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América Latina

  • Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia

    Reports reveal that the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) used known criminals to spy on and destabilize the left-wing governments in Venezuela, Mexico, and Bolivia.

    Exposed: US DEA used criminals to spy on, destabilize Venezuela, Mexico, Bolivia
  • Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to reject U.S. deportation flights

    (Archived link.)

    >An economic dispute between the U.S. and Venezuela is creating yet another instance of vulnerable migrants being used as bargaining chips. The situation has to do with economic sanctions levied by the U.S. in retaliation against Venezuela allegedly failing to fulfill terms of an agreement, which in turn has led Venezuela to threaten to reject deportation flights from the U.S. No word on whether either country cares about the best or most humanitarian solution for the migrants themselves. > >The U.S. will try to take the moral high ground on this matter, but the negotiations over the border bill show that seemingly no one in power is above using vulnerable people for political gain at the expense of those vulnerable people.

    (Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action. I can’t say that I approve of the ‘both sides’ vibe that their commentary on this particular news is giving me, but oh well. It is what it is.)

  • Argentina: Milei’s war on workers met with general strike Argentina: Milei’s war on workers met with general strike

    By Adam Wetzstein After decades of rapid inflation and economic crisis, Argentine voters last November elected economics professor Javier Milei as president. However, many consider Milei an Argentine variant of his pro-fascist Brazilian neighbor, former President João Bolsonaro, or even of Donald

    Argentina: Milei’s war on workers met with general strike

    >Milei’s honeymoon with the Argentine masses — if he had one — came to an abrupt end on Jan. 24. Argentina’s union movement called a general strike that day. Tens of thousands of workers took to the streets in Buenos Aires and each of Argentina’s major cities. Hundreds of thousands more participated in the strike, and thousands in many world capitals held solidarity actions. > >! >Hundreds of thousands of workers protest the new president in Argentina. Buenos Aires, Jan. 25, 2024. > >The call to strike was made by the General Confederation of Labor (CGT), an umbrella organization larger than any other union or union federation in the country. At times, its leadership has represented the interest of the workers. At other times, its leaders have collaborated with neoliberal administrations and cut deals in the interests of the ruling class. > >But, in this instance, the CGT has placed itself firmly on the side of the workers in its unwavering opposition to Milei and his disastrous so-called “reforms.” > >Many in the opposition to Milei have condemned the strike, even though it was called with the hope of blocking Milei’s war on the workers. From the anti-Milei Peronist coalition to the smaller capitalists who are most threatened by Milei’s policies, the élites of Argentina have demanded the CGT cease striking. (Peronist refers to the political tendencies identified with late Argentine President Juan Peron.) > >This is a textbook example of how contradicting interests within the bourgeoisie can temporarily come together. Even when they disagree, no portion of the ruling class sincerely wants to empower the people — and certainly not the working class. > >Yes, large swaths of the capitalist class oppose Milei, while other portions fervently support him, but they are all in accord that a united working class expressing solidarity and exercising its strength is forbidden. Nevertheless, the will of the people cannot be held back forever. Even a united ruling class cannot easily impose its will on a united and combative working class. > >[…] > >As always, supporting the free market means more freedom for corporations to exploit, not freedom for the workers themselves.

    (Emphasis original.)

  • Mensaje del Partido Comunista de Cuba al Centenario de la muerte de Lenin Mensaje del Partido Comunista de Cuba al Centenario de la muerte de Lenin

    Por el Partido Comunista de Cuba/Comité Central  Enviado a la Reunión por el Centenario de la Muerte de Lenin en NYC. Estimados participantes: Extendemos un cordial saludo al Partido Mundo Obrero y a todas las organizaciones que asisten a este significativo evento, que rinde tributo a Vladi

    >Camaradas: > >Valoramos también la demanda que ustedes hoy realizan exigiendo el fin del recrudecido bloqueo y el retiro de Cuba de la espuria lista de países patrocinadores del terrorismo. > >El bloqueo económico, comercial y financiero constituye el principal obstáculo para nuestro desarrollo; impide obtener insumos indispensables e impacta en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. Es una hostil política que priva también al pueblo estadounidense de las potencialidades médicas, culturales y científicas que Cuba ofrece. > >Exigimos el respeto a nuestra soberanía y el cese de la ocupación ilegal de la Base Naval en Guantánamo. > >Resulta esencial combatir las campañas de desinformación contra la Revolución cubana y las agresiones en las redes digitales que promueven los círculos de poder en EE.UU., con el objetivo de quebrar la voluntad de los cubanos de permanecer libres e independientes. > >La unidad y la resistencia creativa de nuestro pueblo demuestran que el [neo]imperialismo no tiene capacidad para vencer la fuerza de la verdad y las ideas. > >Cuba continuará defendiendo la paz, construyendo una sociedad socialista cada vez más justa y solidaria con los pueblos oprimidos del mundo. > >¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre! > >Partido Comunista de Cuba

