Has this really been here for 2 years?
Tray's Trades: AMC Stock - If you're going to watch any of my videos, make it this one
The Free Market Isn't Free | The GameStop Saga Explained
Robinhood is facing nearly 50 lawsuits over GameStop frenzy | NY Times
Worst stock traders I've ever heard of
23.6% of All US Dollars Were Created in the Last Year
The power, potential and peril of the GameStop affair
Should you take financial advice from Reddit?
No, We Are Not Going to Beat Capitalism on the Stock Market | LeftVoice
Elon Musk talks with Robinhood CEO (audio)
Fuck you media - Why GME is more than a trade (from german wsb)
Counterfeiting Stock - Explaining naked shorting and stock manipulation
Robinhood app tells us that socialism is when you’re Nazi Germany
This guy.
Robinhood blocks purchases of Gamespot, AMC
Damn, was kinda hoping this community would be a thing since the Reddit one got banned.