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Pawb.Social Feedback

  • Degrading performance, especially over the last few days

    Performance on Pawb.Social specifically has been degrading significantly; it often times takes a very long time (10+ seconds) to load a post, for example, with a noticeable number of time-outs occurring. Opening the same post via its home instance in these cases typically works much faster, leading me to believe the problem is here, not with the host instance.

    This is the case even with local communities.

    Hoping to hear from other folks - are you also experiencing this? Is it a temporary issue, or indicative of a growing server-side problem?

  • Pawb.Social doesn't seem to have Markdown enabled for post titles

    When I visit, for instance,, I can't see the title formatted in Markdown. However, shows up correctly (aside from the last cut part).

  • Can't reply to kbin accounts

    Hi everyone! I've noticed for a while now that I can't reply to comments made by kbin accounts using my account here. Not even talking about kbin threads, but for example if I reply to any kbin-made comment over on, once I click submit it just keeps spinning without ever posting the reply. I often see users from other lemmy instances replying to them though, so it doesn't seem like a general lemmy problem. Does everyone else here have this problem as well?

  • Server donation link?

    There was discussion on the lemmy fork thread about replacing the default 'Donate' link with a server-specific one, but given that's not available yet, is there somewhere we can contribute funds towards hosting costs?

    Really, maybe such a link should be on the sidebar, at least - if there is one somewhere already, I wasn't able to find it, and as such I suspect other folks who would potentially be looking for one wouldn't find it, either.

  • Subscribed/Hot is increasingly one month and older submissions

    Subscribed/Hot is increasingly filled with one month old submissions, often six month old submissions, to the point where sometimes there are no new submissions. Is this expected behavior, and is anyone else seeing this too?

  • Turn off auto-collapse of long posts by default? (Mastodon) Skyler (

    Attached: 2 images So I've noticed new behavior on Masto the last few days that I don't think I'd seen before. It looks like some posts get automatically visually collapsed, even if there's no CW. As best as I can tell, this applies to posts that either have a lot of hashtags or @-mention other us...

    Skyler (

    Is it possible to turn off the post auto-collapse glitch-soc provides by default, so people who want it can opt-in to it? It's personally pretty annoying to expand every post, and while there is a way to disable it there seems to be the occasional problem where it resets that flag.

    As mentioned in that post, it's not great if getting more creative types is a goal - auto-collapse includes images, not just text. Sharing art, commission open status, etc. would be pretty hampered if every post gets hard collapses.

  • Additional Themes

    For your consideration:

    They seem very straightforward to install even if you use docker so that's a good thing too.

  • Subscribed feed not loading on apps


    I'm not sure if this is the place for such things, but I've been having issues getting the subscribed feed to load on any of the apps I've tried even though it loads fine through a browser. Is the issue on my end or is it an issue with the instance?


  • Request clarification on CW re NSFW

    So I've read the CoC Content Warning policy in the announcements community and wanted to make sure of something to avoid making a mistake in my first post. In 5.1.1, there is: >Any NSFW content, including real or artistic (digital or otherwise), must be behind a content warning message. NSFW content includes, but is not limited to: nudity, sex, kink, and the discussion of such.

    To be absolutely clear, should furry nudity absent of any, ahem, "parts" on display be tagged NSFW?

  • Unreactive UI

    The UI does not react to any changes made to the database for comments sections (i.e. upvotes/downvotes don't show up, comments get an infinitely spinning wheel but are posted normally, etc.,) This could lead to doubleposting, but mainly it's just not how the site is supposed to work.

    Problem first encountered on !furry, if that helps

    Dankojn pro auxskultontajn, Kamarada Felano

    (Edit: Also happens with posts.)

  • Error message on jerboa regarding instance version

    Is this something I can fix myself?


    ALT: screenshot of a jerboa android client error message that reads: "Server version () is under the minimum supported version (0.18). Please inform your administrator and login to another instance, or sign out and use the default instance."

  • "Browser Default" theme is always dark

    The "Browser Default" setting doesn't appear to actually follow the browser's theme and always sets the interface to darkly. Tested with Firefox and Chrome on Linux and Android with this website used for reference. Sorry if this is intentional/was posted before.

