Micro-maps !micro_maps@ttrpg.network
- No piracy or illegal content. Do not link to, request or encourage piracy or any other illegal content or activities.
- Stay on-topic. This community is meant to share doodles and micro-maps.
- Original content. Please only post your own work. Make sure you have permission from the original author otherwise.
- Be civil. Be respectful. Do not incite flamewars, engage in personal attacks, or discriminate in any way.
- Limit self-promotion. Ask the mods before posting links to your digital products, podcasts, livestreams, or crowdfunding campaigns.
Active Today
8 mo. ago
Micro-maps @ttrpg.network roflo1 @ttrpg.networkOld road vs New road
I would have liked to post a Sci-Fi micromap for the following, but I haven't drawn any.
So I'll just go ahead with the shameless plug: If you're interested on a Traveller RPG community, please drop a comment on this post I created at !community_meta@ttrpg.network.Edit: Alas, I ended up creating !scifi@ttrpg.network instead.
Micro-maps @ttrpg.network roflo1 @ttrpg.networkDid you notice the community icon?
It's been almost a month, but I figured I'd create a proper post. Many lemmy clients show tiny icons, so you might have missed it.