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Character ai is now serving roughly 20,000 messages a second (1.75b/day), around 20% of how many google search results are returned. The loneliness of capitalism is showing itself.
  • pay for OpenAI API access, then use their API key in sillytavern. definitely most cost effective way to get good results. lot of the online ai websites are total scams considering using source API is really not that expensive in comparison. they up-charge like crazy

  • Character ai is now serving roughly 20,000 messages a second (1.75b/day), around 20% of how many google search results are returned. The loneliness of capitalism is showing itself.
  • yes, until you realize that 1 GPT query consumes 1567% (15x) the amount of energy of a single google search result..

  • Fuck it. Critical support to Zelensky I guess
  • two state solution is fascist af but this is better than like 99% of western countries and it being ukraine specifically is awesome, so critical support i guess

  • I hate electoralism.

  • NSFW
    TBF they had to price in the listeria and tuberculosis (cw: milk)
  • Don't know if I'd sell living a life of being raped and then having my bodily fluids forcefully extracted from me and then my babies murdered for 27 bucks tbf, but that's just me

  • "Meat spill" forces 4-hour closure of I-880 northbound lanes in Oakland
  • There is no leftist movement without animal emancipation/veganism

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • That's destiny not SDL? Or am I missing something (Edit nvm saw ur edit)

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • hes actually tried arguing that???????????

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • Personally, if you've made edgy jokes about Black people in the last five years, I'm not sure you need to be the one to educate others on the politics of the left. You might have more learning to do yourself.

    Let VICE cook... Let them cook fr

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds

  • Centrists are just as annoying as chuds
  • LOL, MLism and Marxist principles are entirely about destroying individualism and helping the prosperity of the community before anything else. Clearly this is comparable to wanting to genocide "inferior races" for the future of the white man or whatever

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • they gotta call it like Leath'r or something like they do with "chick'n" or "be'f" lol and yes be'f is real see the image

  • who else is excited for the beginning of 'kink at pride' discourse month?
  • leather harness should be taboo for completely different reasons lol

  • Deleted
  • I'm in NorCal.. I'll go buy a Korean war veteran cap so I can at least be 2/5

  • tech bro accidentally sent their son to Japan to study Chinese
  • San Fransisco, a true modern communist dictatorship red-fascist dystopia...

  • Horse people and horse riding is my pet peeve
  • may the revolution begin with horse people

  • Horse people and horse riding is my pet peeve
  • OK, I misunderstood your original comment sorry. I think I can still like, personally empathize a lot more with the working dog owner than the horse rider. And that just comes down to me not understanding how someone could be riding a horse and not question if this is harmful/ethical. but I don't mean to say anyone's attachment or feelings are illigetament, this is just my perspective personally/personal inability to understand their feelings as someone who spends her life working with animals

  • Horse people and horse riding is my pet peeve
  • I made a semi-lengthy reply to someone else in this thread that I'm curious to hear your thoughts on, if you have the time

  • Horse people and horse riding is my pet peeve
  • I know this post is for fun but I'm gonna share what I know about this anyways, not trying to be condescending or anything! but:

    horses are pretty intelligent. how an animal adjusts to being forced in a situation, in this case human society, with no instincts for any of the contexts of that situation, shouldn't be used to determine their intelligence. a quick adaptation to human society can be indicative of high intelligence (see: crows) but measuring animal intelligence on that alone is unfair. horses are actually really good at surviving in the wild, including domestic horses. Australia has a massive feral horse population that developed from escapees and they're one of the most invasive species on the continent, to the point that the government is starting horse hunting programs to try and maintain it. they are very good at surviving in the wild and adapting to different wild environments. their navigation abilities being used to transport humans for thousands of years and being so good at it is also indicative on high intelligence. but most of their intelligence is emotional, they're super emotional creatures & emotionally intelligent. they just kind of suck at being pets/living on farms. being confined to small spaces is also basically torturous to them, I don't think any amount of land a horse owner has is enough for them. in the wild they are literally never confined to one space which is unlike all other common barn animals. with the amount of space they get in captivity they kind of have no idea what to do, get depressed or bored out of their mind, and end up doing a lot of dumb shit that makes them look stupid. but it's not fair to them! the whole reason they look dumb to us is because of the abusive conditions they're given, by us!

  • where can I real time chat w/ a hexbear-like community? matrix, xmpp, discord, anything?

    seems like the matrix instance is completely closed, the matapacos mastodon instance is too inactive for my liking (still in there tho), i havent really seen any large discords and im aware we dont really like discord here but im at a loss. i wanna connect with more like-minded communists and this lemmy is the only online place ive really seen with similar principles to mine (vegan, non-sectarian, anti-imperialist). anyone got any leads?