  • Image hosting on vs. hosting externally

    Heyo, how much should we care about uploading images to I've been trying to upload to imgbox instead of to limit the amount of extra bandwidth/hits that needs to serve, but I'm not sure how much that actually costs in reality (or e.g. if it will end up scaling poorly in the future). I imagine there might be an image cache anyway, which would line up nicely with new posts getting a buzz of attention.

    On a related note, I did see this post on object storage recently, which may be helpful if we're not already doing something similar.

  • Community search broken in 0.18.0

    Reproduction steps:

    1. Go to Communities
    2. Enter a query in the community search field
    3. Search
    4. See that a "couldnt_find_object" error appears in the bottom left of the screen
    5. See that the user is redirected to a full text search for the query instead of a community search for the query
  • Features & Changes For The New Pawb.Social Lemmy Fork

    Now that Pawb.Social has forked Lemmy, I thought it would be appropriate to go ahead and compile a list of changes or additions that have been suggested, or that have been spotted by others or myself. This is hardly a comprehensive list, and down below will be two comments by me, one for changes to back-end changes or additions and one for the front-end suggestions as well.


    > ##### A quick note before I start

    One important thing I do want to stress is that any changes or additions made should not render our fork incompatible with other Lemmy instances, the apps that allows for easy usage of Lemmy (Jerboa, Thunder, etc), nor cause issues for interacting with, or interactions from, the rest of the Fediverse. To take a quote from Linux Kernel development: Don't Break Userspace!

    Now, let me specify for any who aren't in the know about the differences between back-end and -front-end are:

    • Front-end: focuses on the user interface, designing the visual elements, and ultimately the UI elements that a user will interact with on the web page.

    • Back-end: deals with the server-side functionality, handling data processing, storage, and communication with databases and external systems (The rest of the Fediverse) using server-side programming languages and frameworks. For Lemmy, this is done with the Rust language.


    Now, with that summary done, here is a (still WiP) list of changes:

    > ### Back-end

    • Addition: Individual community blocking (as opposed to the current instance and user-only blocking).
    • Addition: Ability to follow entire instance (or at least follow all communities on an instance).
    • Addition: Allow for individuals to block instances and communities, instead of requiring instance-wide action to block them.
    • Addition: Give instance admins better moderation tools (hashed IP address, etc. Needs to be GDPR compliant)
    • Change: Better support for automatically linking other communities (and instances) back to your primary instance for easier following and interaction.
    • Change: Better cross-compatibility between Lemmy and the Mastodon/Pleroma side of the Fediverse.
    • Change: Better cross-compatibility with KBin.
    • More to come

    > ### Back-end & Front-end (For things that will require changes on both ends to function properly)

    • Addition: Post flaring - To allow for better post management, sorting, viewing, and moderation.
    • Addition: Ability to sort communities into groups (similar to multireddit).
    • Addition: 2FA during login/sensitive actions like password changes.
    • Addition: Mark servers and people as “friends” so they display a marker by their name elsewhere.
    • Addition: Better nsfw post handling, more specific viewing settings, etc.
    • Addition: Adding notes to users (for moderation purposes)

    > ### Front-end

    • Addition: Add more themes/theming support to the UI.
    • Addition: Add better support for widescreen displays.
    • Addition: Ability to pick a default sorting method (perhaps per community).
    • Change: Refresh and organize some of the UI elements for Lemmy (somethings are just a bit outdated looking...).
    • Change: Alter donation button at the top to point to the donation portal for the/an instance (this should be the default tbh, the prominent button shouldn't direct to the Lemmy devs to begin with...)
    • Change: Move all information about Lemmy and the Lemmy devs to one, out of the way location, potentially as a citation in the footer.
    • Change: Add link pointing to the GitHub fork for Pawb.Social
    • More to come.

    Please see below for the two threads to add your own thoughts or comments on things you want added, changed, or even removed. All comments and thoughts are welcomed!> ability to sort communities into groups (similar to multireddit).

  • Restart Lemmy to keep Hot/Active timelines going?

    Currently there’s a bug with Lemmy where after a while the Hot and Active sorting fails to update.

    Wander from yiffit posted about it as well

    Is that something that can be set up on Pawb until the bug is fixed?

    Apologies if this has already been brought up.

  • Disable feed streaming?

    Seems kinda broken when sorting feeds. A bunch of fresh new posts load from the top regardless of sorting method after a few seconds. It pushes down stickied posts too, which suggests to me this isn't intended behavior. It's much worse when viewing all federated posts since those tend to come in quickly. Ideally it would only do this when sorting by new, and only if the user hasn't scrolled down.

