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Jail terms and a repeat
  • Yeah, while I'm not really a fan of JSO, sending people to jail for damaging a wooden frame is pretty insane, for 2 years no less. Would be overkill even if they had damaged the paintings IMO.

  • Domino's or Pizza Hut?
  • Pretty sure both chains offer vegan pizzas. So then it's only an atrocity against Italian cuisine (not because it's vegan, but because you could've chosen a proper pizzeria).

  • Domino's or Pizza Hut?
  • I've only eaten at Pizza Hut once and it was in Shanghai, in 2008. It was fine. Never had Domino's. There are excellent Italian pizzerias all over Europe, so I never feel the need to go for a chain.

  • If you were never a "fuck cars" person, hang out near a school
  • It's also a problem that's getting worse. When I was in school in the 2000s, like 80% of the kids took the bus and half of the remaining ones (like me) came by bike. Now my niece goes to the same school and she's one of very few kids still taking the bus there. The schoolyard turns into a chaotic mess of SUVs every morning. I guess it goes hand in hand with helicopter parenting becoming normalized.

  • Durchschnittlich 8 Tote und 1 004 Verletzte pro Tag im Straßenverkehr im Jahr 2023
  • Schon Wahnsinn wie das einfach als Teil des Lebens hingenommen wird, aber wenn es mal nach vielen Jahren eine einzige Terrorattacke mit 3 Toten gibt ist das ein Notstand der sofort radikale Maßnahmen erfordert.

  • Grüne Jugend: Vorstand der Grünen Jugend tritt zurück und aus der Partei aus
  • Schon richtig. Aber ob es da dann hilft, aus der Partei auszutreten und eine neue Partei zu gründen, die den Grünen vielleicht ein paar Prozent wegnehmen können, aber vermutlich nicht genug um in den Bundestag einzuziehen, ist die andere Frage. Wäre natürlich schön wenn sie deutlich mehr Erfolg haben, aber das halte ich eher nicht für wahrscheinlich. Mit dem Führungswechsel bei den Grünen wäre vielleicht auch gerade ein guter Moment gewesen, in der eigenen Partei eine Veränderung zu bewirken.

  • Grüne Jugend: Vorstand der Grünen Jugend tritt zurück und aus der Partei aus
  • Habe dazu gemischte Gefühle. Warte zwar schon lange auf eine linke Partei die ich wirklich aus Überzeugung wählen kann, aber dieses ständige Aufsplittern der linken Parteien hilft am Ende nur den Rechten.

  • Meta: “Introducing Orion, Our First True Augmented Reality Glasses”
  • Google Glass was not AR. They were "smart glasses" with severely limited functionality for an extremely high price. That's mainly why they failed, not the privacy backlash. The majority of people don't care about privacy, just look at what information people put on the Internet.

  • Old Tram Picture!
  • Interesting picture that took me down a bit of a rabbit hole, as I was wondering why it had "Türkischer Basar" or "Turkish Bazar" as the destination. Turns out that between 1980 and 1993, there was indeed a Turkish bazar inside the Bülowstraße station in Berlin, which had been closed as a regular station due to the separation from East Berlin.

  • What is a small gadget under $10-20 that you absolutely LOVE?
  • Moondrop Chu 2 earphones. I use expensive Hifi gear at home, but those are more than good enough on the go while also being cheap enough for me not to have to worry about them getting damaged or stolen.

  • What prevents Linux from being installed on mobile devices?
  • Nothing really. Someone else already wrote that Android is technically Linux. But you can also get "regular" Linux on mobile devices, it's just a matter of using a distribution with mobile-friendly UI as well as getting driver support for the phone's hardware. Ubuntu touch exists for example, but only works on a limited number of devices and even on supported devices it's not really suitable for the average user yet.

  • God of War Ragnarok Steam reviews are ‘mixed’ right now, as players criticize the PC version due to account linking, just like Helldivers 2.
  • No, that's incorrect. None of the previous games required it, except for multiplayer. For example you could play the Ghost of Tsushima campaign just fine without an account. This one seems to be entirely singleplayer and yet requires an account for no reason.

  • New Motherboard with loose CMOS Battery - Should I worry/return?

    I'm currently waiting for all the components for my PC upgrade to arrive. Got the motherboard today and immediately upon opening, I noticed that the CMOS battery was not in its slot but just kind of next to it loose on top of the board. The slot seems fine, it seems to fit securely in there. No scratches on the board either. But now I'm a bit worried - could the battery have shorted something on the motherboard? It holds a charge after all. What do you think - should I return it for a new one untested or are the chances of the battery harming anything so miniscule that I should just go for it and use it in my build?

    Games that support the Deck's multitouch

    The Steam Deck's multitouch screen might be its most underutilised feature. Until recently, I wasn't even sure whether devs could use it for anything more than simple mouse emulation. But I've just started playing "Sky: Children of the Light" on my Deck (which is generally a great experience on Deck, especially on the OLED with 90Hz HDR) and I found that when using a musical instrument, you can actually use the touchscreen to play up to 10 notes at the same time.

    This got me curious: Do you know if there are any other games on Deck using multitouch, or is Sky the first one that does it?

    Rule Furry-Four PonyOfWar
    Furrified Bladerunner 2049 scene by TwoKinds
    YouTube’s ad blocker problems are just an AdBlock Plus bug YouTube’s ad blocker problems are just an AdBlock Plus bug

    Latest consensus is that YouTube performance issues seem to be Adblock Plus' fault.

    YouTube’s ad blocker problems are just an AdBlock Plus bug

    That would explain why I didn't have any problems with Youtube and uBlock Origin.

    Federation issues with

    I've noticed that Pawb no longer seems to receive any new posts from any communities. For example, if I view the "DACH" community through Pawb, the latest post is from 7 days ago, while on feddit itself, there were many posts in the last 7 days. Both instances still seem to be federated and aren't on each other's blocklists. Any idea what is happening here?

    Can't reply to kbin accounts

    Hi everyone! I've noticed for a while now that I can't reply to comments made by kbin accounts using my account here. Not even talking about kbin threads, but for example if I reply to any kbin-made comment over on, once I click submit it just keeps spinning without ever posting the reply. I often see users from other lemmy instances replying to them though, so it doesn't seem like a general lemmy problem. Does everyone else here have this problem as well?

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