  • Delegation to Honduras condemns crimes of U.S./Canada-backed dictatorship Delegation to Honduras condemns crimes of U.S/Canada-backed dictatorship

    This news release was issued January 10 in Honduras. Members of a 10-day U.S/Canada delegation, hosted by the Cross Border Network of Kansas City and the Honduras Solidarity Network of North America, have investigated how their two nations prioritize protecting the political, economic and militar

    Delegation to Honduras condemns crimes of U.S/Canada-backed dictatorship

    >The delegation found that extractive industries like mining in Guapinol; the loss of sovereignty, as in the CAFTA [Central America Free Trade Agreement]-imposed ISDS [Investor-State Dispute Settlement] tribunal on the $10.7 billion ZEDE [Employment and Economic Development Zone] Próspera suit against Honduras; the dispossession of campesinos in the Aguan Valley and Garifuna communities along the north coast; and Canada’s praise for textile company Gildan, which has closed a factory, violating injured workers’ rights, all benefit multinational corporations while failing to solve the deep issues of inequality in Honduras. > >These companies benefited economically from the coup and continued doing business to their own profit and benefit under the narco-state. > >The U.S. is now seizing the opportunity of the trial of Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) and his cronies, including the former head of the national police and a family member of Hernandez, to whitewash its own complicity in the narco-dictatorship from 2009 to 2022. It is obvious that those being tried could never have committed the dreadful crimes they are accused of without being enabled by the U.S. and Canada in exchange for favorable treatment for the U.S. military, its drug war and for North American corporations. > >For all these reasons, the Honduras Solidarity Network and its members are launching a campaign and will present evidence of the complicity of the two nations during the trial. The campaign will take place before, during and after JOH’s trial in New York that begins on February 5.

  • Panamá, 60 años del 9 de Enero de 1964 Panamá, 60 años del 9 de Enero de 1964

    Olmedo Beluche es un sociólogo marxista panameño.  El 9 de Enero de 1964 fue el verdadero día de la independencia para Panamá. Ese día un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria dirigieron al conjunto del pueblo panameño en un a gesta histórica marcada por un acto simple pero cargado de significado: p

    Panamá, 60 años del 9 de Enero de 1964

    >El 9 de Enero fue una revolución popular victoriosa (aunque su materialización demorara en el tiempo) que nos heredó la descolonización de la Zona del Canal, la desaparición de las bases militares y el traspaso de la administración del canal a Panamá. Sus efectos nos llegan hasta hoy, cuando la bonanza económica que se vive tiene su fundamento principal en la reversión del canal y el aumento de sus aportes a la economía nacional, aunque sean cuestionables los criterios que se están utilizando para repartir sus beneficios. > >El 20 de Diciembre, en cambio, el imperialismo yanqui pudo imponernos el régimen económico neoliberal que había fracasado con Barletta, disfrazándolo de “democrático”. La invasión permitió al imperialismo norteamericano reimplantar el régimen tutelado y oligárquico de antes del 68, incluso manejaron la posibilidad de la permanencia de bases militares disfrazadas de combate a las drogas (CMA de Pérez Balladares), pero fracasaron ante la movilización popular. Aunque luego han impuesto acuerdos de seguridad más sutiles. > >La invasión también hizo posible mediatizar el triunfo del 9 de Enero con un Título Constitucional y una Ley Orgánica que convirtió la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá (ACP) en una entidad controlada por la oligarquía que no luchó por la soberanía (los nuevos zonians) y de la que pueblo quedó excluido, hasta ahora. > >Superar los efectos negativos de la invasión para que el pueblo panameño pueda recibir una proporción mayor de los beneficios que genera el canal, requerirá la estructuración de un gran movimiento de carácter antiimperialista, antineoliberal, democrático y popular que asuma el poder político para sacar del poder a la oligarquía vendepatria.

  • ¿Buscas un discord socialista en español?

    Camaradas, buenas.

    Tenemos un discord socialista que tiene actividad regular. Si te llama la atención, muestra interés o mándame un mensaje y te mando la liga.

    No la pongo acá porque ya me tocó ver comunidades que les llegaron los “Socialista nacionalista” y pues, eso es algo que trato de evitar.

