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[Kvaesitso] Yes, t-t-t-t-tune into Network 23! The network that's a *real* mind-blower!
  • I quickly scrolled through your posts and saw the banana Max Headroom reference. Classic!

  • Math
  • True. Plus, while dumb, 53% will always beat the interest extracted by two goons and a baseball bat. There's always a trade-off!

  • [Kvaesitso] Blurred Background, "Reproducible" & "Declarative" Theme on Tablet & Phone
  • Ahh I see, then it’ll be an honor to copy from a true programmer.


    Isn’t the launcher backup the “dots” for this?

    True. I've made some minor changes since the original post and the only issue I have is having to replace my weather widget. Kvaesitso actually prompts me to replace, so it is a one tap move. Really cool that Kvaesitso is smart enough to do so!

  • [Kvaesitso] Blurred Background, "Reproducible" & "Declarative" Theme on Tablet & Phone
  • Feel free to steal the idea. I stole it from another post somewhere in here myself. 😄 We can only dream of dots. Maybe when the Linux phone becomes a thing?

  • [Kvaesitso] Blurred Background, "Reproducible" & "Declarative" Theme on Tablet & Phone
  • I think it does. Congrats. I like not having the dock enabled as my favs and tags work pretty well- even when rotating both phone and tablet.

  • Guess I'll just burn
  • Easy, I just need a wire, toothpaste, bubblegum, and and a watch crystal. Problem solved!

  • Would any of you be interested in a semi-curated NixOS config?
  • Sounds interesting. I started an Ubuntu server about a year ago, didn't get very far. Really only using FreshRSS right now. Would really like to move it to my NixOS flake and learn/add services as I go along.

  • [Kvaesitso] Blurred Background, "Reproducible" & "Declarative" Theme on Tablet & Phone
  • No, it's more tongue-in-cheek. 🤥 You unfortunately can't, but what I do is export the backup of Kvaesitso from my tablet, sync it with syncthing to my phone, and then restore the backup on my phone. Despite not having all the apps on my phone that I have on my tablet, it loads perfectly. Any apps that are not listed just get ignored and there are no broken icons/links. So it very loosely is like my NixOS setup, getting two different Android versions to feel similar. That's the most uniform method I have been able to come up with.

  • [Kvaesitso] Blurred Background, "Reproducible" & "Declarative" Theme on Tablet & Phone

    cross-posted from:

    > !App Drawer > > !Widgets > > - OS: Android (Stock) using UAD > - Launcher: Kvaesitso > - Theme: Follow System (Dark) > - Wallpaper: Muzei > - Icons: Delta Icon Pack > > - Using syncthing fork to backup and restore the theme between my tablet & phone. > - Works perfectly even though I have fewer apps on my phone, but missing apps are just ignored. No broken links/icons, which is great. Images taken from tablet in landscape. > - Not quite "Reproducible" & "Declarative," but pretty close for Android. This is the first time my Android devices have been the same in theme and organization. I love it.

    Unixporn zonsopkomst
    [Kvaesitso] Blurred Background, "Reproducible" & "Declarative" Theme on Tablet & Phone

    !App Drawer


    • OS: Android (Stock) using UAD

    • Launcher: Kvaesitso

    • Theme: Follow System (Dark)

    • Wallpaper: Muzei

    • Icons: Delta Icon Pack

      • Using syncthing fork to backup and restore the theme between my tablet & phone.
      • Works perfectly even though I have fewer apps on my phone, but missing apps are just ignored. No broken links/icons, which is great. Images taken from tablet in landscape.
      • Not quite "Reproducible" & "Declarative," but pretty close for Android. This is the first time my Android devices have been the same in theme and organization. I love it.
    Linux for Kids?
  • True, it's shockingly simple sometimes, and other times I feel like I need to be a rocket scientist. Emphasis on "feel" because in those instances, there is nothing to go by for documentation.

