keeps stuck on the loading screen (Falkon web browser)
How do you access your subscribed communities on mobile?
Translator badge!
Photon theming changes, new markdown renderer, and lots of tweaks
installation instructions needed
"Night Forest" Theme Based on Material Design 3 Guidelines
How would you feel about this feature?
Thanks to all translators!
Which dataset should be used for Photon's media bias action?
Admins: Photon now offers a node server
Fewer than 15% of Lemmy Apps display posts accurately
Way to turn off “snapping” when scrolling?
Did people think the old dark theme was black?
Is it technically possible to make a client version of this software?
Photon Gray Dark
i finally fixed user and community links
The theme update
Does anyone else prefer how these buttons looked before? (rounded squares)
What do you think of this theme becoming the default dark theme?
[tag3] New markdown renderer