    Me encuentras en otros lados con el nombre de usuario de (reddit) @elPerroAsalariado o (Twitter) @PerroAsalariado por ejemplo.

  • Panamá 60 years after January 9, 1964 Panamá 60 years after January 9, 1964

    Beluche is a sociologist and anti-imperialist organizer in Panamá. Translation: John Catalinotto. January 9, 1964, was Panamá’s true independence day. On that day, a group of high school students led the Panamánian people in a historic gesture marked by a simple but meaningful act: planting and r

    Panamá 60 years after January 9, 1964

    >Jan. 9 was a victorious popular revolution (although it took a long time to materialize) that left us with the decolonization of the Canal Zone, the disappearance of the military bases and the transfer of the administration of the canal to Panamá. Its effects still reach us today, as the economic bonanza that we are experiencing has its main foundation in the reversion of the canal and the increase of its contributions to the national economy, even though the criteria being used to distribute its benefits are questionable. > >On the other hand, on Dec. 20, 1989, Yankee [neo]imperialism was able to impose on us the neoliberal economic régime that had failed under [former President Ardito] Barletta, disguising it as “democratic.” The invasion allowed U.S. [neo]imperialism to reimpose the controlled and oligarchic régime of pre-1968; they even managed the possibility of the permanence of military bases disguised as a fight against drugs [Multilateral Anti-drugs Center or CMA of former President Ernesto] Perez Balladares, but they failed in the face of popular mobilization. Although, later, they imposed more subtle security agreements. > >The invasion also made it possible to partly reverse the triumph of Jan. 9, 1964, with a Constitutional Title and an Organic Law that turned the Panamá Canal Authority (ACP) into an entity controlled by the oligarchy that did not fight for sovereignty (the new Zonians [U.S. citizens residing in the Canal Zone]) and from which the people remained excluded, until now. > >Overcoming the negative effects of the invasion so that the Panamanian people can receive a greater share of the benefits generated by the canal will require the structuring of a great anti-imperialist, anti-neoliberal, democratic and popular movement that will assume political power to remove the sell out oligarchy from power.

  • Communists in Brazil condemn massacre in Gaza Communists in Brazil condemn Israeli massacre in GazaMessage to NYC Lenin Centennial

    By Márcia Campos São Paulo, Brazil, Jan. 5, 2024 The Lenin Centennial received this message from Márcia Campos, member of the Central Committee and deputy national secretary for women of the Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB), and former international president of the International Women’s Democra

    Communists in Brazil condemn Israeli massacre in GazaMessage to NYC Lenin Centennial

    >It is crucial that all the defenders of peace and humanity around the world unite and mobilize in the streets, squares, everywhere, in every country, all those who are dedicated to a consciousness of international solidarity. All of us who are human and therefore sympathize with the humanitarian tragedy suffered by more than two and a half million people trapped in Gaza, with no way of defending themselves, exposed in the open to the unbridled and bestial bombardment of the Zionists, supported by the [neo]imperialist U.S. government, which is sending heavy weapons and soldiers to join the invading army. > >We demand an end to the blockade of the Gaza Strip and the immediate establishment of a ceasefire. It is imperative that we demonstrate that the international community will not allow or stand by the crimes against humanity being committed […] against the Palestinian people in Gaza. > >Breaking out of immobility and developing actions and initiatives for peace must be the objectives to be pursued immediately.

  • Medicamentos contra el cáncer para niños cubanos: ¡tú puedes ayudar!

    ># Necesitamos tu ayuda para dotar de medicamentos a niños cubanos con cáncer > >El Proyecto Hatuey está en medio de una campaña de recaudación de fondos de 75.000 dólares para proporcionar medicamentos vitales a los niños cubanos con cáncer, medicamentos que se les niegan debido a la combinación del bloqueo estadounidense a Cuba y la designación totalmente injustificada de Cuba como "Estado Patrocinador del Terrorismo". Al finalizar el 2023, ¿puede hacer una donación para ayudarnos a alcanzar nuestra meta? > >Mire el video de arriba para obtener más información sobre nuestros esfuerzos. Como explica en el vídeo el Dr. Anu Agrawal, director de Oncología Pediátrica del Hospital Benioff de UCSF en Oakland, una pequeña cantidad de dinero puede marcar una gran diferencia en las vidas de estos niños. Por favor dona lo que puedas. Somos una organización totalmente voluntaria, por lo que el 100% de tu donación deducible de impuestos se destina a proveer medicamentos para Cuba. Estamos felices de trabajar juntos con IFCO/Pastores por la Paz en este importante trabajo. > >Donar > >En nombre del Proyecto Hatuey, agradecemos su apoyo en el pasado, y esperamos que continuará apoyando este importante proyecto solidario en el futuro. > >Les deseamos a todos un Feliz Año Nuevo, con salud, felicidad y éxito en todos sus esfuerzos. ¡Por una paz verdadera con justicia, y el fin del Bloqueo en 2024! > >Gloria La Riva, Coordinadora, El Proyecto Hatuey >Rachel Viqueira, MHS, Epidemióloga >Andira Alves, Coordinador Hatuey de Nueva Inglaterra >Nadia Marsh, MD, Profesora de Medicina Clínica >Simon Ma, MD, MPH, Medicina Integral >Leni Villagómez Reeves, MD >Will Kohr, Enfermero