  • Linux for Kids?
  • I am hoping that shortly after mine can read & write, and I add a machine with NixOS for them to use, they will exceed my understanding of nix and start to teach me. 🤔

  • I can't stand the updates anymore
  • BACK UP FIRST!! Check out Universal Android Debloater Next Generation uad-ng to see if you can get rid of any unnecessary AOSP/Samsung/Google items. Recent Article: Chris Titus Tech and/or uad-ng git site

  • In search of software for managing my life (like a helpdesk but in a lite format)
  • with syncthing + orgzly and/or orgro to make it usable via PC or phone. Also recommend org-roam for expansion as a personal knowledge system. Positive- make it as simple or complicated as you want to make it. Negative- learning curve may take a while.

  • Thinking of switching to NixOS, but I'm not sure about a few things
  • I switched from Arch to NixOS around Nov 2023 and manage my systems and my family's off of one flake. Dotfiles are managed within my flake (if easier), an exception would be Emacs, which I use syncthing between my Nix systems and a work Windows PC with straight.

    Discourse, Discord/Matrix, the wiki and various blogs are places to learn from. Documentation is sometimes difficult to splice together, other times very intuitive, but others can help direct you. Just leave some lead time for people to get back to you.

    If you can figure out how to do gaming on Arch, you can figure it out on NixOs. Add to you config or flake slowly and back it up somehow before making changes, along with important files. You can always rollback or if you do manage to nuke it (I have twice due to lack of HD memory), reinstall and be up and running in a short time frame as long as you have your config somewhere.

    I've done more on NixOS in a shorter time than I ever had on Arch, but also learned a lot from Arch which helped. Try it out on an old machine or VM to see what you can do with it. I've plateaued at getting a server up and running, and ricing hyprland, but that is due to lack of time and close to zero knowledge.

  • [hyprland] My NixOS Configuration
  • Thanks for the details. I've jumped around, but use Gnome as it just works and I don't have to tweak much. It sounds like hyprland would allow more control, that after I got past the initial setup, I could kind of set it and forget it, until I wanted to add to it as the landscape changes over the years. Maybe I will continue with both hyprland & Gnome until I get my footing.

    Good to know that you can use GUI along with TUI. I would want a GUI wifi manager, because I don't want to mess around with configuring my wifi in the terminal.

    Home-manger is great, but yeah, I get the original sentiment. Flakes and home-manager are complicated, until they are not. :)

    Also good to hear it works great with gaming. I was just concerned that because most games are full screen and Gnome does it for you, that it would nuke your window setup in a tiling window manager like hyprland, but again I've never used a tiling window manager (other than failing with herbstluft many years ago).

    Wayland is great. Just need to figure out remote access and I think I have all the features that X11 offered at this point.

    I didn't say it earlier- but your setup looks great btw.

  • [hyprland] My NixOS Configuration
  • Never used a tiling window manager. What additional programs/packages does one need to make it functional? For the most part, as everyone's usage is different. And does it work with gaming without making you read through a manual to setup the frame/window correctly? Would be interested in trying hyprland, but don't want to sink weeks into tweaking it. :)

  • Read You (RSS client) 0.9.12 released with support for FreshRSS & gReader API
  • I'm back to the web app. Unfortunately, with the amount of articles in my feed, the Read You app takes forever to load. Plus the web app works very well as is.

  • Read You (RSS client) 0.9.12 released with support for FreshRSS & gReader API
  • Same issue here. Deleted the F-Droid version. Easy way is to add it via Obtanium and let that manage your updates for you. Added my freshrss account via's comment above .

  • roku remote app showing ads now
  • You bet! I use it all the time, plus you can enter channels, which for the life of me, I cannot understand why Roku never allowed a long press on their reomte in order to enter a channel number with the arrows. 🎶Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb!🎶

  • zonsopkomst zonsopkomst

    Where I post interesting things for family, friends, and myself. Note: I post items I don't necessarily agree with.

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