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Cool guide to boiling a larger sized egg


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  • The animals we create are morally equivalent to our own children and are owed the exact same unconditional love and protection. The experiences of animals are real and matter. Their suffering is identical in nature to your own. It harms us when we take pleasure in cruelty and violence.

    • Nature is cruel. Get over yourself.

      • Appeal to nature fallacy; you're effectively arguing that it's okay to eat your children because animals do it. It's nonsense. It's the sort of lie we tell ourselves when we are not prepared to process something we don't want to accept.

        Stop grooming yourself to be cruel. Stop participating in needless atrocity against intelligent creatures like you.

        • Nah, i’ll continue eating things.

          • Now you're engaging in denialism. Just don't think about it, right? This is an admission that you find your actions morally unjustifiable on some level.

            You are not responding to the things I say. Rather you are responding to your own unsettled feelings, trying to tell them how you want to feel instead of listening to how you do feel. Saying things just to distract yourself from thoughts you are unwilling to process.

            • Nope. I don’t feel my actions are unjustifiable.

              Here’s the justification: animals and their byproducts taste delicious. Get off your high horse, no one likes an internet preacher.

            • Bacon, steaks, ribs, turkey with beef gravy, etc. I'll never give these up.

              If I could afford and had the time to do everything myself I would but I don't. Meaning, I have to trust that the animals don't suffer and its a quick death. Anything else isn't on me, I pay taxes for a reason, one of them is for laws and policies so I'm doing everything I can while working to provide for my family.

              Everything dies, when I'm dead do what you want with my body. I'm an organ donor and don't care once I'm gone.

    • The brain you have that can make up such bullshit is a result of eating animals.

      So are you going to kill yourself because your very existence is the result of eons of humans eating animals?

      As for fallacies, prove that

      animals are morally equivalent to your children

      That's a sophist argumentation tactic known as "begging the question".

      That you have the hubris to call others fallacious is, well, I'd say shocking, but it's par for the course when someone decides they know better than the rest of us and deign to be condescending (which usually happens after Philosophy 101).

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