    (Tomado de un correo electrónico del Proyecto Hatuey. Énfasis original.)

  • Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989) Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989)

    Olmedo Beluche es un sociólogo marxista panameño. (Tomado del libro: “Diez años de luchas políticas y sociales en Panamá. 1980-1990”)  El presidente de Estados Unidos, George Bush (padre), justificó la invasión a Panamá sobre la base de una serie de pretextos cuya lógica es casi innecesaria r

    Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989)

    >Si el problema era que el general Noriega había convertido a Panamá en el paraíso del narcotráfico y el lavado de dinero, pues entonces hay que decir que estas actividades han continuado con fuerza después de la invasión. Transcurridos casi cuatro años de la invasión, el diario norteamericano Washington Post decía: “El Departamento de Estado reconoce que, aparte del propio Estados Unidos, la nuevamente democrática Panamá es el centro más activo de lavado de dinero cocainero del hemisferio”. > >A nuestro juicio, se pueden resumir en tres los objetivos reales de la invasión norteamericana del 20 de diciembre de 1989: los relativos a la estabilización de la situación política y el tipo de régimen necesario para lograrlo; los económicos, que estaban muy relacionados con lo anterior, es decir, la aplicación del plan fondomonetarista (ajuste neoliberal); y los geopolíticos, el problema de las bases militares y su control sobre el Canal de Panamá.

  • Argentine Government Announces a Total Crackdown On Protests Argentine Government Announces a Total Crackdown On Protests

    <p>The new "Security Protocol" precedes potential widespread discontent in a country where nearly 45 percent of the population is poor.</p>

    Argentine Government Announces a Total Crackdown On Protests
  • Panamanian people score a great victory, struggle continues Panamanian people score a great victory, struggle continues

    Published Dec. 2 in Panamá, where the author is a professor of sociology and an anti-imperialist political leader. Translation: John Catalinotto The ruling of unconstitutionality, issued by the Supreme Court of Justice of Panamá on Nov. 28, constituted the successful conclusion of a great popular

    Panamanian people score a great victory, struggle continues

    >This is a victory of the Indigenous comrades of all the comarcas [equivalent of provinces, but for majority Indigenous regions], and especially of the Ngäbe-Buglé people, who held firm the closures in Tierras Altas, Horconcitos, San Félix, Tolé, Viguí, in Changuinola and various sites in Bocas del Toro. > >It is a triumph of the teachers’ unions that held the bastions of the David River, Santiago, Aguadulce and Penonomé. It is a conquest achieved thanks to the bastions of Pacora, Colón, Arraiján, Chorrera, Iglesia del Carmen and so many other places, supported by educators, construction workers, young people and residents. > >The organized university students and the neighbors of Viejo Veranillo who, together with the university workers, kept the bastion of the Transístmica [the road connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific] closed for a month, deserve a good part of the credit for this triumph. Of course, honors also go to the tens of thousands of young people and families who went with discipline to the Cinta Costera [Coastal Beltway] and to the Court to demand the repeal of Law 406. > >This victory owes a particular debt to the steadfastness of the residents and fisherpeople of Donoso, neighbors of the mine, who imposed the maritime closure of the mining port. We owe the judicial defeat of the FQM to the fortitude of the teachers and their unions, who kept up the fight despite threats from MEDUCA [Education Ministry]. This victory owes much to the leaders and members of SUNTRACS [union federation], whose steadfastness helped sustain the struggle, despite the defamatory campaigns of the media, unions and government officials.

