty of abandonment on their license.

    Idk about you, but I can’t read words at about 18hrs. Working tired is like working drunk. This is scary.

    That’s what I want when I’ve been in a bad car accident and need to be hospitalized. My safety in the hands of one person who is in their 21st hour awake and hasn’t eaten for 10-12hrs because nothing that sells food is open at night, including the hospital cafeteria. Even the food prep crowd is screwed on this one.

    Another fun fact. At night, hospitals run with a skeleton crew of docs. Normally, this is fine. You have competent help, read: nurses, who can see and predict the patient having problems and can then call the doc, or page an emergency overhead and get even more people for the patient. Enter mandatory overtime nurse. How well is he going to do on this while essentially working drunk?

    But hey, if it saves corporate a buck then it’s worth playing this game of Russian roulette, amiright?

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