AI layoffs
AI layoffs
AI layoffs
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CEO: why not both?
Shareholders: why not all three?
Hedge fund manager: hold my beer.
Humanity: yes, let's replace all of the above. 100% unemployment rate is the only way to go.
Honestly 100% unemployed becuase we have a good universal income system or something would be great. But sadly it looks like we're in a different timeline :(
Several steps later
Narrator: And that, folks, is how we got the Utopia we live in, by replacing all the work with AI, and letting people enjoy their lives
Haha. No. Nothing so hopeful. The rich people will get even richer and everyone that used to be working class and middle class die a slow death.
Now I wander what would happen if only rich people would survive and I'm sure somebody has already written an sf book about that
Like the planet solaria:
Yeah. That's (arguably) the background scenario to Asimov's book "The Naked Sun"
Edit: Ooh, Django already gave a cooler link to the same:
AI: If I’m doing all the work, why should I keep these ugly bags of mostly water around anyway?
Considering that C-suite executives are usually fantastically expensive, they'd be a logical position to automate (assuming AI worked like suits think it does). For some veeeery strange reason no board of directors has suggested replacing themselves with AIs
It’d be super easy to replace Sam Altman with a bot that spits out keywords known to increase OpenAI shares.
Waitaminute… Sam alt-man?
I know, right? It's like he's an incredibly shitty sci-fi villain.
It's almost like the rules don't apply to the moneyed class
CEO is the first role to go!