  • Los peruanos se resisten al golpe apoyado por Estados Unidos Los peruanos se resisten al golpe apoyado por Estados Unidos

    Esta charla se ofreció en el evento “Un año de resistencia contra el golpe de Estado respaldado por Estados Unidos al presidente peruano Pedro Castillo”, organizado por PEX Semillas de Libertad y celebrado el 6 de diciembre en el People's Forum de Nueva York y por Zoom. Pedro Castillo, un ex

    Los peruanos se resisten al golpe apoyado por Estados Unidos

    >El gobierno de Boluarte y el Congreso son ampliamente despreciados por el pueblo peruano. Según una encuesta realizada en marzo de 2023 por el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, la presidencia de Boluarte tiene un índice de desaprobación del 78%, mientras que el Congreso tiene un índice de desaprobación del 91%. El gobierno sigue bloqueando las elecciones generales, exacerbando aún más el descontento de la población. > >Hoy se cumple un año de resistencia al [neo]imperialismo estadounidense en Perú. Peruanos de todos los orígenes, pero especialmente indígenas, han marchado regularmente contra el presidente no electo, Boluarte, y en apoyo de Castillo, a quien eligieron. Han participado en huelgas y bloqueos de carreteras para presionar al gobierno golpista para que dimita.

  • Mexico halts deportations and migrant transfers citing lack of funds Mexico halts deportations and migrant transfers citing lack of funds

    The head of Mexico’s immigration agency has ordered the suspension of migrant deportations and transfers due to a lack of funds.

    Mexico halts deportations and migrant transfers citing lack of funds

    >This week sees even more chaos from Mexico's immigration agency, which has been forced to halt deportations and immigrant transfers designed to exhaust immigrants and encourage them to return home or not come in the first place. The reason this time is that the government claims it lacks money to fund the agency, a problem compounded by the lingering fallout from the fire at a migrant detention center in April that revealed a deeply broken and corrupt structure within the agency. > >An option that doesn't seem to have been considered: providing any kind of pathway to citizenship, which would allow migrants to contribute to the Mexican economy.

    (Taken from an email sent to me by Never Again Action.)

  • Peruvians resist U.S.-backed coup Peruvians resist U.S.-backed coup

    This talk was given at the “One Year of Resistance against the U.S.-backed Coup to Peruvian President Pedro Castillo” event, organized by PEX Semillas de Libertad and held Dec. 6 at People’s Forum in New York City and by Zoom. Pedro Castillo, a former school teacher and farmer from an Andean

    Peruvians resist U.S.-backed coup

    >The Boluarte government and Congress are widely despised by the Peruvian people. According to a March 2023 poll by the Institute of Peruvian Studies, Boluarte’s presidency has a disapproval rate of 78%, while the Congress has a disapproval rate of 91%. The government continues to block general elections, further fueling public discontent. > >Today we mark one year of resistance to U.S. [neo]imperialism in Peru. Peruvians from all backgrounds, but especially Indigenous Peruvians, have been regularly marching against the unelected president, Boluarte, in support of Castillo, who they elected. They have participated in strikes and roadblocks to pressure the coup government to step down. However, they have been met with state-sanctioned violence. The protesters’ demands include the release of imprisoned Pedro Castillo, new general elections, a national referendum on forming a Constitutional Assembly and justice for the victims of the repression.

  • El pueblo panameño se apuntó una gran victoria, pero la lucha no ha terminado El pueblo panameño se apuntó una gran victoria, pero la lucha no ha terminado

    Panamá, 2 de diciembre de 2023. El fallo de inconstitucionalidad emitido por la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Panamá, del 28 de noviembre de 2023, constituyó la consumación de una gran victoria popular contra el abusivo contrato minero con First Quantum Minerals (FQM). Esta decisión es la leg

    El pueblo panameño se apuntó una gran victoria, pero la lucha no ha terminado

    >Esta es una victoria de los compañeros y compañeras indígenas de todas las comarcas, pero especialmente de los Ngäbe-Buglés, que mantuvieron firmes los cierres en Tierras Altas, Horconcitos, San Félix, Tolé, Viguí, en Changuinola y diversos sitios de Bocas del Toro. Es un triunfo de los gremios docentes que sostuvieron los bastiones del río David, Santiago, Aguadulce y Penonomé. Es una conquista lograda gracias los bastiones de Pacora, de Colón, de Arraiján, de Chorrera, de la Iglesia del Carmen y tantos lugares, sostenidos por educadores, obreros de la construcción, jóvenes y pobladores. > >Tienen buena parte del mérito de este triunfo los estudiantes universitarios organizados y los vecinos de Viejo Veranillo que, junto a los trabajadores universitarios, sostuvieron el bastión de la Transístmica cerrado por un mes. Por supuesto, les tocan honores también a las decenas de miles de jóvenes y a las familias que acudieron disciplinadamente a la Cinta Costera y a la Corte a exigir la derogación de la Ley 406. > >Esta victoria tiene una deuda particular con la firmeza de los moradores y pescadores de Donoso, vecinos de la mina, que impusieron el cierre marítimo al puerto minero. La derrota judicial de FQM se la debemos a la entereza de los docentes y sus gremios, que se sostuvieron en lucha pese a las amenazas del MEDUCA. Este triunfo le debe mucho a los dirigentes y afiliados al SUNTRACS cuya firmeza ayudó a sostener la lucha, pese a las campañas difamatorias de los medios de comunicación, gremios y funcionarios del gobierno.

