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Unofficial community for the band Ghost
Unofficial community for the band Ghost

A community for discussing all things Ghost.

Ghost is a Swedish rock band from Sweden, formed in 2006. They are currently touring the world in the Re-Imperatour cycle.

Basic Rules-

So, everyone’s here to have a good time, let’s take a look at some of the ways we keep it a good time-

If you are feeling like your brain is a little wobbly at the new format: may help figure things out.

This is an ALL AGES group- please keep the sexy talk to a minimum and stick to about a PG13 level here. I am certain that there are other places for the after-dark discussions, I probably belong to a couple of them. This, however, is a family group and not a group for makin’ families. Heeeeeyooooo.

This is a Ghost discussion community: of course, as with any artform- there are topics that the music might bring up. I feel that type of discourse is incredibly important but, thus far, I haven’t seen much to indicate people realize how to discuss heated issues. Perhaps

Active Today
2 yr. ago