    This is only gonna get worse as Lemmy becomes more populated, so if there's a way to just turn that off entirely, that would be great.

  • Join or ignore the anti-meta fedi pact

    This is a bit political but i feel this should be looked at. Whatever it's on on the Lemmy instance or the Mastodon instances.

    My main concern is about the concept of Embrase Extend Extinguish they could use.

  • Can't upload images to

    I've been trying to add some photos to a thread (it was going to be some old E:D screenshots), but I'm getting this error:

    This error occurs with both the URL uploader and body uploader. Obviously I can link to my images from off site (this is from my one free discord server).

  • Where can I find a "Where can I find a community" community?

    I'm assuming that there are communities on Lemmy about the design of moderation and user reputation systems, but I'm not sure where to look. So I'd like to ask in a community dedicated to asking where to find a community for a topic, but I don't know where that is either. So I'm asking in this community where there might be a community where I can ask where there might be some community for some other topic. ..;;

    Uh, any recommendations for where to direct that kind of question?

  • "Code" links to official LemmyNet page, not the fork.

    Self-explanatory. If you click on the "code" link at the bottom of the page, it takes you to LemmyNet's official source code, not the fork. This could potentially cause some difficulties with people suggesting change to the code if the fork, but it's not that big of a deal now and is just mainly so no problems arise in the future if there are any aspiring programmers wanting to make changes.

    Dankojn pro auxskultontajn, Kamarada Felano

    (using the x-system representation for ŭ because it looks cool, especially at the end of words)

  • Unable to see all comments on posts

    Just a small issue I have with the comments on posts.

    This post, which is about current internet practices and such, supposedly has 14 comments. However, for me at least, only 10 are visible. I have no language selected and I've refreshed multiple times. Does anyone know why this might be?

    (oh btw selecting the "Undetermined" option on the languages section only shows you undetermined-language posts, not English-language or other-language posts.)

    If anyone has any idea on why this could be, please let me know.

    Dankojn pro aŭskultontajn, Kamarada Felano

  • The future of defederation

    Heya, with recent news of defederating from a few instances, I noticed that we also recently defederated from I'm not in-tune with whether they deserve it or not, but I have noticed that it does have some impacts on our users.

    I happened to see this post from a fellow furry, expressing frustration with picking the 'wrong' server. They can also no longer see posts/communities. !

    I also recently posted my little heart script over there because they had a general scripts community, and I've only just noticed that the edits/updates I've been doing on that post are not actually going anywhere - it's similar to being shadowbanned. The version of that post gets updated as normal, but we never sync that version to their server (and subsequently no other server ever gets the updated version). This makes sense now that I know we're defederated, but nowhere in the UI does it indicate that I'm just shouting into the void. As a side effect, I'm no longer able to keep tabs on that scripting community for tool updates.

    • Pawb version:
    • version:

    I suspect that this is a big problem right now because people are migrating and joining servers at random, and they don't know that the server they're joining has bad admins. Communities are rapidly getting created, growing, then getting shadowbanned by half the lemmyverse.

    I'm not petitioning for anything to change at at the moment, and I'm sure that there were good reasons to defederate, but it does make me a bit wary that eventually I too might feel like I picked the 'wrong' server if a defederation culture becomes common in the lemmyverse. It's not something I thought I had to think about when making an account. I really doubt anyone reputable will ever defederate us, so it's really just a matter of who we choose to defederate.


  • Website issue

    Hi, suddenly it started doing this, I'm not sure if this is on my side but I haven't changed anything. It does this in desktop mode but I haven't tried an actual desktop

  • Questions about how creating communities works, on pawb and lemmy in general.

    Not entirely sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I figured it was the closest fit.

    I've been thinking about creating one or possibly a few communities, mostly due to missing some that were on Reddit. Before creating any, I wanted to be sure of a few things:

    1. Do communities have to be created on the instance one logs in to (ie, does the fact my lemmy account is from pawb mean that communities I make have to be made here?) I kinda assume it would since going to another instance's page loads their site, which I obviously am not logged into, but given my second question I feel like I should ask if there's a way to make one elsewhere.
    2. Given pawb is a furry instance, do communities made here have to be furry related, or could one make, say, a community for some specific game for example that isn't explicitly a furry game?
    3. Would creating a fetish-related community for one that is popular with some furries be allowable, or should I go to a different instance for such things? I noticed one or two on pawb already but I was unsure if they got any special permission to be created or not.
  • Can't delete posts submitted from outside the instance.

