Cards Against Humanity continue to bring good into the world
Cards Against Humanity continue to bring good into the world
Cards Against Humanity continue to bring good into the world
So this is probably a plan to call out Elon musk's stupid "pay to sign a petition" plan. Basically just buying votes. The more attention these schemes get, the more likely they will be made officially illegal.
Sort of a Satanic Temple maneuver. I like it.
Cards Against Humanity is exploiting a legal loophole to pay America’s blue-leaning non-voters to (1) apologize for not voting last time, (2) walk us through a step-by-step plan of how they’d vote this time, and (3) post “Donald Trump is a human toilet” on social media. This whole thing should probably be illegal—so quick, give us your money before they change the law!
Highly recommend giving the whole thing a read. It's pretty funny (and messed up)