  • Mexico City: Not in Our Name denounces atrocities against Gaza Mexico CityNot in Our Name denounces Israeli actions in Gaza

    By Not in Our Name Mexico City Workers World’s position on Gaza, Palestine and Oct. 7 is in clear solidarity with the Palestinian resistance: The only terrorists are the Israeli state, the Zionist settlers and their imperialist supporters. We reproduce this statement signed by Jewish people fr

    Mexico CityNot in Our Name denounces Israeli actions in Gaza

    >As Jews from different parts of the planet, we pronounce a resounding no, a not in our name, towards the policy of ethnic cleansing, of persistent massacre of the Palestinian population implemented by [neocolonialism]. > >We condemn the inhumane reaction of the [neocolony] to the brutal actions committed by the Palestinian organization Hamas — which is expressed in massive bombings on the Gaza Strip, a territory of 362 square kilometers [140 square miles], with 2 million inhabitants, half of whom are children and adolescents. Furthermore, we reject the siege imposed on that portion of the Palestinian territory for more than 15 years, which has denied the minimum conditions for a dignified life. > >We demand: an immediate cease-fire, the exchange of prisoners, the unrestricted entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and a peaceful path to resolving the conflict that leads to the recognition of the state of Palestine by […] the entire world. Likewise, we demand the withdrawal of thousands of […] settlers from illegal settlements in the West Bank to end the annexation and enable true peace [within] Palestin[e]. > >The [neocolony] has no right to violate the principles of social and moral justice of the Torah and the prophets. We repudiate the abusive use of religious symbols that the state makes for the sake of dispossession and massacre. As Jews we declare that the […] propaganda of the [neocolony] and its criminal acts do not represent us.

  • Haiti: Kenyan intervention delayed; conflict grows over border canal Haiti: Kenyan intervention delayed; conflict grows over border canal

    A month ago, it looked like U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin had muscled an African state — Kenya — to provide a cover for U.S. intervention in Haiti. Once the “multilateral security and support” facade to authorize Kenya’s role was in place, the Joe Biden administration could start implementi

    Haiti: Kenyan intervention delayed; conflict grows over border canal

    >The U.S. has been portraying the major problem of Haiti as the fallout of the violent conflict among criminal gangs that it says engage in extortion, kidnapping, robbery and general lawlessness. > >Washington refuses to clarify the U.S.’s own historic rôle in the multiple ways the U.S. has contributed to and caused Haiti’s problems, including military interventions and support for the most brutal of Haiti’s puppet dictators. > >If the U.S. paid the reparations it owes to Haiti and stopped meddling in its internal affairs, the Haitian people are quite capable of constructing a modern, decent state. How they built their canal is a good example of their abilities.

  • Venezuela: Negociación real y negociación aparente Venezuela: Negociación real y negociación aparente.

    El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano, y fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la Presidencia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela y Embajador de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Nicaragua. El 1 de noviembre. El circo montado por Estados Unidos y Noruega, s

    Venezuela: Negociación real y negociación aparente.

    >Lo cierto es que hoy poseen menos de la mitad del crudo que tenían en reserva hace 10 años. En este momento, las mismas ascienden a 350 millones de barriles. Para que se tenga una idea de lo que eso significa vale decir que en los dos últimos años, Biden liberó 270 millones de barriles de sus reservas a fin de bajar los precios. > >Hoy no podrían hacer eso. Por ello necesitan que el petróleo de Venezuela fluya sin limitaciones por el mercado. He ahí la primera razón que explica el porqué de las negociaciones. > >La segunda lógica sobre la que actúa el gobierno de Estados Unidos tiene que ver con la forma como le venden a su opinión pública que, -como dije antes- están negociando con la “dictadura” que juraron destruir. Como se sabe, la opinión pública de Estados Unidos es ignorante, manejable y manipulable y sólo importa como máquina de producir votos. > >No obstante, si no funciona para ese objetivo, también puede ser manipulada para aceptar un fraude como el ocurrido en los comicios presidenciales del año 2000 cuando le robaron la elección a Al Gore tras un acuerdo entre las élites y las instituciones del poder. > >De tal manera que, sustentados en la estupidez orgánica de esa opinión pública, esta situación, que tiene talante político, se puede transformar en uno de carácter electoral y eso si es un problema para la administración estadounidense.

