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I mean it.
  • Who said anything about giving things away? You just made that up. What, you think immigrants are stealing your jobs and also not paying rent? That's not how thing work in the real world. The only people getting your stuff are the prisons full of innocent people who just wanted a chance at a better life.

  • I mean it.
  • Remember, if you want to let other people move, it also automatically gives them the legal right to steal your house and leave you homeless. That's why I'm living under a bridge while a family from Mississippi has taken my house. Its okay though. They were born on the plot of dirt between Canada and Mexico, so really that means they're defending my freedom by stealing my house.

  • rule
  • Do not take dietary advice from randos on the internet, yes, but also unless it's in relation to a medical condition or you are talking to a professional nutritionist don't take dietary advice from your doctor either. Med school teaches basically nothing about nutrition, and it's pretty sad how often you can figure out when a doctor went to med school by which fad diet they recommend.

  • Was banning human slavery an authoritarian decision?
  • Authoritarianism is all about concentrating power around fewer people. That what authoritarianism IS. Giving more power to the least powerful people is always anti-authoritarian. Yes, there are always trade-offs, no they're not always as obvious as this one, but more power to more people is never authoritarian.

  • Can Milky Way and Andromeda collision reconcile with an Expanding Universe with galaxies spreading away from each other like "raisins in a loaf"?
  • The short simple version is that if galaxies happen to be close enough to each other they fall toward each other faster than the space between them expands. That's what "gravitationally bound" means.

  • Just no
  • Those look like pretty thin slices. They might work. I'd also try it.

  • 9 years later, I finally played fallout 4
  • Fallout 4 kind of in a weird place where it's simultaneously a bad Fallout game and arguably the best Bethesda game. How much you like it really just depends on which of those things you're more into. I've personally never really gotten the appeal of Bethesda games. I usually end up spending 90% of my time going through my inventory analyzing the price to weight ratio of all the worthless junk I've accumulated, and the worlds have always just felt really shallow to me personally, but clearly I'm in the minority. I am sort of curious why more people seem to have agreed with me on Fallout 4 than on Skyrim though. I guess maybe it's just that the people who talk about it the most are more likely to be Fallout fans than Bethesda fans.

  • Removed
    Peter Thiel was trapped inside a student debating hall by pro-Palestine protesters accusing him of genocide
  • Until someone figures out a better way of doing it that's not a real answer. I'm not going to pay for every website that gets shared on every website I regularly visit. Even if I wanted to, I just don't have that kind of money.

    I don't know how to fix this, but it is fundamentally broken.

  • Game devs praise Steam as a 'democratic platform' that 'continues to be transformative' for PC gaming today
  • Okay, but if you aren't making a single multi-billion dollar game that doesn't need a storefront because it functionally is one, then Steam is by far the biggest and most dominant player out there.

  • Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements.
  • Seriously? The old core i7 870 (not a typo) I have in my closet meets the requirements? Adding the watermark for CPUs older than that just seems mean-spirited.

  • Paradox Interactive says “we have areas where we need to do better” after reporting $44 million in Q1 revenue
  • No, you don't understand. The only acceptable amount of money is all of it. If you are making less than all of the money, then it can never be enough and your daddy will never love you.

  • Does enshitification happen because companies are publicly-traded?
  • Oh, also, it's a common misconception that publicly-traded companies are required to maximize profits. They can have whatever goals their shareholders want. It's just that the way modern publicly-traded companies work, most of their shareholders are people quickly buying and trading shares based on who they think will earn them the most money this month, so that sort of inevitably becomes the goal of any publicly-traded company.

  • Does enshitification happen because companies are publicly-traded?
  • It's not really direct cause and effect, but yeah. The incentives for a publicly-traded company make enshitification far more appealing then it would be for most other organizations.

  • Removed
    Lshana Habahah BYIrushalaim
  • Apparently it's okay to commit genocide of an entire ethnic group if a few of them are Nazis, I guess. 'Cause, you know, swastikas made all Germans evil, and it wasn't all the war and genocide making the Nazis evil, right?

  • Ubuntu Snap Hate
  • I don't know why people keep saying that flatpaks don't support cli apps. They do. I know it's awkward to type out flatpak run io.github.zyedidia.micro or whatever every time you want to use a text editor, but aliases fix that pretty neatly, and that example wasn't hypothetical.

  • You can't spell "stealth game" without "ventilation shaft"
  • Yeah, it would still be loud, but that does solve the other problems.

  • You can't spell "stealth game" without "ventilation shaft"
  • Sadly no. The screws hold the sections they're made of together. The supports don't always have to be on those joints though. They tend to be. It's better to support a joint when you can, they just don't always have to be.

  • You can't spell "stealth game" without "ventilation shaft"
  • Even if you did find a ventilation shaft big enough to crawl through, it would still be a terrible idea. First, they're made of hollow metal. Banging around in there would be incredibly loud. Second, they're not really designed to hold up the weight of an adult human. You'd just destroy it if you ever put your weight in a spot that wasn't supported, and you can't see where it's supported from the inside.

  • This manhole placement is more than mildly infuriating
  • I'm pretty sure the reason is that the hole isn't deep enough for it to matter. That's nowhere near big enough to be a manhole.

  • This manhole placement is more than mildly infuriating
  • If that were an actual manhole you'd be right, but its obviously not.

  • zephr_c ZephrC
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