    I said I'd delete one of my test posts, and I did - from Pixelfed. However it's still in the test forum, because I can't delete it because it wasn't posted by this account... It's this one. I haven't tested to see if this happens with Mastodon cross posting. Is Lemmy supposed to delete posts that it was tagged into?

  • Known Issue With Hot and Active Sorting

    Heya Crashdoom, wanted to make you aware of this. There's currently a bug with 0.17.4 that makes the feed not refresh. A fix has been found but is getting rolled into the next release. Currently, they say the workaround (per the linked comment) is to restart the server regularly.

  • Federation issues with other instances

    I've noticed that communities from aren't showing up in the search. Is Pawb.Social having issues federating with that instance? Or is it just that the instance might be overloaded?

  • `[email protected]` on non-email addresses


    I've noticed that when the web UI for is loading, or if scripting is disabled, nearly all community and user identifiers become [email protected] even though they are not email addresses. Would it be possible to disable this?

  • Pawb.Social donations

    Now I noticed the donations link to Lemmy but is their one for Pawb. I know to run this server isn't free. Is there anyway as a community we can donate to help keep this up?

  • Lemmy Lite frontend GitHub - IronOxidizer/lemmy-lite: A static, JSless, touch-friendly Lemmy frontend built for legacy web clients and maximum performance

    A static, JSless, touch-friendly Lemmy frontend built for legacy web clients and maximum performance - GitHub - IronOxidizer/lemmy-lite: A static, JSless, touch-friendly Lemmy frontend built for le...

    GitHub - IronOxidizer/lemmy-lite: A static, JSless, touch-friendly Lemmy frontend built for legacy web clients and maximum performance

    Would be nice to have Lemmy Lite as a UI option for people who don't super like the default UI. The Github says it's not intended for use in prod yet so I don't expect it to be installed here right now or really any time soon, but I figured it'd be good to mention anyhow

  • Custom emoticons

    It might not be possible now, but this is an urgent priority if there's any future development or forks :blobfoxbongo:

  • How do I enable Content Warning?

    Sorry if I'm off topic. I've read the code of conduct, and it says something about content warning policy. I know how content warning works on Mastodon, but how do you enable content warning on Lemmy?

  • [Resolved] Content Warning Link Loops

    Hey there, I just tried to check out what the Content Warning policies were for here, but the link loops back to the main Code of Conduct page. Just thought I'd let you know!

  • [Resolved] Should Pawb.Social continue running Lemmy, or swap to an alternative?

    Important Update

    We’re going to be setting up a fork to maintain some separation, add additional features, and remove references due to raised concerns.

    So, we will not be changing software, and will be continuing business as usual.

    We've forked the repositories and they can be found at these URLs: and

    You can follow the instructions at for setting up a local development environment.


    [ original post continues ]

    Hey everyone!

    We received feedback that raised concerns regarding the apparent moderation and censorship issues around, and allegations made by Feditips about the Lemmy developers.

    We'd appreciate some feedback from users of our community (users here, or on the Fediverse),, and

    As it stands, we have defederated from one of the more prominent problematic instances,, but haven't taken any action against

    So the question stands: Should we continue running Lemmy, or swap to an alternative?

    The currently considered alternative would be (example instance: which shares being a FOSS project with full ActivityPub support.

    If we continue to run Lemmy, we wouldn't be opposed to having a forked version that removes certain elements from the UI, such as the donate icon, but, we would require community assistance to maintain this fork.



    • Beware by Feditips (recently reposted):
    • "Expressing concerns about moderation policy on" -
    • Comments in
  • Links in New Tab

    Probably nothing you can do about this but it would be handy if when I click on a link to the article in a post it would open up in a new tab by default. Just one of those little nags but not a real big deal.

  • Consider removing the donation link in the UI and adding a warning about Lemmy

    The creators of Lemmy are tankies and have some pretty despicable views, maybe we shouldn't advertise giving them money.

    I like the software, it feels cozy outside some communities from, and I hope someone forks it eventually, but for now removing the link should be easy to do.

    Relevant thread:

  • Can't join a lemmy community from the search box

    Tried to join from the search box and it failed.

0 Active user