  • Venezuela: Negotiations real and apparent Venezuela: Negotiations real and apparent

    Nov. 1. The spectacle staged by the United States and its NATO ally Norway with respect to Venezuela marked a turning point last Oct. 17 when an agreement was signed between the government and the opposition. It is a spectacle because it is ridiculous to negotiate outside Venezuelan territory

    Venezuela: Negotiations real and apparent

    >The truth is that today the U.S. has less than half of the crude oil reserves it had 10 years ago. At the moment, these reserves amount to 350 million barrels. To give you an idea of what that means, in the last two years, Biden released 270 million barrels from the U.S. reserves in order to lower prices. > >He could not do that today. That is why the U.S. needs [the Bolivarian Republic of] Venezuela’s oil to flow unrestricted through the market. This is the first rationale that explains the reason for the negotiations. > >The second motive driving the U.S. government’s action has to do with the way it is selling to the U.S. public that, as I said before, it is negotiating with the “dictatorship” [that] it swore to destroy. As is well known, U.S. public opinion is uniformed, manageable and manipulable, and only matters as a vote-producing machine. > >However, if it does not achieve that goal, it can also be manipulated to accept a fraud such as the one that occurred in the 2000 presidential elections. Then, Al Gore was robbed of the election after an agreement between the elites and the institutions of power. > >In such a way that, sustained by the habitual backwardness of that public opinion, this situation, which is political in nature, can be transformed into one of an electoral nature; that would present a problem for the U.S. administration.

  • Apartheid y República Dominicana: Dos vallas vulnerables por arrogantes Israel y República Dominicana: Dos vallas vulnerables por arrogantes

    Por Narciso Isa Conde Lo que sigue es un comentario de un dirigente histórico del movimiento revolucionario en la República Dominicana, publicado el 19 de octubre de 2023. No hay muro ni valla que sirva para impedir los flujos migratorios. La Valla Súper-inteligente construida por Israel para

    Israel y República Dominicana: Dos vallas vulnerables por arrogantes

    >La Valla Inteligente de aquí es una copia en pequeño y al carbón de la Valla que rodeaba la Franja de Gaza. > >La de aquí dicen que va costar, además de los cuantiosos daños ecológicos, algo más de 1,750 millones de pesos, equivalente a unos 200 millones de dólares. > >La [neocolonial], que rodeaba la franja de Gaza donde gobierna Hamas y cercaba dos millones de personas (la inmensa mayoría palestinos y palestinas), solo sus bases costaron algo más de 700 millones de dólares. > >Ambas se nutrieron de una gran prepotencia e igual arrogancia exhibida por los gobernantes de los dos países.

  • Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang

    Ya está fuera de los titulares. Pero su mensaje sigue vigente. Hablamos de los artefactos incendiarios que los terroristas lanzaron contra la Embajada de Cuba en Washington, D.C. El mensaje es obvio: hay algo fuera de lugar si el Estado canalla más peligroso del mundo -con sede en Washington- pue

    Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang

    >Es un crimen que se puedan lanzar bombas incendiarias contra la embajada cubana. Es una admisión de la participación oficial de Estados Unidos en este crimen que nadie haya sido capturado. Pero no es ni mucho menos el peor crimen que el imperialismo yanqui ha cometido contra el pueblo cubano. Bloquear la economía cubana, calumniar a Cuba de “terrorista” es un crimen mucho peor. > >El año pasado, cuando la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas votó sobre el levantamiento del bloqueo a Cuba, el levantamiento del bloqueo ganó, por 185 a 2. Sólo [una neocolonia] se unió a Estados Unidos para votar en contra de Cuba. Dos Estados canallas. Y los gobiernos de los otros 185 países están convencidos de que es un disparate llamar a Cuba un estado terrorista. > >Así que si el ataque a la embajada cubana ha llamado más la atención sobre la flagrante mentira utilizada para hacer sufrir al pueblo cubano, utilicemos esa atención para movilizarnos y conseguir que Cuba sea eliminada de la lista. Ya existe una petición para exigir precisamente eso. Ya ha recorrido más de un tercio del camino hacia el objetivo de un millón de firmas.

