The Lord of the Rings anime looks appropriately epic in first trailer
The Lord of the Rings anime looks appropriately epic in first trailer

A different look for Middle-earth.

Yes, yes it does!
The Lord of the Rings anime looks appropriately epic in first trailer
A different look for Middle-earth.
Yes, yes it does!
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Please just call it, "Epic Medieval Fantasy Isekai or Tensei". STOP trying to put "JRR Tolkien" or "LoTR" or "Arda" or anything JRR Tolkien in anything anymore. PLEASE STOP. It is Fantasy and that is good enough term for almost everything with Elves or Dwarves or Hobbits. It is all Fantasy. AND NO YOU ARE NOT JRR TOLKIEN. AND YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTER THAN JRR TOLKIEN. PLEASE STOP. DO YOUR OWN THING.
Your rage is at about 7/10 , but I won't listen to what you're saying unless to you dial it up. Can you crank it up to 10 and rewrite the comment?
It is based on the story and world created by Tolkien. It isn't just elves and dwarves. Sure, using the name is a cash grab but it's not entirely false.
Using a dead author's work without his permission is truly what you are doing. Wait till it is an author you like or a story you wish to protect. No one of you can deny what I said is true. Im done with this kind of moderators and community. Thanks for all the fish!
So as soon as the author dies, that's it, no derivatives, no nods, just that's it. If that was the way humans worked we would still be in the stone age. Thankfully it isn't.
And that's how you spell G-A-T-E-K-E-E-P-I-N-G.
What? You don't have to watch it you know. Next time you reach for the rage, maybe have a sleep, write something better the next day
My first block on lemmy! Congratulations