Which Motörhead song do you think it is?
Which Motörhead song do you think it is?

Hello there, my delightful void!
So, Ghost en Espanol posted this question on IG and I know a bunch of people assumed [God Was Never On Your Side] (https://youtu.be/o1hSSuc42P8) and the funny thing is, I’ve had [Love Me Like a Reptile] (https://youtu.be/mx6zew2a-mc) stuck in my head off and on for a couple weeks, now and though that one actually is from 1980- God Was Never On Your Side is from 2006- but even I thought about it at first because let’s face it, it’s a pretty brilliant song.
I am torn between LMLAR and Live To Win, at this point and I’m probably incorrect either way. 😂
(Now let’s just see if I’ve formatted properly…)