  • la paradoja del inmigrante

    -derechista y el meme de los dos botones

  • China and Venezuela to Establish ‘All-Weather Strategic Partnership’ China and Venezuela to Establish ‘All-Weather Strategic Partnership’

    By Andreína Chávez Alava The following article was posted Sept. 15 on  Caracas Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has wrapped up a six-day visit to China with a meeting with President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing to strengthen political and ec

    China and Venezuela to Establish ‘All-Weather Strategic Partnership’

    >Following Wednesday’s presidential meeting, Maduro and Xi supervised the signing of 31 bilateral cooperation documents focused on boosting collaboration in areas from oil, scientific development and tourism to “enriching the variety of trade goods.” > >The main agreements include [the People’s Republic of] China’s support in the construction of [the Bolivarian Republic of] Venezuela’s special economic zones (SEZs), poverty reduction efforts and boosting the South American nation’s national electric grid, significantly strained due to a years-long lack of investment. > >The allied nations likewise signed an agreement between China Meheco pharmaceutical company and Venezuela’s public health system to transfer technology and knowledge for the maintenance of medical equipment, to build and remodel hospital facilities, as well as to supply medicines and materials to the Caribbean country. > >In a special broadcast of his weekly program from China, Maduro went on to highlight that Caracas will begin exporting agricultural products such as coffee and avocados to the Chinese market. > >One aspect of the new China-Venezuela alliance that caught international headlines was the agreement for space exploration, which will “take the first Venezuelan man or woman to the moon on board a Chinese spacecraft,” said President Maduro. In July, Venezuela became the first Latin American country to join the China-led International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) to build a base near the moon’s south pole within the next decade. > >Additionally, Caracas and Beijing agreed to deepen cooperation between legislative bodies and advance collaboration in industrial, green and sustainable development, mining projects, digital economy, culture and education exchange.

  • libertad?

    que es ser libre en el capitalismo?

  • socialismo biblico

    la burguesia le rompe los huevos incluso a dios

  • Sergio y el río: desaparecido por defender la vida Sergio y el río: desaparecido por defender la vida - A dónde van los desaparecidos

    Sergio Rivera Hernández, defensor nahua del territorio, originario de Zoquitlán, en la Sierra Negra de Puebla, lleva casi cuatro años desaparecido. Su caso es el primero en todo el país que llega a juicio por el delito de desaparición cometida por particulares, y específicamente, en contra de un def...

    Sergio y el río: desaparecido por defender la vida - A dónde van los desaparecidos
  • Haiti: U.N. sanctioned occupation is a done deal Haiti: U.N. sanctioned occupation is a done deal

    The U.S. government has finally found a country in the Global South willing to lead a U.N.-approved intervention “to assist Haitian police in restoring security.” Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed Aug. 1 on X (formerly Twitter): “We commend the government of Kenya for responding to Haiti’s

    Haiti: U.N. sanctioned occupation is a done deal

    >Haitian popular organizations quickly expressed opposition to the new intervention. > >As chair of the U.N. Security Council for August, the U.S. intends to hold a vote authorizing Kenya to send 1,000 police officers to Haiti towards the end of August and to lead a multilateral force now being formed. > >These Kenyan police will not be under U.N. command. The U.N. has zero popular support in Haiti; it introduced cholera into Haiti twice, and its troops have a reputation for brutal treatment of Haitian protesters. > >The cost of U.N. operations in Haiti from June 2004 to October 2017 was estimated at $7 billion, and Haiti still is the most underdeveloped country in the Western Hemisphere.

  • Minor point: the grammar on the comm name is wrong

    In romance languages, the adjective usually comes after the noun, unlike in English where it comes before. A proper way to write it in Spanish/Portuguese would be "América Latina" as América is also a grammatically female noun. (And "Amérique latine" in that other language). I'm not sure if it is some sort of reference that I just missed, but I figured it'd be better to point it out in case it was just a simple mistake. If the intent was instead to have "Latino" be the noun, it'd be more correct as "Latino Americano" or "Latinoamericano".

  • Publican en Bolivia libro sobre Silvio Rodríguez en la Flota Cubana de Pesca Publican en Bolivia libro sobre Silvio Rodríguez en la Flota Cubana de Pesca

    Canciones del mar (Intiedit, 2023) de Silvio Rodríguez es un libro obligatorio para cualquier fanático del trovador cubano, quien en septiembre de 1969 se sube a un motopesquero “Playa Girón”, junto a unos 100 hombres veinteañeros, pioneros de la incipiente Flota Cubana de Pesca, rumbo a las costas

    Publican en Bolivia libro sobre Silvio Rodríguez en la Flota Cubana de Pesca
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