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Daily discussion. 🚊🚋 🐀🎟️ Friday, 26 July, 2024


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  • I'm so over being at home. I seem to be done with the night sweats and headaches and sore throat; the cough is now mostly at night and after eating food. Yesterday I hardly coughed until right after dinner when it turned into a couple hours of feeling like I had little flecks of liquid constantly entering my windpipe, resulting in increasingly chesty yet mostly dry coughs. I think it's laryngopharyngneal reflux, took a PPI last night and one this nothing and not coughing nearly as much tonight.

    If I stay on the PPIs for several days hopefully that'll be it. I desperately need to go out for some chores this weekend and to break the cabin fever. And I really DO NOT want to keep working from home next week

    E: really craving fish and potato patties... or soft floppy hot chips.

    • hugs , hope you're feeling much better soon and are able to go out asap

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